Articles:Listing Tonga

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Countries: Tonga
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non-USA, by Country
· Tonga

Tonga: WHO Concerned About Tonga Tobacco Pricing 

Jump to full article: Pacific Magazine, 2003-11-13


A medical officer for tobacco control in the Pacific region is concerned that a low tobacco prices in Tonga may increase the number of smokers. Dr Maximilian De Courten of the World Health Organisation says a new tobacco factory in Tonga is selling its cigarettes 40-percent cheaper than its competitor and he's concerned because the price of tobacco is linked to encouraging people to start smoking.

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· Business (Tobacco)
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non-USA, by Country
· Tonga

Gordon McLauchlan: Island King a smoking gun 

Jump to full article: New Zealand Herald, 2003-01-18
Author: Gordon McLauchlan


The tallest tree, which thought of those times with such pride, quietened as the breeze fell and tried to overhear a meeting of the court of King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV. The king, a great potentate by his own estimate, was listening to a wily Chinese joker urging him to build a cigarette factory in his kingdom.

"With due respect, Your Majesty," said a public health official, "If we have a factory churning out cigarettes, more of our people may smoke, and die earlier."

"But," said his magnificence, "as my United Nations colleague, the great Bill Clinton, used to say, 'It's the economy, stupid'. We will get 70 jobs from this and maybe export orders. My good friend and business partner here, Mr Tsay, points out that the people of his great country smoke like the Sydney suburbs in summer and there are a couple of billion of them. Can't be too bad." . .

"We should do it, but we should also prohibit the importation of foreign-made cigarettes so that every ciggie smoked in our island paradise should be homemade."

"Good idea. And we - the royal family - will get a percentage."

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· Business (Tobacco)
· Tobacco Control
non-USA, by Country
· Tonga

Tonga's King gives approval for cigarette factory 

Jump to full article: Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) (au), 2003-01-09


Tonga's King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV has overruled health officials and given approval to a Chinese businessman to build a cigarette factory in the kingdom.

The decision contradicts the King's recent health campaigns in which he has led exercises to control obesity and called for an end to tobacco and alcohol consumption.

In a speech to his subjects over Christmas the King said a cigarette-making factory would help the Tongan economy by creating jobs.

Government officials say the King who has near absolute authority in the kingdom, last week signed an approval granting Mingen Tsay authority to build his factory on government land.

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· International
non-USA, by Country
· Tonga

Tongan King calls for ban on tobacco advertising 

Jump to full article: Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) (au), 2000-10-28


King Taufa'ahau describes tobacco as a "dangerous product" that ought not be promoted.

He says people should join together in promoting good health and clean living by stopping the consumption of lethal products such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs. [This graph only]

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