delicious blog » 2006 » March

Archive for March, 2006

do you have anything to declare?

We’ve just rolled out our import tool. You can now import your existing bookmarks from Firefox, IE, Safari, Opera, or anything that supports the traditional Netscape bookmark file format. If you like, we can even give you a bit of a jump-start by automatically applying the most popular tags. To try it out, click on “settings”, then “import”.

For most users the import is pretty quick. If you have a large number of browser bookmarks it might take some time to process; once it starts, you can leave the import page and come back later to check the status.

We took our time on this one because we wanted to make sure that your privacy was protected. After all, your browser bookmarks and favorites have been private up till now, and nobody wants to see all those Brangelina articles you saved, anyway. So when you import your bookmarks into we will mark everything as “not shared”. You are free to share them at any time – in fact, we encourage you to do so. Sharing is really what this site is about, after all.

99 comments March 30th, 2006

private saving ryan

Because many of you have asked for it, we have just rolled-out a beta of our private saving feature. To try it out, go to “settings” and click on “private saving” to activate; you’ll then see the new option whenever you save a page.

This is a big step for, but one that I hope will make it more useful. Because is all about sharing and we don’t want to discourage that, we will be watching how this feature impacts the community and will also be experimenting a bit with the UI over the next few weeks.

So if you’re one of those antisocial types who doesn’t like to share their toys, this one’s for you. Give it a whirl and let us know what you think.

106 comments March 19th, 2006

a few things and an outage

Ile We’ve just released a few small features — inline editing, so you can edit and arrange your bookmarks much more quickly, and we’ve prettied up the URL info page so it is easier to get at the conversation around the links.

Just after midnight on Thursday, we’ll be bringing down the site to roll out some database changes, which will allow us to release private saving and a few related features in the following week. The site will be down for about four hours; announcements will be made here as we go.

Update 12:13am Pacific: Just started the first change. I expect this part to take one hour.

Update 1:45am Pacific: Still running the first part. Just one part to go after this (will take about the same amount of time as it is just the first change propagating across the databases.)

Update 3:19am Pacific: First part just finished. Changes are replicating to the other servers. This should go more quickly.

Update 4:07am Pacific: Second part is completed. I am testing servers and preparing to bring the site back online.

Update 4:30am Pacific: The site is coming back up now. The popular and intersection servers are a bit behind and will come up shortly.

Update 4:47am Pacific: Intersection and popular are back up. There’s a few bad cached items in popular; I will let them flush themselves out over time.

Everything should be working at this point. The next round of upgrades to the site to roll out our next batch of features should not involve taking the site down.

167 comments March 9th, 2006

let me buy you a beer at sxsw

Please join Flickr,,, and Yahoo!, for Happy Hour on Sunday March 12 at Iron Cactus on the corner of Trinity and 6th from 5 to 7-ish. It’ll be fun!

Terms of Service:

User Generated Content:

Note: Space is limited, so please mark that you’re attending this event to get on the guest list.  Yup, this means you need to have an account to RSVP (cads!), but I’m sure you already have one!

Update: If you are a Flickr, or user but don’t have a SXSW badge, please RSVP here and we’ll get you in!

8 comments March 4th, 2006

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