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Firefox 3,, and you

Firefox 3 users, rejoice! Today I’m pleased to announce a beta release of an enhanced version of our Firefox Add-on for that now has full Firefox 3 support while retaining Firefox 2 compatibility. While it is largely similar to the release version of our Firefox Add-on, there are a few nifty new features:

  • Jump to Tag feature (press ctrl-shift-y) allows you to quickly access tags and
    bookmarks using the keyboard
  • New layout for saving bookmarks
  • Preferences now in a separate dialog under Tools (which also can be
    invoked via the prefs button on the FF Add-ons pane)
  • Status bar indicators for network activity, new links for you, and the website
  • Classic mode for users who just want simple buttons without the overhead of sync

Like any beta release this Firefox Add-on is meant to provide you with a preview of upcoming features. Some of the features and interface choices, like Jump To Tag, are experimental and may change before we officially launch and we’re eager to hear your feedback on the changes, especially if you think we can do certain things better. If you have issues or comments, please let us know in the delicious-firefox-extension Yahoo! Group.

If you’re not already familiar with the extension, take a look at our Quick Tour which explains the basics. It hasn’t been updated to reflect all the new features but is a great way to get started.

Thanks for helping us test- we’ve built and upgraded these Add-ons based on lots of user feedback and we hope you enjoy trying them out.

Nick Nguyen
Senior Product Manager,

875 comments April 30th, 2008

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