Delicious Year End for Yahoo!

Yahoo! is making itself an amazing Christmas present, ending the year in style. After buying earlier this year, it seems that the next aquisition for Yahoo is

That’s funny ’cause I was in a point where I was about to choose between Yahoo!’s My  Web and to keep my online bookmarks, but these news just make my life easier. I am really curious on how the two services will integrate and how Flickr will join.

Here is what Yahoo! blog is saying on the deal:

As Joshua writes, the team will soon be working in close proximity to their fraternal twin, Flickr. And just like we’ve done with Flickr, we plan to give the resources, support, and room it needs to continue growing the service and community. Finally, don’t be surprised if you see My Web and borrow a few ideas from each other in the future.

More on this here, here and here.

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One thought on “Delicious Year End for Yahoo!

  1. New AJAX email interface Agree. Yahoo is pushing it really hard. Just got to try their new email interface. Very, very slick (and very Outlooky, although way slower). As for, that’s a lot of noise for not much payoff… I has a lot more to grow untl will become really useful…

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