/ FICORA tests DNSSEC on fi TLD
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The Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (FICORA), which operates the ax (Åland) and fi (Finland) top-level domain names, will begin testing a Domain Name System Security (DNSSEC) compatible system on fi domain names in summer 2010. FICORA intends to initiate production use of the system in autumn 2010. DNSSEC service will be generally available to FICORA domain name holders in March 2011.

According to Sami Salmensuo, Technical Specialist at FICORA, domain name holders do not need to take any action at this time, “but network operators are responsible for the introduction of the security extension”.

DNSSEC adds origin authentication and integrity assurance services, including mechanisms for authenticated denial of existence of data, to the Domain Name System (DNS). These services protect against several threats to the DNS. However, DNSSEC does not provide confidentiality.

What do you think of DNSSEC deployment in Finland or elsewhere? Please post your comments!

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