delicious blog » 2010 » September

Archive for September, 2010

For Xmarks users

In the past few days, we’ve received a number of questions from Xmarks users about whether they can use Delicious to synchronize bookmarks across different browsers. To save time, here are the top 3 questions:

Can I sync Xmarks links from more than one browser using Delicious?
Yes. We support Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox. The tools to sync can be found here.

Xmarks allowed me to sync passwords, browser history and which Tabs were open. Can I do that with Delicious?
Not for the time being.

Okay so assuming that works for me, how do I get my Xmarks links into Delicious?
Assuming you have a Delicious Yahoo! account (if you don’t get one here) and you use Firefox or Internet Explorer, you need to install the appropriate add-on to import the links into Delicious. The add-ons for all the browsers we support are listed at the top of this page:

Once you’ve installed the add-on, you can visit this link to start the import process:

For Google Chrome users we suggest you export your Bookmarks and follow the manual import process here:

Once that import has finished you can install the Chrome add-on.  To make accessing those links easier, just type the title of the page into the browser address bar.

I have other questions about this, where do I go for answers?
There are a few places you can get advice or feedback from the Delicious team. We have forums that get reviewed daily, a Twitter account and an excellent Support service.

17 comments September 29th, 2010

Inconsistent results when viewing bookmarks?

As you all know Delicious is growing and more and more bookmarks are added every minute, as a result we’ve gotten to the point where we need to expand into new machines. It’s time for us to grow to accommodate all the bookmarks we currently have and the millions more we expect over the coming year. We have plans in place to complete this expansion within the next month or so and will confirm when we’ve completed this upgrade.

During this time period it’s possible that a small percentage of you might encounter inconsistent results when viewing bookmarks. We’ve had reports of this happening to a few people already, but rest assured your bookmarks are not missing. They’re safe and sound and the chances are if you refresh the page they’ll be there waiting for you. Even though this might only impact a handful of you, we thought we should give you a heads up and reassure you that your data is still safe and we’ll get this upgrade completed as soon as possible.

The Delicious team

12 comments September 24th, 2010

Bookmarks into Facebook using Yahoo! Pulse

Some of you might have noticed that in the last month Facebook removed the ability for users to import data from 3rd party sites, one of the services impacted was Delicious. For those of you that wish to have your bookmarks appear in Facebook you can follow the instructions for doing so on the Yahoo! Pulse Help page here.

If you happen to have an older style Delicious account you can merge it with an existing or new Yahoo! account to take advantage of this and other Yahoo! based features.

- The Delicious team

16 comments September 17th, 2010

Delicious in iTunes?

Have you found all the music and videos on Delicious yet? For those of you that didn’t know this, just filter bookmarks by system:filetype:mp3 or system:media:audio. You can get more information about these and other file and media types here. Okay, so now we all know about the media in Delicious, did you know you can use iTunes to listen/watch them?

Open iTunes and select “Subscribe to podcast” in the Advanced menu. Once the window open enter the URL for the feed of bookmarks that has a music or video file. Here are some examples:

Let iTunes retrieve the feed and then you can click ‘GET’ on any item that looks interesting. For anything you want to keep, drag and drop the file to your library.


14 comments September 14th, 2010

Delicious team +1 (you)

Got mad web engineer skills? Comfortable with HTML5, CSS3 & PHP? Built any mobile apps? Want to work at Yahoo! and lead the global social bookmarking battle? You might be the perfect fit for the Delicious engineering team.

As you know, Delicious continues to lead the way in Social Bookmarking. And with some exciting new features and opportunities coming soon, we need a new teammate to join the crew and help create new experiences for our users. We’re a small team that still iterates like a start-up – we just happen to do it within a big company. This gives the Delicious team a tight family vibe but access and support from a leading global internet company.

If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, jump on, search for ‘foosball’ (don’t ask) and look for Req# 32524.

Psst! If that sounds like too much effort, feel free to click here instead… ;)

7 comments September 1st, 2010

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