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Bulkr – Access and Backup your Flickr Photos (Mac, Windows & Linux)

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Veronica Belmont, at Tekzilla, on the features and awesomeness of Bulkr.

Bulkr is a no-frill, easy to use backup solution for your Flickr Photos. Flickr, an awesome Photo service from Yahoo!, lacks data liberation — you cannot download your Photos once uploaded. Of course, you can go to each photo to download them but that isn’t the right way to do!

Bulkr PRO (which sells for $40) is available for just 50% on at just $19.99. Buy Bulkr PRO by clicking the Bulkr Banner (look at the top right corner). Valid from Sep 1-15, 2011.

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Cloud Computing and Phone security!

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A hilarious video of an Indian top brass talking crap about Mobile Phone Security and Cloud Computing. The subtitle is an actual .srt and not etched into the video.

This is my first subtitle done from scratch and may not be perfect. Feel free to contribute, improve on it or re-produce your own version. A version of the video is included in the Subtitle source file. Fork it at Github. Pull Requests are welcome.

[Infographic] A guide to UX Careers

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Jobs to Gates, Royce and McNealy: A Historical Look at if Apple Will Survive

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Steve Jobs has left Apple. I have expected to see stock prices crumble, Apple Geniuses to go rogue and iPhones to fall out of the sky; but despite the near-panic of nearly every Internet news station — its really not that big a deal, we will be fine (unless you own large amounts of Apple stock, in which case it is time to panic).

If history has taught us anything, and it hasn’t, its that changes in leadership are rarely as dramatic as we fear — just look at Obama.

Looking at this issue historically may give the issue more perspective, as many large tech innovators have changed leadership in the past: Microsoft with Bill Gates, Intel and Robert Noyce, Sun and Scott McNealy.

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Quirky, yet accurate, self-made Billionaire Entrepreneur predicts Tech Innovation Stagnation

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Peter Thiel, quirky billionaire tech mogul, PayPal founder and original Facebook investor has done so many things right. So, when he recently predicted that the United States is in a post-recession Great Stagnation of science and technology — people listened. At this year’s FreedomFest Peter Thiel announced in his debate with George Gilder, entitled “Future Shock: Has Technology Stalled in America?”, that technological innovation has essentially flat-lined. “There’s been insane progress in computers, Internet, and all things related to it,” Thiel said during his debate at FreedomFest. “It’s been offset by incredible failure in energy. To a first order, the two things have cancelled each other out.”

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Codeacademy – Learn to Code

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Codeacademy is the new, easy and fun way to learn programming. (source : Codeacademy)

There is a new cool thing in town – a way to easily learn to code and have fun doing it. Today, I took my first lesson and it wasn’t bad at all. Get started, write some code at Codeacademy

How to wiggle and arrange/delete apps in Launchpad in Mac OS X Lion

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Apple introduced Mac OS X Lion with a gradual shift towards iOS or an iOS-ish experience. Here is how you can wiggle, arrange, delete Apps on your Launchpad on Mac OS X Lion, pretty much like how you do on you iOS devices (iPhone, iPad or the iPod).

Here’s how:

  • Launch Launchpad or do the three finger swoop-in.
  • Click and Hold on an App till they started to wiggle.
  • Now, you can arrange, group them into folders or even delete Apps.

One Step Closer to the Matrix with IBM’s New Brain-Mimicking Computer Chip SyNAPSE

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IBM took Morpheus’ little blue pill and have now discovered exactly how deep the rabbit hole goes with their SyNAPSE computer chip. With this new chip IBM has brought us closer to artificial intelligence than we have ever been.

IBM’s new computer chip, the Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics, or SyNAPSE, was designed to more closely mimic the human brain. More specifically it cognitively understands its surrounding to the point that it can interpret its environment and respond to it with decisive action — making use of complex data.

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India’s Mobile Number Portability – Boon for Consumers!

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Mobile Number Portability, shortly known as MNP is finally been implemented in India. MNP provides the consumers and subscribers an opportunity to change their service operators while retaining their existing mobile numbers. It has become an instant success across India with the results showing 13 million subscribers changing their service operators since the day it has been implemented. It’s not every day you hear about the end-user getting most of the benefit, do you?

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Mac OS X Lion knows you!

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Mac OS X Lion assigns the right icon for your places.

Another one of the many finer little details that makes the Mac OS X stand apart from everything else. I was tweaking my screensaver when I noticed that the places mentioned in my iPhoto Album are marked with the right icons.

India have an Indian flag while USA’s got the US flag. An address is marked with a pin on the globe, California and Karnataka got their sign-boards, while the cities of Mountain View and San Francisco got skyscraper icons.

Buy Bulkr Pro for just $19.99.
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