delicious blog » 2006 » May

Archive for May, 2006

this just in

The popular page is very… well, popular. Many of you read it frequently and use it to find interesting new links. While it is a great source of links, I thought we could do a better job of showing off what the community is thinking about and looking at. So we’re trying something new: You’ll notice that the homepage now features a hotlist which is updated every hour to show you the top three most popular links as of that moment. These links are taken directly from the popular page, and we never show the same link twice. This guarantees that every time you visit the homepage, you’ll see something new (well, at least every hour).

In addition, we’ve added a new way to filter items on the recent posts page, which will allow you to only see items that have been bookmarked by more than one other person.

We are continually experimenting with how things should work. As always, feedback and ideas are welcome.

88 comments May 24th, 2006

security blanket

Back when launched APIs to let users work directly with their data, standard HTTP Auth seemed like a good idea. It’s quick and easy to work with, and since all the data was publicly available on the site itself it provided a level of security that was sufficient for the situation. Now that we have private data in the system, we want to take steps to make it more secure and more extensible.

With that in mind, we’re announcing the rollout of a new API server: Everything passed back and forth from the machine will be done over SSL. You will have to do a bit of URL rewriting, and we apologize for that inconvenience, but it will be consistent across all the API calls. If the old URL was:

the new URL will be:

The three things to highlight are the use of https (for secure connections), the new server name, and the addition of a version number where the /api/ used to be. We’ll keep the old API for another six weeks to give everyone time to change over to the new URLs. Around July 1st, we’ll close it down and send a note to the requesting applications about the change.

20 comments May 16th, 2006

make friends and influence people

We are continuing to build out the your network feature we launched recently. We’ve added a new area called “your fans”, which lets you see users who have added you to their network. We’ve also added a privacy option, so you can hide your network from other users. Finally, we added a link to everyone’s bookmarks page that makes it easier for people to view your network. This will help you find interesting new people on, much like you use tags to find interesting new links.

23 comments May 11th, 2006

two great tastes

While looking at some data, I noticed that pictures on flickr are some of the most saved pages on A quick flurry of instant messages later, and now we automatically show a thumbnail of the saved photo. To commemorate the occasion, I have expanded our Blogging Policy to allow photos of small dogs in our “cat pictures” category.

20 comments May 8th, 2006

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