Kent Newsome on technology, music and life


Yahoo Buys

As the blogosphere and related community sites continue to consolidate under the large and weathy banners of the Yahoos, Googles and Microsofts comes news that Yahoo has acquired social bookmarking service

I use for a couple of things. I use it to bookmark pages I want to go back and read later, and I use it to list and summarize the feed for my Comments on Other Blogs page. While the site has been somewhat of a work in progress, it has become a useful and integral part of my web experience.

I suspect that the acquisition by Yahoo will be a positive thing- as long as Yahoo allows the service to remain mostly separate- like Flickr, and does not try to tie to Yahoo's My Web 2.0 service. Flickr has only gotten better since Yahoo bought it and I see no reason the same can't happen here.

A good day for Yahoo. And probably a good day for Technorati too, as Google's price for Technorati probably just went up. My advice to Google- buy and buy now because if Yahoo gets in front of you again, Yahoo plus Flickr plus plus Technorati will be a huge lead in this race for web dominance. Technorati is definitely the jewel left on the board.

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