y.ah.o.o buys del.icio.us | lazygeek.net

December 11th, 2005

y.ah.o.o buys del.icio.us

Yet again, Yahoo shows its love for Web 2.0 or is it because Google is already a Web 2.0 giant. Whatsoever, the lovely lovely folksonomy site, del.icio.us was bought by Yahoo.

At first it was the photo revloutionary Flickr and now with del.icio.us, yahoo tried to override it’s own respective applications. Yahoo Photos could have developed to the speed of Flickr and its My Web 2.0 was developed on the same lines as of tagging which was a competing application to del.icio.us.

With Google missing to buy Flickr, it was rumored then that del.icio.us was certainly for Google. Another hit and miss for Google. What next ?

2 Responses to “y.ah.o.o buys del.icio.us”

  1. technorati :-/

    Posted by: Bala Subra | December 11th, 2005 - 12:42 pm

  2. Hey,
    Ajax timepass from joel spolsky:

    Posted by: sridhar | December 12th, 2005 - 2:35 am

scribbles ?

lazy geek a.k.a guru subramanian is from chennai living in the showery seattle a software consultant by destiny loves creative arts yaps about intellectual stuff and still on the only(!) belief that he is a geek!!
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