delicious blog » 2006 » September

Archive for September, 2006

now serving: 1,000,000

Not even a week after turning three, has just passed the mark of 1 million registered users! That’s more than triple the number of users we had just nine months ago. We can hardly believe it ourselves (although the smell of smoke coming from the server rack seems to eerily confirm it). Thanks to each and every one of you for making all this possible. Now we have one more thing to celebrate at the party next week

40 comments September 25th, 2006

come to our slightly belated birthday party!

We’re pretty excited that we’ve reached the ripe old age of 3, and think it’s worth celebrating. So as promised, the bash will be on October 3 at Yahoo! HQ in Sunnyvale. Of course, we’ll all be there, and we’ll have food and swag in abundance.

If you’re in the area, you don’t really have a good excuse not to go- with great food, great company, and the lush ambiance of the Yahoo! Headquarters in Sunnyvale, what’s not to love? Please RSVP on, so we know exactly how much del.icio.usness to bring to the party.

See you there!

PS- For those of you who don’t know me, I’m the new guy. I just joined as a product manager (and occasional events planner) and I’m really excited to be here!

176 comments September 20th, 2006

now with 50% more candles is three years old today! It’s started making friends and will hopefully be out of diapers soon.

For those of you in the Bay Area, we’re planning a birthday bash for early October – keep an eye out!

413 comments September 15th, 2006

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