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Posts tagged as “announcements”

Delicious Add-on for Firefox 5.x

Some of you have been asking us about Firefox v5.x support.

The Delicious add-on for Firefox v5.x is available on the Mozilla site at this link.

If you upgraded to Firefox v5.x from an earlier version of Firefox, your existing Delicious add-on will not be automatically upgraded at this time. We’re working on making that happen – hopefully soon. For now, you will need to get the add-on at the above link.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your patience.

- AVOS Team

31 comments June 29th, 2011

Delicious Firefox 4.0 Extension (Beta) is Ready!

The Delicious Firefox 4.0 extension (beta) developed by AVOS ( is ready for you to try. To download it, go here:

Please note that this is a beta version which still is being tested and certified by Mozilla. We hope to have an official release in the next few weeks. In the meantime, we’d welcome any feedback you have to make it better. Please send to

The Firefox 4.0 extension (beta) supports Firefox versions 3.0 to 4.0, and provides all the key features of the previous release which includes:

- Search and browse your Delicious bookmarks
- Keep up to date on your Network and Links For You
- Access your bookmarks from any computer at any time
- Keep your bookmarks organized using tags
- Share your bookmarks with friends or anyone on the Web

Thanks for the input and giving it a try.

- AVOS Team

29 comments May 11th, 2011

YouTube Founders Acquire Delicious

Today, we’re pleased to announce that Delicious has been acquired by the founders of YouTube, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen. As creators of the largest online video platform, they have firsthand experience enabling millions of users to share their experiences with the world. They are committed to running and improving Delicious going forward.

Providing a seamless transition for users is incredibly important for both companies. Yahoo! will continue to operate Delicious until approximately July 2011. When the transition period is complete, your information will be moved over to Delicious’ new owner.

Starting today, we will ask you to login to Delicious again and agree to let Yahoo! transfer your bookmarks to the new owner. That way, you’ll enjoy uninterrupted use of the service and will keep your account and all of your bookmarks when we make the transition. For more information on the Delicious transition, please refer to this FAQ.

Thank you for your patience in this time of transition and thank you for using Delicious!

34 comments May 2nd, 2011

What’s Next for Delicious?

Many of you have read the news stories about Delicious that began appearing yesterday. We’re genuinely sorry to have these stories appear with so little context for our loyal users. While we can’t answer each of your questions individually, we wanted to address what we can at this stage and we promise to keep you posted as future plans get finalized.

Is Delicious being shut down? And should I be worried about my data?

- No, we are not shutting down Delicious. While we have determined that there is not a strategic fit at Yahoo!, we believe there is a ideal home for Delicious outside of the company where it can be resourced to the level where it can be competitive.

What is Yahoo! going to do with Delicious?

- We’re actively thinking about the future of Delicious and we believe there is a home outside the company that would make more sense for the service and our users. We’re in the process of exploring a variety of options and talking to companies right now. And we’ll share our plans with you as soon as we can.

What if I want to get my bookmarks out of Delicious right away?

- As noted above, there’s no reason to panic. We are maintaining Delicious and encourage you to keep using it. That said, we have export options if you so choose. Additionally, many services provide the ability to import Delicious links and tags.

We’ll let you know more as things develop.

259 comments December 17th, 2010

Tags return to the Bookmarklet

Have you been missing your tags and Bundles since our redesign of the Save interface? If you use the Bookmarklet to save links, today you now have the option to display those tags once again. We still wanted to ensure the default experience for people was light and not confusing for the majority, but also meet the needs of the people that need their tags displayed when saving too. The compromise we came up with was adding an option beneath the ‘Save’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons to “Show tags panel”.

The “Show tags panel” when selected will expand and will include your Tags Bundles and (depending on the setting selected) either your top tags or all of your tags. Like before, you can click these tags and they’ll be added into the Tags field. You can also use the ‘Options’ drop down to toggle between your top tags and all tags, but also allows you to sort your tags alphabetically or by frequency. What’s more, once you’ve elected to have the Tags panel displayed we’ll remember that selection and the next time you save via the bookmarklet the Tags will be there waiting for you.

We’ll be keeping an eye on your feedback over the Holiday period and have a plan of action for what to focus on next.


115 comments December 9th, 2010

Update to the Save interface

Yesterday we released a major change to our primary action on Delicious and (not surprisingly with a change of this scale) you all immediately responded by giving us some really great feedback on what you liked and what you didn’t.

With the release a few bugs slipped through so we’ve fixed those for you. They include issues like:

  • Adding enter-key support on the ‘Save’ bookmarklet
  • ‘Save’ once again honors case sensitivity of your tags

Of the top 3 usability issues you all raised, we’ve changing 2 today and plan on resolving the other next week. The changes we’ve just made are:

  • Added the ability to stop showing save confirmation pages for the bookmarklets. Once you check the box offered, you’ll no longer see that prompt and the bookmarklet will automatically close as it did before.
  • We’ve resized all panels and bookmarklet fonts up by one, back to their original size prior to the redesign.

The other item we wanted to address and one that we’ve received the most feedback on is the removal of the tags from the ‘Save’ interface. To resolve this we intend to offer a toggle between the default, which will not include the tags, to an ‘advanced’ option that will include your most commonly used tags. The intention being that if you select ‘advanced’ we’ll remember this and next time you save you’ll immediately get the view that includes your tags. We’re still working through how many tags need to be displayed (some users have more than 250,000 so we can’t default to all), how bundles will be presented, what sort options to include etc but it is something we intend to resolve for you for next week.

Thanks again for all the great feedback! We’ll be back next week with the update to include Tags, so for now carry on and let us know how these changes work for you.

103 comments December 1st, 2010

Changes to Save and Share

As you can probably see, we’ve just released the changes to the ‘Save’ interface. As we’ve mentioned in previous blog posts on the subject, this was a ground up redesign that was discussed in great length with our design team, product management and engineering. Were the changes agreed upon unanimously? Absolutely not. Much like yourselves, we’re all passionate Delicious users and we don’t always agree on everything. We did however agree on most things and are all very happy with what we’ve produced. We’ve had the opportunity to use the interface for a month or so longer than you have, and any concerns we had have long since faded. We’ve all noticed a marked improvement in the speed of the process.

We want you to try the changes for a while and then let us know your feedback. After any major change like this it’s common to get some negative feedback as people rarely like significant changes in how they use a product. I doubt this will be any different, but I want to make sure that any tweaks we consider making are based on considered feedback.

Some of you have already raised some concerns, so let me cover those now so you understand the logic/what’s coming next.

Size of the ‘Notes’ field – while we know some users consistently use the notes field, it’s usage in general is low. Knowing that many users have complained about the size of the older save interface, we decided to reduce the size of the Notes field. We wanted to make sure that those that do use the ‘Notes’ field were impacted as little as possible. That being the case, the Notes field expands as you type. Right now it expands up to 5 lines worth which is more than enough given the average amount of characters per post that includes notes, but could be expanded by more.

Recommended / Popular Tags – Recommended and Popular tags have been focused into a general ‘Recommended’ tag list. This reduces real estate in the save interface and gives a more potent list of tags to select from. Ideally though we hope that tags are being entered based on what those links mean to you to make retrieval of that link easier in the future.

Bookmarklet no longer closes automatically – As a number of websites include an existing bookmarklet there was no real way for us to ensure the ability to Share was made available to those users. To do so, a ‘share’ confirmation was added to the bookmarklets. This means that those of you that use the basic bookmarklet will get a confirmation after each save. Ideally the Delicious extension resolves this issue for Firefox, Internet explorer and Chrome but we know there are some browsers that need to use the bookmarklet. We can consider offering a ‘don’t remind me about sharing’ checkbox on that confirmation page. That way you’ll only see it once. As I mentioned above, we’d like a little more feedback first and then we can look at these kinds of tweaks.

Extensions don’t have a ‘Share’ option – not yet, but they will do soon. We hope to have updated extensions for IE, Firefox and Chrome and available in December.

Were the save and share changes all we’ve been doing for the last few months? Not at all. A lot of the changes you shouldn’t see at all as they’re general code performance and maintenance changes that tend to go out with a release of this size. We’ve also been working on other features that aren’t quite ready yet, but most of the core code is ready and will make deploying those changes that much easier once the remaining parts are in place. Beyond those, there were 100+ small tweaks throughout the site. Those range from the obvious addition of the Yahoo! logo to adding ‘untagged’ as a bookmark filter in the ‘Display Options’.

Thanks for your patience and thank you for all the positive feedback too. We’re glad you’re liking the smaller, faster, lighter interface and as we expected, a number of you are discovering sharing options that have been available but not as discoverable as they perhaps should have been. Let us know what you like and dislike.



155 comments November 30th, 2010

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