Yahoo buys at MasterMaq's Blog

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Yahoo buys

Post ImageIf someone asked me who I thought was winning the Web 2.0 game, my answer would most definitely be Yahoo. The same company that bought Flickr has now also acquired social bookmarking site

Joshua Schachter, the founder of, confirmed a posting on the New York-based start-up’s site that the company had been acquired by Yahoo. A Yahoo representative confirmed that the agreement to buy had closed on Friday.

Neither party disclosed financial terms.

“We are joining forces to build my vision of creating a way for people to remember things together,” Schachter told Reuters in a phone interview. “It is a shared-memory site.”

That means that Yahoo now owns both of the so-called “web 2.0″ companies that I use most. Here’s what Joshua posted on the blog in a post cleverly titled “y.ah.oo!”:

We’re proud to announce that has joined the Yahoo! family. Together we’ll continue to improve how people discover, remember and share on the Internet, with a big emphasis on the power of community. We’re excited to be working with the Yahoo! Search team – they definitely get social systems and their potential to change the web. (We’re also excited to be joining our fraternal twin Flickr!)

Fraternal twin indeed! I can’t wait to see what Yahoo cooks up with two of the most popular new web properties now under its ever-growing umbrella.

Read: CNET

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