delicious blog » 2009 » September

Archive for September, 2009

Good things just got better

For our most recent release we have a mixed bag of improvements and new features.

Search refinement and graphing – narrowing results by 1 day?! In some cases that might as well be a year! You can now narrow from the previous limit of 1 day, down to 5 minutes. Try it for yourself here.

We also noticed that quite often while narrowing your search criteria, it can be extremely frustrating to not get the exactly level of granularity you want. Most sites give you some pretty plain text boxes on their advanced search page to refine your search by dates, but we figured that was sooo 1995! So, we also added an interactive graph for periods more than 24 hours from the current time. Just click the graph, select the start and end points and click the ‘search’ button to refine your search by the highlighted time frame.

Interactive Search Graph has now been optimized for iPhone users. You now get a much richer bookmarking experience on the go. You can now save links too! Great for those days you seem to be spending all day sat on a train or at an airport. Use your to:read tag and read all those articles you’ve been meaning to read. Alternatively, see what’s popular on the ‘Explore’ page or search for whatever happens to pique your interest.

Mobile Homepage Mobile UI

Graphs galore – It seems as though great minds think alike, and while we were coding this, we got requests for it too. The graph that appeared on the search result page is now available on the URL details pages and our new Tagometer badge! High fives for everyone!

URL Details – All of the data that was once just stuck in a very boring list is now available for you review at a quick glance. Click the save count for one of your bookmarks and then click the graph icon to expose the graph.  See an example here.

URL Details Graph

Tagometer badge – The badge we offer for placement on your blog or website has also been updated to indicate the number of saves over time a via graph too. And you thought that “I am 5″ badge was cool… Get your updated Tagometer badge here.

Who, what, where? – In the last release we added the additional sharing functionality. Now you can see who you sent those bookmarks to with the addition of light blue recipient tags to your bookmarks. Just click your ‘@twitter’ recipient tag and see all the bookmarks you sent to your Twitter account or all the Flickr links you emailed your mother. To avoid confusion, these tags won’t be displayed when you edit your bookmark, but you can resend to additional recipients and they will be appended to the bookmark.

For: Tags


Simon Davison

P.S. Yes a few bug fixes made it in too… ;)

121 comments September 30th, 2009

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