TechKwonDo__julian bleecker

mobile, wireless, technology, play

project update
please turn to the near future laboratory where you'll find a research notebook that is more actively representative of my current research vectors, discussions on mobile, pervasive and locative media projects and other ideas and projects.
current projects/research vectors

current projects, works-in-progress
The Military Industrial Light & Magic Complex: Avoiding Ender's Folly, Battleship: Google Earth, Flavonoid, Internet of Things, Viewmaster of the Future, Rules of Rejection, EKO's and Theory Objects Mobile Projects please see my research page

winter 2006-2007

february 2007
Lift Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, talk titled When 1st Life Meets 2nd Life: The 1685 Pound Avatar and the 99 Ton Acre

december 2006
Art Center Nabi Connected Exhibition, Seoul, South Korea

fall 2006

november 2006
Mediamatic Workshop: RFID & The Internet of Things, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Talk and Public Lecture

october 2006
Near Field Interactions Workshop, Nordichi 2006, Oslo, Norway

september 2006
Ubicomp 2006, San Diego
Crossmedia Week Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands

summer 2006

august 2006
ZeroOne/ISEA 2006, San Jose Foo Camp 2006, Sebastopol

winter 2006

january 2006
Lift 06, Geneva. Transmediale, Berlin.

march 2006
O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference (Pervasive Electronic Games), San Diego

april 2006
USC Annenberg Center for Communication Networked Publics Conference and Media Festival, Los Angeles may 2006
Microsoft Social Software Symposium 2006, Kirkland
WWW 2006, Workshop on Empowering the Mobile Web, Edinburgh
EPFL Blogject Workshop (2), Lausanne
Reboot 8.0, Blogject Workshop Report, Copenhagen
O'Reilly Where 2.0, Geotagthings, San Jose
Advances in Computing Entertainment, Keynote Military Industrial Light and Magic Complex, Hollywood

fall 2005

october 2005
Art Center Nabi for the Workshop on Urban Play and Locative Media. I've written some notes on the workshop here: here, here, and here.

september 2005
Ars Electronica Festival
I'll be showing Pussy Weevil in the Hybrid Creatures exhibit at Ars Electronica and staying at the somewhat remote Sommerhotel Linz.

summer 2005

august 2005
Institute for the Future Experts Workshop on Pervasive Gaming.
Presented at SIGGRAPH 2005 on the Emerging Technology panel on the topic of How Does Art Affect Technology and Vice Versa?
And for extra fun on Monday August 1st from 11a-12p in the Guerilla Studio at SIGGRAPH 2005, Peter Brinson (a colleague and collaborator who's a Professor here in the Interactive Media Division and down to UC San Diego) and I presented our current research project on pervasive mobile games using our "Vis-�-Vis" game enterprise.

july 2005
⇐ Presenting on the Mobile and Pervasive Lab (MaPL) on July 25th at the Annenberg Center for Communication for Mobile Monday LA.

june 2005
June 29th and 30th I'll be presenting at the O'Reilly Where 2.0 conference.

spring 2005

may 2005
From the 4th - 8th I was in Montreal participating in the Mobile Digital Commons Network Symposium - Sampling the Spectrum: The Politics, Practices and Poetics of Mobile Technologies.

april 2005
From the 26th - 28th I was on the East Coast attending the Boston Cyberarts Festival, and giving a talk in part of the Floating Points series on the 27th sponsored by Turbulence, Emerson College and New Radio Performing Arts
I was in Portland at CHI2005 participating in the Engaging the City Workshop. The Oregonian wrote a piece about the workshop, mentioning the small group I participated in with Tom jenkins, Andrea Moed and Susan Wyche.

march 2005
WiFiBedouin/Place Storming mash-up anticipating the Mobile Issue of Vectors. We'll be showing how the WiFiBedouin and Place Storming operate through what promises to be a fun collaboration. This'll be at the Premiere Issue for Vectors at LA MoCA on March 3rd. Vectors: Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular is a new digital journal developed at the Institute for Multimedia Literacy.

I was bouncing from GDC in San Francisco from the 7th - 11th, then back to LA long enough to get from Burbank to LAX to head to the Mobile Entertainment Forum at CTIA in New Orleans from the 13th-14th, then back to LA long enough to switch terminals to get a flight to San Diego for O'Reilly ETech until from the 14th-17th. Drop a note if you're going to be at any of these and want to kibbitz or meet up.

january 2005
Participated in a workshop titled "Collaborate! In search for Intelligent Social Infrastructure" at Keio University. You can see my flickr photostream here.

Teaching the mobile module in the usc interactive media division's graduate seminar CTIN 541b, Design for Interactive Media, a five week component of a semester long design class. The class wikiog is here.

fall 2004 - spring 2005 vectors fellowship and research faculty at the annenberg center for communication's institute for media literacy at the university of southern california. I will be doing research, development and writing related to my work on proximity based mobile networks, including WiFi.Bedouin.

res magazine brief profile in print edition, vol. 9, no. 4
Digital Universe With L.A. At Its Center
Holly Willis from the LA Weekly interviewed me for an article on the Los Angeles Digital Arts scene.

A Design Approach for the Geospatial Web
I wrote a little POV on designing Location Based Services and Location User Interfaces for O'Reilly. Trying to warm things up for the Where 2.0 Conference.

The Feature - Tinseltown 2.0
by Douglas Rushkoff.

Douglas Rushkoff interviewed Mimi Ito and myself about the mobile research we are both doing here at USC. [Locally Archived]

The Chronicle of Higher Education
by Peter Monaghan.

The Chronicle of Higher Education ran a piece introducing the premier issue of Vectors (also Vectors) and mentioned the project I'm doing for the second Mobility issue of Vectors. Unfortunately, The Chronicle is paid, subscription only so I have it [Locally Archived].
earlier news

fall 2004
Taught in the usc interactive media division with design+technology for mobile experiences and Survey of Interactive Media: Interactivity in the Age of Electronic Media in the Critical Studies department. Student projects included projectCAR, a mobile confessional using a car, SMS and cell phones, and Tracking Agama, a mobile, location-based exploratory narrative for cell phones

october 2004 WiFi.ArtCache selected for installation in the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council's Spectropolis wireless art-technology showcase.

november 2004 MobileSCOUT in Database Imaginary, at the Banff Center for the Arts' Walter Philips Gallery

august 27, 2004 the reality effect of technoscience, my ph.d disseration on technology, culture and entertainment from ucsc's history of consciousness board is totally, totally done. signed and, like, totally done.

contact me via julian (at) techkwondo (blot) com

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