delicious blog » 2010 » July

Archive for July, 2010

Discovering Delicious Favorite Tags feature

Greetings, Delicious community:

My name is Layla, and I am the new community manager for Delicious, Groups, and Answers. I came to Yahoo! after taking a one-year maternity leave. I had been enjoying motherhood so much that I figured I would go back to work only if a great opportunity knocked, and then I got offered my absolute dream job. I have been using Answers since its launch in 2005 and I belong to several mom-related Yahoo! Groups, so when I saw the position for a lead community manager for Answers, Groups, and Delicious, my first reaction was ‘Yahooooooooooo’, and my second reaction was, ‘Delicious’? Who actually uses social bookmarking sites now that we can just tweet everything and share links with our friends on Facebook?” The answer I got from those surrounding me was: “Total geeks, college professors, and librarians.”

Fortunately, the Delicious team gave me a chance, despite my lack of experience as a geek or librarian. I started by looking at the forums and was lost in the midst of technical conversations, embarrassed by my inability to get the gist of it all. I visited the blog, only to be faced with more technical knowledge, and spent time on the help pages trying to figure out how to use this product to my fullest advantage.

Embracing three properties all at once was quite overwhelming. I was bombarded with internal sites I needed to bookmark and articles I needed to read. The last thing I had time for was learning how to do social bookmarking on Delicious while I was struggling to figure out how to best organize my own bookmarks on my screen  — until a delicious moment hit me.

From the conversations I have seen on the forums, I think most of you know how to save a bookmark on Delicious, how to add the Delicious Add-on to Firefox or Internet Explorer, how to create tags for your bookmarks, etc. (Drop me a line if you don’t and I’ll walk you through it.) But I wonder how many of you actually know that there’s a beautiful way of organizing your bookmarks on your Firefox and Internet Explorer toolbars?

Del Final 1

Once you have organized your bookmarks under the correct tags — for instance, if you created a “toread” tag and tagged the articles you want to read under, you can then:

  1. Click the Delicious button on the left
  2. Click Manage favorite tags
  3. Del 2 Final

  4. Add the tag you like (for instance, “To Read”).
  5. Click OK

And voilà, your organized favorite tags will appear at the top of your toolbar.

You can continue to build new tags on your toolbar as you see fit, and also delete them anytime you don’t want to clutter your toolbar. I know this discovery has definitely saved me a lot of time at work— it is so much easier to find my needed bookmarks, and I wanted to be sure you benefited from this feature, too.

Would you like to share your Delicious moments with us? Send them to me and I’ll feature them in our next blog.

44 comments July 27th, 2010

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