Adam Loving's Blog — Seattle Social Web Development

Rockstar Weekend

by adam on July 25, 2011

What if there was a Startup Weekend for music? Let me back up a second, then explain. First off, what is Startup Weekend? Basically, a bunch of people get together for a weekend, pitch business ideas and form teams. Over the weekend, they refine the business plan by contacting customers and producing a prototype. On [...]

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A visual format for recipes

by adam on July 24, 2011

Here is a half-baked thought for a new way to visually illustrate recipes to make them easier to understand. I’m not much of a cook. I rarely cook for myself. When I do “cook,” I mostly just heat things up. Sadly, except for when I make pancakes, I have not experienced the plaisir  of cooking [...]


My 10 Favorite iPhone Photo Apps

July 20, 2011

Last fall, an iPhone app called Instagram started me on an amature iPhone photography kick. Since then, I’ve taken about 1,000 photos. Here are my favorite iPhone photo apps.1. Instagram. I’ve written before about why I love instagram. The main reasons are: Low picture quality photos provide a creative constraint that makes it easy to [...]

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Shake up at Seattle Startup Weekend

June 15, 2011

A month ago, I posted a list of potential Startup Weekend ideas. Several friends pitched in to help with their feedback. I took the idea that got the most interest (“Early Birds”) and pitched it at Startup Weekend. I recruited 5 more great people to work on it, and within 54 hours (read the whole [...]

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7 Viral marketing lessons

June 5, 2011

Because I’m a developer who dreams of launching a business from his basement with zero marketing, I’ve come to see everything (web business idea or feature) through a viral lens. My experiments with Twibes, Toy Chest, Zuckerbucks and many other less successful projects taught me a few hard lessons in viral marketing. Oh, and I [...]

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An app that makes life a game

June 4, 2011

From August 2010 until February 2011, I worked with some smart people on gamifying self-improvement. The idea was to create a mobile and social experience with game mechanics around life goals.

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Pre-startup weekend idea list

May 16, 2011

As a follow up to my post on evaluating ideas, here are some of the ideas I’ve noodled-up the last 6 months or so. When evaluating these, I’m trying to place an emphasis on customer pain, clear business model, and the execution of the idea.

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May 11, 2011

In the last 6 months I’ve established a habit of regular exercise and eating less sugar (here’s my 4 hour body cheat sheet). I should’ve been doing this all along, what was it that made me finally able to change? The power of a breakthrough moment is incredible. One experience can completely change your life. [...]

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Could that idea be a business?

May 9, 2011

Ideas are inevitable. How can I evaluate which ideas have the potential to be self sustaining businesses? I’ve developed some clarifying criteria for my “good ideas.”

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Ideas are Inevitable

May 7, 2011

Every week I get a phone call or request to meet from an entrepreneur with a big idea. I am all too familiar with that uneasy feeling you have when an idea takes over your brain. The fact is, ideas are inevitable, execution is everything.

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