Various paths


Service with clever, effective and creative approch. Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler (source). Human centered technology approach.


These days, I am working on a rapid MVC application writing/deployment using git branches. It is PHP because I have to, but it is also extremely lightweight due to its coding flavour I learnt from Python. This makes the project somewhat interesting to me, and also fun and full of simple yet meaningful experiments. — Look for more on github and browse the branches, it is kids game.

1 day development example gadget

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Technological utopy

A silk ideal of an information system

  1. Easy to use, simple workflow, powerful tasks

    In this information era, we need purified user interfaces for efficiency.

  2. Standards compliant

    Standard might be official (ISO, W3C, OGC, etc) or well-known (REST, JSON, geoJSON, etc). The goal is to have a clearly defined way of interacting between components.

  3. Affordable and evloutive

    A web application life-cycle is 18 months. Let spend 20% of the money to fulfill 80% of your needs, then let the application evolve to cover the remaining needs when necessary.

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