Ashley Bowers Blog


Updates and backups – ugh

Posted in Uncategorized at 8:28 pm by Ashley

Updates are important, and backups are just as important. Whether it is backing up precious digital photos – which I tell everyone to do all the time, or updating windows – these are things that are absolutely necessary around my home and office. Then there are site and blog updates – these are needed too.

Sometimes I find myself spending more time updating software than I do actually using it. That certainly drives me crazy! I prefer to take pictures and write new articles. Most of the last year however I have spent mroe time doing backups (for myself and friends) and updating software. There have been so many updates for everything I use this year, it’s making me batty!

Everything from firefox, to windows, to Divx, and wordpress – all these updates are really necessary to help keep things safe and secure. So today I am updating my blog instead of just updating the backend software. Please everyone, make a backup of your photos today.

right now, save your precious pictures to a CD or DVD – burn a disc – or make a backup on a USB stick, heck you can even upload the important ones to facebook or flickr – but make a backup. I hate to see the tears in people eyes when they call me for help when a virus destroys their computer – or a hard drive fails and they have no backup of the precious memories that were so easily stored on their computer – and yet so quickly disappear when there was not a 5 minutes spent making a copy.


Well here comes another one!

Posted in Life, News at 10:58 pm by Ashley

That is right I am officially expecting again! I just found out I am 8 weeks pregnant and am very excited about the whole thing and I guess at this point I will be taking off on paternity leave so that I can get things situated at home for my baby to be! Have not had time to do much other than get things packed up here at the office and heading home and setting up my home office.

Anyways plan on getting an email or a call from me soon if you know me otherwise know that I will not be blogging for at least a couple months so see you later on or talk to you real soon depending on who you are!


Blogging as a side job!

Posted in Blogs, Life, News at 2:15 pm by Ashley

A lot of bloggers are now making money from there blogs by selling ads on the sidebars or in the posts of there blogs which I am cool with if you want to do it right in a SEO friendly way. But there have been several businesses over the years that have done this in a non friendly SEO way and that has put a bad name on the blog advertising industry but there are still plenty of great places on the web that do it in a way that search engines like or should I say do not mind you doing, also what is known as white hat techniques. And then there are ways known as black hat techniques that are bad and if you do them your website will be removed from the search engines once it is found out.

As you can see I have written over 160 posts here on my blog and have done so with no advertising money and wrote everything here on my blog basically as a place to store my thoughts and favorite websites on the internet! But lately having time to get online and do anything other than read email or read the news has been hard to do since I have so much going on in life at the moment and until the end of the year!


Speed reading is easy and fun

Posted in Uncategorized at 8:34 pm by Ashley

Having a great time this Spring so far an dam happy to be alive in a time when so many things are possible. I have to admit for the past couple of months I have read more books and webpages than I have ever read in my life. My mind when it is happy is more inclined to do things like speed read as to when I am stressed out it only can focus on the stress.

I have found a couple really great blogs this month that have made my NetFlakes page and wanted to pass them along to everyone that reads my blog because I know you will like there blog as well. The first is Monkey Sars which is cleverly written by a woman who knows no bounds when it comes to literature.

The second is Cuiso which is a wonderfully written blog that has a very attractive looking theme on it and both I am sure you will enjoy keeping up with like me over the time to come. have any cool blogs you found lately please do share them in the comments section.


What an exciting month it has been

Posted in Blogs, Life, Podcast at 1:45 am by Ashley

A great group of guys and girls are getting together this weekend to start working on our next project for the web and I have been so excited about this new website we are about to launch that I almost want to blog about now but i can not so you will just have to wait for the official launch.

Lots going on around here and the world this month hard to keep up with it all sometimes but I try to. Recently my friends blog unsigned podcast had a make over and my friend Santi started a blog up last month but did not find it till this month. I am always excited to hear or find someone that has started a blog.

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