Dustin Diaz

i am dustin diaz

a JavaScriptr...


don't worry about it.

Sandboxing JavaScript

Tuesday Aug 2 2011

Today I fired off a tweet that in some developers eyes may have been controversial

But to the point, the task at hand I was trying to solve was to bundle a set of core modules built by Ender along side my own library (that uses Ender), and not populate the global space. More after the jump


Crouching Ender, hidden command

Friday Apr 22 2011

For those of you following Ender (the open micro-to-macro API for composing your own custom JavaScript library), today we have a fresh new CLI (command line interface) that will help you manage your Ender packages. It's pretty rad ('cause, you know, we like it) and it makes it extremely useful when maintaining one Ender project, to another. So without further fuss, let's cut this post short and check out this short video composed by everyones favorite JavaScript hipster and core Ender contributor (heh, there's only two of us), @fat.


Ender.js - The open submodule library

Monday Apr 4 2011

With great excitement it brings me pleasure to announce an all-to-predictable endpoint of recent events ? Ender.js, an open submodule library. Ender is a small yet powerful JavaScript library composed of application agnostic opensource submodules wrapped in a slick intuitive interface. At only 7k Ender.js can help you build anything from small prototypes to providing a solid base for large-scale rich applications.


Qwery - The Tiny Selector Engine

Wednesday Mar 23 2011

It's true. The world needs another JavaScript DOM Selector Engine. So without further fuss - introducing Qwery - The Tiny Selector Engine. It's a port from where Simon Willison left off with his getElementsBySelector in 2003, and believe it or not, this is exactly where jQuery started.

Qwery supports all the basic CSS1 & CSS2 selectors, plus the additional (most important) attribute selectors from CSS3. Additionally it allows multi-selects (div,p) as well as context-aware selectors (like jQuery.find()).

Last but not least, it's open source awaiting your valuable feedback to make it leaner and faster. There are tests to ensure its integrity, however sans-benchmarks. Although, it should be noted it does support querySelectorAll when available in the browser (to bring 2003 to modern times).



Tuesday Mar 8 2011

The concept of formal classes in JavaScript has led the internet develosphere amuck since the dawn of time day JavaScript was invented. From Crock's explanation on prototypal inheritance to Dean's Base one and two, from Prototype's Class to Mootool's Class, and from debunking objects to getting back to basics, the JavaScript community thrives on systems that help make working with JavaScript classes easier — despite it still being a "classless" language.

Well, I'm here to introduce one more that will keep things simple. More after the break.


Smallest DOMReady code, ever.

Wednesday Feb 23 2011

This evening after tooling around with trying to optimize bits and pieces from a recently formed project ($script.js - async JS loader & dependency manager), I decided to look further into shortening the DOMReady code - since part of the goal is to have the smallest amount of code possible. Read on to see the solution.


Get JS Design Patterns

me on twitter

Dustin Diaz
Dustin Diaz @ded
Hooray. Socket.io supports websockets in Firefox 6 github.com/LearnBoost/soc…
Dustin Diaz
Dustin Diaz @ded
@otanistudio twitter's whale pages responds with 200
Dustin Diaz
Dustin Diaz @ded
The competition for bad jokes is stiff. With @biz @goldman and @stirman I have to step up my game. I can easily take @ev tho
Dustin Diaz
Dustin Diaz @ded
@lukester fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Dustin Diaz
Dustin Diaz @ded
@bcherry lol. that's amazing.

the best of twitter

Sam Stephenson
Sam Stephenson @sstephenson
@thomasfuchs love how Keymaster uses "⌘", "⌥", "⇧"
Jason Goldman
Jason Goldman @goldman
Number of times @ded has stormed out on his first day: 3.
Ben Cherry
Ben Cherry @bcherry
@ded I saw a resume last week that listed Ender under their "skills" section, right next to jQuery :)
Jason Stirman
Jason Stirman @stirman
@timhaines Well, @ded kept nagging me to teach him the JAVARSCRITS, so I was all like, "fine, but you have to join Obvious."
john forsythe
john forsythe @jforsythe
This Piña Colada scented shampoo is challenging me in ways I didn't know was possible. WANT TO TASTE IT!
Catherine Webb
Catherine Webb @TraynorBird
Dear twitter HQ, @danwrong has proven himself indispensable as a stay at home father, so we're swapping, sorry!

this is who i am

Hi, my name is Dustin Diaz and I'm an Engineer. Previously @Twitter, @Google, and @Yahoo, author of Strobist® Info co-author of JavaScript Design Patterns, co-creator of the Ender JavaScript Framework, a Photographer, and an amateur Mixologist. This is my website. Welcome!

On this site I write about JavaScript. You can also follow along with my open-source work on Github.