delicious blog » 2006 » August

Archive for August, 2006

json reaches level 4!

With the release of our new network badges, we’ve also quietly introduced a pair of new JSON feeds: one for your network, and another for your fans.

This brings the total number of JSON feeds offered up to four – and even though an adventurous tinkerer managed to create this network explorer sans documentation, we figured it was about time we gave the help pages on our JSON feeds a little bit of a refresh.

So, take a look. You’ll find new examples on how to access data in JSON format, drawn from posts and tags, as well as members of your network and collection of fans.

19 comments August 21st, 2006

now with more shiny

Along with our usual round of backend upgrades, patches, and bugfixes, we’ve released a new frontpage design that incorporates feedback and ideas from our previous design. The main change is that we’ve added thumbnails for the top links on the hotlist. We’ve also started showing popular tags again, which we think is a
great way to find interesting new links. What do you think?

60 comments August 16th, 2006

security (everybody feels better with)

As we mentioned back in May, we have a newer, shinier secure version of the API that everyone should be using now. As promised, the time has come to say goodbye to the old version. We’ll be redirecting all queries to it to the secure server starting tomorrow, August 9.

Most scripts shouldn’t break, as modern connection libraries will handle the redirect appropriately. However, for your security, you should still use the new URLs directly rather than relying on the redirects.

We have lots of plans for the delicious API, so keep an eye out!

31 comments August 8th, 2006

let us take you on a trip

Sometimes you know exactly what you’re looking for, while other times you might be in the mood for a surprise. This week, Randomizer Buttons were born to satisfy your need for novelty: Each time you hit the Randomizer Button, will bounce you to a random new page recently bookmarked by other users.

By visiting the help page devoted to Randomizer Buttons, you can grab a bookmarklet of your own to start adding some spice to your surfing.

11 comments August 8th, 2006

a little goes a long way

It’s refreshing when a simple idea translates easily into a practical feature. That’s just what happened with our new “active users” section on pages like /tag/politics and /popular/osx: now when you’re viewing a tag of interest, you can easily see frequent users of that tag who you might want to check out for more juicy, hand-picked links. If you find someone interesting, just add them to your network to keep up. Is this the beginning of something great? Let us know what you think.

7 comments August 7th, 2006

add me to your network

Many of you have been using your network to keep up with the interesting things that other people are bookmarking. Many of you are also starting to notice that you have “fans” – people who like your bookmarks and have added you to their networks. This feature of is getting popular enough now that we wanted to make it easier for you to grow your network and to tell the world how connected you are.

With that in mind, today we rolled-out our Network Badge! This new badge allows you to tell people about your network from your own Web site or blog. These details can include your user name on with a link to your bookmarks, how many people you have in your network, how many fans you have, as well as a link others can use to easily add you to their own networks.

Like Tagrolls and Linkrolls, Network Badges are JavaScript includes that you can copy and paste into your site’s HTML or your blog’s templates. By visiting its help page, you can customize the content and appearance of your Network Badge and get HTML code for insertion into your own pages.

So get networking!

69 comments August 3rd, 2006

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