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Archive for November, 2005

extend your firefox 581%

After much effort, we’ve finally released our official Firefox extension which supports Firefox 1.0.7+ and up.

Highlights include:

  • buttons. Easily access your bookmarks and post new bookmarks.Position these buttons anywhere you’d like.

  • Popup post window. Post a bookmark without leaving the page you are on.The popup disappears after you hit “save”.

  • Right-click post. Bring up the post popup from any mouse position.Right-click on a link to post that link.

  • Highlight notes. Add notes to your post by highlighting text and then posting.Notes can help you remember an item.

  • menu. Quick access to with keyboard shortcuts.Menu can be hidden if desired.

  • search. Quickly search for your bookmarks or others.Discover new sites.

110 comments November 29th, 2005

We rock (part 2)

We recently added a way to play back mp3 links posted to without leaving the page or browser. Many of you loved this solution and asked if you could put it on your blog or website. I now have an answer for you – yes you can! PlayTagger is a simple javascript you include on your site that automatically makes any mp3 link playable on your page. It also includes a link that allows visitors to easily post the mp3 to

The PlayTagger code and example are located here:

P.S. Sorry this took so long. We have actually had the code done for two weeks, but choosing the name proved harder than we could have imagined. Some names that didn’t make the cut: playDots, medialicious, mmmmMp3, mp3 player, ClickNipples, etc.

42 comments November 22nd, 2005

a few more things

  • We’ve finally re-done our help section. An RSS feed for new features and changes will be coming soon.
  • Include your tags in your blog via our new tagroll.
  • Navigating is now easier with editable breadcrumbs.
  • Hardcore Internet Explorer fans can rock-out style with an Active Channel feed. Gopher support is under consideration.

26 comments November 13th, 2005

what is web 2.0?

Graph1There has been lot of discussion about what Web 2.0 really is, so we thought we’d use the power of Web 2.0 itself to come up with the answer, and here it is:


Just kidding. What we actually did was take a look at all the tag data going back to February 2004 (the month of the first use of Web 2.0 as a tag on, and analyzed all the bookmarks and tags related to the term. We can report that as of October 31, 2005 there have been over 230,000 separate bookmarks and over 7,000 unique tags associated with the term “Web 2.0” by users. So for this exercise, we lopped off the really long tail and normalized some similar terms (e.g. combining blog, blogs, and blogging), and came up with this snapshot of what Web 2.0 REALLY is – at least according to users’ most popular tags through the end of October 2005:

ajax 9.9%
blog 6.1%
social 4.2%
tools 4.1%
software 3.3%
tagging 3.3%
javascript 2.8%
internet 2.6%
programming 2.5%
rss 2.5%

Other notable tags included rubyonrails (1.8%), (1.6%), folksonomy (1.4%), community (1.1%), wiki (.9%), flickr (.8%), free (.7%), trends (.6%), flock (.4%) and googlemaps (.3%).

So there you have it – interesting, but it still seems to fall short of a definitive answer. Maybe the blinding flash of the obvious is that Web 2.0 is best defined as arguing about what Web 2.0 is really about.

30 comments November 12th, 2005

find the URL of your dreams

As some of you already know, quietly released a newer, much spiffier search engine about two weeks ago. I can assure you that it would have been a much louder release had hurricane Wilma not cut my services shortly afterwards. I’m back now, and I’m happy—damned proud, actually—to announce our fully armed and operational search engine. Go try it!

By the way, here are some details about the new query syntax. It’s dead easy: Enter some words, and you’ll get back links that contain all of them: bacon lettuce tomato finds BLTs.

The search engine goes through tags, page titles, extended descriptions… the works. Tags can be searched exclusively, though. Prefix tags with “tag:” like so: tag:bacon.

The purists out there might want to search for BLTs specifically. They’re welcome to look for “bacon lettuce and tomato” as a phrase. Note the quotes.

Maybe you can take or leave bacon. Maybe you also like tofu sandwiches. You’re the kind of person who’ll love the OR operator and parentheses: (bacon OR tofu) lettuce tomato gets you BLTs or the tofu, lettuce and tomato variety.

Vegans can use the - (minus) prefix to exclude meat products: lettuce tomato -bacon -ham gets you salads.

The search engine also supports AND, which is almost never needed because it’s the default. There’s also NOT to negate a term. Most of the time the minus prefix will work. We even support XOR, which is a bit funky: (bacon XOR ham) cheese gets you bacon and cheese, or ham and cheese, but not bacon, ham and cheese.

But you probably almost never need to worry about all that. The simple keyword searches are a lot of fun by themselves.

14 comments November 7th, 2005

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