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Posts tagged as “features”

Site-related changes

Hi, everyone:

We admit it has been a while since our last Delicious product release, and here’s why:

  1. We’ve been doing some housework and cleared up over 200 issues reported by you and our engineers.
  2. We’ve spent the last few months making sure that if we suffer a major technical outage, we can rely on a fully operational copy of the site so you’re impacted for as little time as possible.
  3. There were a few UI changes we needed to make before a larger release launches in a couple of months.

Most of these changes might not be obvious, but you’re bound to notice better-looking buttons, which are the first in a series of improvements we’ll be making to the interface.

We’ve also removed the SHARE link for private bookmarks. Though you can change the privacy setting by clicking EDIT or the Lock icon to the left of the link.

Another change to note is that Tags on the site will be basic rectangles instead of chevrons. We hope this will remove some points of confusion, reduce the code slightly, and limit how much the display fractures, when you increase the browser text size.

As you can see, we’ve been active listeners and tried to incorporate your continuous feedback in making the above changes.


42 comments August 4th, 2010

Filter and browse

Now that we’ve gotten some housework out of the way, we’ve been able to spend the first few weeks of 2010 finishing off some new features and correcting some long term annoyances. We think you’ll enjoy these, a lot!

Bookmark Display options

The Delicious bookmark display options were spread all over the page and subsequently there was more than one place to control how you view your content. So we combined them all and placed them to the right of the Tagbar, just beneath the bookmark count.

Bookmark Display Menu

Privacy filter: This has been requested so many times and unfortunately put on the back burner in place of other features. We figured it was time for it to finally hit the streets. You can now filter your bookmarks by Only Private or Only Public.

Send recipients: (display of for:, @twitter & email addresses): The community is clearly divided on whether or not they want this information displayed or not, so we decided to give you the ability to ‘show’ or ‘hide’ that information. If you don’t want to see the history of who you’ve sent bookmarks to, you can hide them.

Open bookmarks in: Something else that both you and the Delicious team have been divided on. Should bookmarks open in the same window or a new tab? Well, we thought we’d let you decide want you want to do.

Tag options

Somewhat related to Bookmark Options, we also moved the ‘Tag Options’ out of the blue action box and moved it to the sidebar where the tags are actually listed. Here you get the same functionality as before, it’s just closer to the tags.

Tag display menu

Browse these bookmarks

We’ve created a new feature that saves you the trouble of bouncing back and forth from Delicious when viewing more than one bookmark in a row.

Browse Bar

Click the new link in the action in the upper right hand corner of a users page to see it in action

The feature opens the first bookmark and displays a small frame at the top of the page. From here you can paginate forwards through the bookmarks.

Browse Bar in action

We’re still working on the feature and more functionality will be added over the coming months, but based on how useful we’ve found it, we wanted to give you a chance to start using it sooner rather than later. We’d love to get your feedback on this feature and suggestions for other features. We know what we want to add to it, but your responses will help us gauge what we should work on adding next.

Beyond these features we’ve improved the tag management functionality on our mobile site and while you might not notice the changes, we also fixed 50+ other minor bugs here and there.

What next?

There are a few long outstanding pet peeves that we want to get addressed before we tackle some of the larger projects planned for 2010. There will also be some more tweaks to current functionality that give better access to the great content we all help generate everyday, not to mention the ability to look up and connect to other friends that use Delicious. All of this we hope to give you before the end of March, plus a few other benefits we know you’ll love, but can’t spill the beans on just yet.

Keep bookmarking!


251 comments January 28th, 2010

delicious to go

Delicious Mobile betaWe’ve just launched a mobile version of Delicious. You can find it at This is a beta and represents our first real dabbling in mobile browsing, so we’ve started conservatively. The site is designed to work on as many devices as possible, although YMMV.

Delicious Mobile enables you to sign into your account and browse your bookmarks, tags, inbox, and other data. You can also browse popular and recent bookmarks and tags from the Delicious community. This means you can:

  • Ditch your phone’s bookmarks — they’re too hard to keep updated, organized, and synchronized. Just use your Delicious bookmarks instead!
  • Tag-stalk on the go — use your Network to follow what your friends are reading, no matter where you are.
  • Break the tedium — browse the tastiest bookmarks on the Web next time you’re standing in line to buy the new Guns N’ Roses (wait, people still buy CDs?).

Next up on our to-do list is to integrate our social search engine into the mobile site. We welcome your feedback on what you’d like to see in the future, so let us know what you think.

225 comments December 9th, 2008

gettin’ taggy wit it

FoxyPlayerAmong the hundreds of millions of bookmarks saved on Delicious are a large number of audio files, collected from across the Web.  Rock, jazz, house, spoken word — you name it, you can probably find a link to it somewhere on Delicious.  For some time now we’ve supported the streaming of MP3 audio via our “PlayTagger” feature, which is integrated directly into Delicious and also available for adding to your own site.

We are now extending this capability by integrating FoxyPlayer from our friends over at Yahoo! Music.  FoxyPlayer is a slick embedded audio player that supports a wider variety of audio formats and interoperates with the popular FoxyTunes add-on for Firefox and Internet Explorer.  But perhaps most interestingly for Delicious users, it also turns your audio bookmarks into playlists you can control from your browser.  To see it in action, check out some examples:

By using the “system:media:audio” tag, you can filter most views on Delicious to look for playable audio files. You can even try this on your Network page to see what your friends and contacts have been listening to.

You can read more over at the Yahoo! Music Blog. Give FoxyPlayer a try and let us know what you think!


56 comments December 6th, 2008

using delicious on your iphone

Greetings all and Happy New Year! (is it too late to say that now?) We know we haven’t updated the blog in a looong time but the team has been heads down working on the next version of Delicious We’ll have an update to share with you guys next week.

In the meantime, given this is the week of Macworld we thought you’d be interested in this Quick Tip on how to use Delicious on your iPhone.

Huge thanks to Tom Merritt at CNET who created this video and let us post it here. We hope this is a useful tool for all of you current and future iPhone users!
Chris Kim
Marketing Manager

197 comments January 17th, 2008

rss has a flavor

Thwwwp Did you know that well over half of the requests seen by are for RSS feeds? That means that people cruising around our site in browsers are actually in the minority, when it comes down to raw traffic. Instead, our heaviest hitters include personalized home pages, desktop news aggregators, and even stranger things.

With that in mind, it makes sense to remember that small changes can have a big impact. Thus, given that our feeds have been doing a decent job this far, they haven’t changed much from their austere beginnings.

Decent isn’t great, though. So, as the team’s semi-official (and published!) feed junkie, I’ve been working on some small improvements. I’ve been looking into how our feeds are used and how to better streamline and present our information in different contexts. These improvements include features like:

  • including tag descriptions in feed titles and descriptions where available;
  • offering the ability to save bookmarks straight from your feed reader;
  • displaying an up-to-date count of saves, without making items appear new again in feed readers;
  • building more useful feed content with links to people, tags, and more bookmark details;
  • providing more metadata where it seems useful, or less where it appears redundant.

And, this is just the start. We’re rolling these changes out gradually, on a per-user-agent basis, and we’re planning for more. So, if you don’t see any improvements in your favorite feed reader yet—or if the changes haven’t quite hit their mark for you—be sure to contact us and let us know!

52 comments March 21st, 2007

a tag by any other name

Sometimes one word just isn’t enough to know what a tag really means. For example, when I was working as an IT administrator for a non-profit agency, I was scrambling to find a free or low-cost tracking system I could use to manage their IT issues in a sane fashion. I went into research mode and bookmarked a lot of sites under my “issuetracking” tag. Now, looking back, I wish I could comment a little on that tag about what I found and what I ultimately decided to do… but how? Enter our latest feature: tag descriptions.

For any of your tags, you can now add a public title and description to appear at the top of the page. It may just be to remind yourself of what it is or to tell others more about it. To get started, just visit one of your tags and click “create description” (at the top). As always, we don’t presume to know exactly how you’ll use this or what about it will be most valuable to you, so we welcome your feedback and suggestions!

51 comments March 14th, 2007

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