TODAYonline | Singapore | YouTube launches Singapore site

YouTube launches Singapore site

Local Justin Bieber wannabes can now parlay their online popularity into profit

by Tan Weizhen

SINGAPORE - YouTube has officially arrived in Singapore, which means that artistes or other content creators here finally have a chance to earn revenue through the world's largest video creation platform.

At its launch of the localised site for Singapore today, YouTube announced its licensing agreement with the Composers & Authors Society of Singapore. This allows music artistes to earn revenue via advertising on YouTube.

The YouTube Partner Programme, which is now open to Singaporeans, allows all other video creators here to earn revenue through advertising as well.

The localised site for Singapore means that users here can access videos that is most relevant to Singaporeans. This would increase exposure for Singapore creators.

Elsewhere, singing sensations such as Canadian superstar Justin Bieber and Charice of the Philippines shot to fame their videos were spotted on YouTube.

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1 - 2 of 2 responses to "YouTube launches Singapore site"
Singapore's copycat version of Justin Bieber?
Singapore's version of Justin Bieber?

Yeah, that'll go down well.
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