BBC News - American Samoa football team celebrate first ever win

American Samoa football team celebrate first ever win

Larry Mana'oa, American Samoa spokesman: "We were shocked more than anything"

American Samoa's football team - ranked as the worst international team in the world - has won a game for the first time in its history.

The US protectorate managed a 2-1 victory over Tonga after 30 straight defeats in almost two decades.

Reports said the players and coach of the Pacific nation celebrated as if they had won a major championship.

In 2001 American Samoa lost 31-0 to Australia - the heaviest defeat in international football history.

American Samoa are joint bottom of world governing body Fifa's international rankings.

Coach Thomas Rongen said the victory would now be "part of soccer history".

"Maybe we have a chance to do something special here beyond this one game, but let's enjoy this one right now," he said.

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