Volkswagen takes 49.9 percent stake in Porsche AG Skip to main content

Volkswagen takes 49.9 percent stake in Porsche AG

Posted Dec 8th 2009 9:32AM

Cue Ennio Morricone and the symphonic accompaniment to the endgame: VW has officially taken a 49.9% stake in Porsche. VW paid €3.9 billion ($5.75B U.S.) for its cut, "based on the enterprise value for Porsche AG calculated under a careful due diligence and valuation procedure." That's a few shades more than the €3.3 billion amount VW was saying it would pay a few months ago.

In acquiring Porsche, VW not only gains a premium brand that is still among the most profitable in the business, but VW expects its operating profit to jump by €700 million ($1.03B U.S.) over time due to cost-saving synergies. The purchase won't be finalized until 2011, though, when VW will incorporate Porsche Holding Salzburg, Europe's largest car dealer which also happens to be owned by Porsche.

You can read VW's press release – which has an air of something from Napoleon's PR department after the Battle of Austerlitz – after the jump.

[Source: Volkswagen]


Volkswagen takes 49.9 percent stake in Porsche AG
Further milestone reached on the way towards the integrated automotive group with Porsche

Wolfsburg, 07 December 2009 - Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft has today taken a 49.9 percent stake in Porsche AG. The next important step on the way towards the integrated automotive group with Porsche has therefore been completed, as announced, before the end of the year. The price for the stake is €3.9 billion and is based on the enterprise value for Porsche AG calculated under a careful due diligence and valuation procedure.

Following the Comprehensive Agreement concluded in August, the implementation agreements signed in November and the Volkswagen Extraordinary General Meeting held last week, the stake in Porsche AG represents the next milestone on the way towards the integrated automotive group with Porsche under the leadership of Volkswagen. The acquisition of the trading business of Porsche Holding Salzburg is planned for 2011. The creation of the integrated automotive group is then to conclude with the merger of Volkswagen AG and Porsche SE during the course of the same year.

The combination of the two companies follows a compelling strategic, industrial and financial logic. For the Volkswagen Group, Porsche ideally complements the brand portfolio. The Stuttgart-based car maker will allow Volkswagen to further expand its position in the premium business, which offers particularly strong earnings. In turn, as an independent brand under the roof of the Volkswagen Group, Porsche will have the potential for significant additional growth.

The transaction will have a sustained positive effect on the earnings situation of the Volkswagen Group. With a return on sales of 10.3 percent, Porsche AG is the world's most profitable automobile manufacturer. Volkswagen will in future participate in this business success through its stake. In addition, the planned integration of Porsche in the Volkswagen Group and the associated closer cooperation will realize significant synergies on both the income and the cost side. As a result, the annual operating profit of the Volkswagen Group is expected to increase by some €700 million in the long term.

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Models that can run on ethanol-based E85, for instance, are allowed mileage calculations based on the small fraction — 15 percent — of regular gas that's used when running on E85. That means E85-compatible SUVs like the Chevrolet Suburban or Dodge Durango could register gas mileage similar to an economy car. Mileage figures are averaged across a range of engines and transmissions per vehicle, too, so a particularly high- or low-mileage trim level could skew the numbers for an entire carline. Heavy-duty models, like the Ford F-Series Super Duty and Chevrolet Silverado HD, are exempt from the calculations.

February 18 2010 at 11:16 PM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

Can be that bad...

Can it?

December 21 2009 at 11:19 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

Most of you, as well as I, on this blog cannot even afford a Porsche, so cut the crap about brand dilution. All I see is VW, as they did with Audi, Lambo and Bentley, etc...will be a good thing for us people in the bottom of the scale. The technology and possible platform sharing may bring a more affordable Porsche/Audi. After all, VW/Porsche was one company back in the Ferdinand days, don't tell me Porsche didn't have VW parts back in the day. I know there are interchangeable parts between the two brands for certain older models.

December 09 2009 at 8:47 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply
1 reply to andrinoe's comment

Speak for yourself about not being able to afford a Porsche. And that parts sharing back in the day....That was back in the day, not now. Some people (who can afford one) like to have a sports car that isn't plagued with pathetic reliability. And don't start on bringing a modern day 914. Look where that car ended up as. Sorry performance for a Porsche even back then, and the really good 914s are so heavily modified they're not really 914s anymore.

December 09 2009 at 3:00 PM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

Sad day.

December 08 2009 at 2:40 PM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

Were they too cheap to fork over the cash for the other 0.1%? lol

December 08 2009 at 10:57 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

As a long time Porsche fan and former owner (hope to be again) this saddens me. Porsche will soon become just another brand in the VW supermarket.

December 08 2009 at 10:47 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply
1 reply to Throwback's comment

i'm not sure of that , if anything Porsche will be better. the same guys are in control as before, except that Porsche has more resources now. can't wait to see the Panamera GTS, Panamera convertible and maybe the coupe version. hopefully the road legal RS Spyder was more than just a rumour.

December 08 2009 at 11:00 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

That's a license to destroy Porsche from a quality perspective. Take it from a guy who has owned an Audi and still owns a VW, and never does a day go by without cursing their "over engineers"

December 08 2009 at 10:36 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

"VW expects its operating profit to jump by €700 million ($1.03B U.S.) over time due to cost-saving synergies. "

Anyone else think that sounds ominous? I just hope all the cost savings happens under the skin, in the electrical bits, HVAC.

December 08 2009 at 10:26 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply
7 replies to StickShift's comment

As far as I know, Porsche Holding PEOPLE still OWNS VW, they have the majority shares in VW. So they are just buying themself. I know it's confusing for people to grasp, but there's nothing dramatic in this :) It's still in reality Porsche that owns VW.

December 08 2009 at 9:56 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply
2 replies to biXen's comment

Porsche has a little over 50% of votes, they own 22.5% of vw. There's more to vw than just their stock value.

December 08 2009 at 10:45 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

The reason VW is buying Porche is because all of Porche's value lies in their holdings of Volkswagen group. Porche's bold takeover attempt was contingent on maintaining the massive revenues from their vehicle sales to keep them afloat. The carpocalypse threw a wrench in their plans. Unless I'm mistaken, Porche is virtually insolvent at this point. That's what happens when you're value is inflated in hard assets with limited liquidity. VW is buying shares of Porche in order to infuse cash into the company, and are essentially buying themselves back and taking over Porche at the same time (partially using revenues from Porche's takeover attempt no less).

To keep the Napoleon metaphor going: If Porche is Napoleon & the battle of Austerlitz was their takeover last year, today's events are them getting spanked on their way back from Moscow. Game. Set. Match.

December 08 2009 at 12:28 PM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply
Mike Zachaczewski

Wow! Just not long ago Porsche was going to buy half of VW.
Hopefully the platform sharing will not dilute the Porsche brand.

December 08 2009 at 9:50 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply
1 reply to Mike Zachaczewski's comment

put any porsche build in the last decade next to any VAG car build in the last ....

the building quality is exactly the same.
i mean, take a look @ the sheet metal, light units, gaps between the sheet metal.
the gaps between a lightunit and sheet metal.

i think porsche makes a design and engineers the engines, but the chassis/body final rendering is done @ vag.

or maby VAG tools engineers.

i don't know, but it looks like it made by the same hands.

they have been been involved for a very a long time.
the beetle, the 914, the 924, the classic monster RS2(witch still is among the fastest accelerating car on the world), etc, etc...

December 09 2009 at 11:43 AM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply
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