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Archive for October, 2005

we rock!

Mp3blog I love music. But I hate when three applications fight over which gets to play it when I click on the links at . So I decided to do something about it: you will now notice a to the left of every mp3 link. Go ahead, click on it and enjoy the peaceful beauty when the music just plays.

40 comments October 28th, 2005

bundle up

Bundle A tag bundle is just a group of related tags you can use to organize your tag cloud. It’s a handy feature, but the interface for managing bundles has left quite a bit to be desired. One of the things we included in our release last weekend is a new interface that should make bundles a lot easier to use. To try it out, just go to your bookmarks page and click ‘arrange tags’ under ‘options’ at the bottom right.

20 comments October 27th, 2005

at web2.0

W2con_1Those of you attending O’Reilly’s Web 2.0 Conference may wish to come heckle me and my co-panelists at tomorrow’s 8:30am panel session, “What’s In A Tag?”

Joining me will be Tantek Çelik of Technorati, Caterina Fake of Flickr, Tony Stubblebine of O’Reilly, and Jeff Veen of Adaptive Path.

If there’s enough interest, I’d love to organize a get-together sessions on Wednesday evening. Drop me line if you are interested (please suggest venues near the conference center as well.)

6 comments October 4th, 2005

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