What It’s Like To Work At Apple | Cult of Mac

What It’s Like To Work At Apple

Want to know what it’s like to work at Apple? A post over at Quora has some illuminating answers, but according to ex-employee Chad Little, it all boils down to “a divided mix of typical corporate red tape and politics… mixed with a start-up level [of] urgency when the direction comes from Steve.”

“If you have a project that Steve is not involved in, it will take months of meetings to move things forward,” says Little. “If Steve wants it done, it’s done faster than anyone thinks is humanly possible.

Little cites the energy and excitement of the product launch process as the biggest high of the Apple employment experience. Curiously, though, he cites the perks as pretty bad compared to other companies: the cafe’s expensive (although you can apparently get 25 cent Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches, which is just adorable) as is the gym.

You don’t even get a particularly good discount on Apple products: you are allowed to buy only one computer system at 25% off per year. Jobs’ defense of this cheapness is pretty flip: “It’s my job to make your stock go up so you can afford these things.”

Supplementing Little’s comments on Apple’s internal culture comes this quote by former colleague Justin Maxwell, who succinctly explains Apple’s obsession with secrecy: “You are part of something much bigger than you. The ideas you talk about in the hall, the neat tricks you figured out in CSS, the new unibody machining technique, that’s part of your job, something you are paid to do for Apple’s success, not something you need to blog about to satisfy your ego. Don’t fuck it up for everyone.”

At the end of the day, though, it’s all good: “[I]t’s exciting to be part of this. Knowing that that codename you know isn’t the same codename someone else knows, designed to see who slips up and leaks. Knowing that that thing you’re working on might not be what you think it is at all, only the relevant details of your interaction with it and work on it are what matter. It creates such a huge amount of respect for what the company is doing, internally, and I think people feel good about participating in it.”

What about you? Want to sign up?

[via 9to5Mac]

About the author

John Brownlee

John Brownlee is news editor here at Cult of Mac, and has also written about a lot of things for a lot of different places, including Wired, Playboy, Boing Boing, Popular Mechanics, Gizmodo, Kotaku, Lifehacker, AMC, Geek and the Consumerist. He lives in Boston with his charming inamorata and a tiny budgerigar punningly christened after Nabokov's most famous pervert. You can follow him here on Twitter.

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  • pecka

    That is Google campus in photo. ;)

  • John Brownlee

    Really? CRAP. It came up on an image search for Apple campus and everything. I’ll fix, thanks.

  • BA

    Brownlee strikes again!

  • Barbara

    Corporations are corporations no matter how you cut it. Apple is not too different except for their draconian privacy policy. I’m actually surprised more companies don’t follow suit. It’s actually a great idea. Keep people buying your products up until the last minute before new models are released. I have to say that Justin Maxwell definitely drank the Apple flavored Koolaid. But if it makes him feel fulfilled in his job, then it’s not such a bad thing. Personally, I drank some myself. I don’t make as much money as I used to, but I really enjoy my job so it’s a good trade off.

  • Macfixer1

    As a former specialist/creative instructor in one of Apples largest South Fl retailers, I can say that there are two sides to this story. Yes, Cupertino is the bomb but without the troops in the ditches explaining why AT&T is refusing to upgrade your iPhone purchase or “whatever”, or better yet, why you have to hold your iPhone 4 with 2 fingers facing SXSW, under a full moon… And it’s just a “software” issue…

    Let’s give some thanks to the retail end where we must spend our days teaching the souless minions who’s only now figuring out just now what a DVR is. To be fair, without the “un” tech savvy, I’d be outta work! (lol)