Tuvalu plight must be heard by UNFCC - The Drum Opinion (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The Drum Opinion

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29 November 2011

Beach scene on the island of Tuvalu. (mrlins: www.flickr.com)

Tuvalu plight must be heard by UNFCC


Tafue Lusama

Tafue Lusama

When I was a young boy, growing up on the island of Funafuti, Tuvalu, my father would take me out fishing.

We would stay close to shore. There would be such an abundance of marine life that in one and a half hours, we'd come back with more than enough fish to feed our family. We would share extra fish with our community. Climate change has changed all this.

Tuvalu is an island nation made up of nine small island atolls in the central Pacific. Our way of life, culture and traditions have served us for thousands of years.

We are half a world away from the UN Climate Change Negotiations in Durban, but our fate is intertwined with the outcome of this South African meeting.

We have always had only two seasons: the wet season, which runs from October to March every year, and the dry season, from April to September.

These two seasons dictate what to do and when to do them. Our traditional skills to plant and to fish depend mostly on the pattern of the weather.

In recent years, we've noticed a lot of changes that are making it impossible for us to live a life free from anxiety and worry. In fact, on Tuvalu, there is now an atmosphere of panic and uncertainty.

Our main protein supply is fish. Our sea has always been our refrigerator. We would go out to take whatever is necessary for the day.

Our shores used to be filled with colourful corals and an abundance of all kinds of fish. About 20 years ago, we noticed the corals were starting to lose their colour.

Now, 80 per cent of our corals have been bleached, due to the increase of the ocean temperatures and acidification from additional carbon dioxide. Corals, as we all know, are houses for fish, and bleaching of corals leads to the disappearance of our fish stocks, as they swim further out into the ocean, or simply die.

Fishing has therefore become a very expensive exercise to the ordinary Tuvaluan. Whereas before, we could venture just off shore, now we need a boat, and petrol. Those who have these things may not catch enough fish to cover the expense of the trip out to sea. Many of us now have to buy fish. This is just one way that climate change has made our lives more expensive.

The disappearance of these corals also is the loss of our first line of defence against any storm and wave surges. Corals break down the strength of wave surges before they hit the shores. With the disappearance of this line of defence, the shores are laid bare to the ocean's assault.

Land is life to us. Our people are Indigenous communities who survive from their surroundings - the sea and the land. Whatever little land we have is considered very valuable, and is regarded as life passed on from father to son. Rising sea levels and increasingly intense storm surges have claimed a lot of land by poisoning it with salt.

In Tuvalu, if your land has gradually been eroded by the sea, you are literally looking at your life being eaten away. It tells you that you won't be able to give life to your children and your grandchildren.

Soon there will be no more land for the people to depend on. Where will we go?

Our weather is more and more unpredictable. In the middle of our dry season we will unexpectedly be hit by a storm, and in the middle of our wet season, a long drought will occur.

The recent extraordinary drought led to the Tuvaluan Government declaring a state of emergency. On the main island of Funafuti, households were rationed to 20 litres of water a day.

Australia and New Zealand responded by delivering water to the country.

All our crops of bananas, vegetables, and pulaka died, and we had to rely on imported food to survive. When the heavy rains finally came, there was nothing left for them to water. We will have to replant.

Compounding these problems are our increased rates of diseases such as cholera and dengue fever. These diseases, under control in past years, have resurfaced due to hotter temperatures, and now are becoming resistant to treatment.

Our one hospital and clinics across the islands, are overwhelmed with the number of sick people.

This is the reality for Tuvaluans - the consequences of a changing climate we did nothing to cause.

We are trying to adapt to our changed circumstances - by building strong sea walls, installing water tanks and planting mangroves to try to halt coastal erosion - but we do not have enough resources.

The longer rich countries delay releasing funds to help countries like Tuvalu to adapt to climate change, the more expensive it will be.

We are told that Australia will contribute to finance to help us adapt to climate change, but that it will be taken out of the aid budget.

I echo the concerns of development organisations like Oxfam, that argue that we need new financial commitments on the table from governments, rather than taking from a pot of money already pledged to assist us in our development - money we could use to educate our children or provide better health facilities for our families.

I am part of the Tuvaluan delegation for the UN Climate Change Negotiations because one of the things that keeps me going is the ability to be heard by the international community.

I want to make sure the challenges of ordinary Tuvaluans are heard, and that life in Tuvalu is recognised as just as valuable as anywhere else in the world.

Reverend Tafue Lusama, General Secretary of the Tuvalu Christian church and community leader, Tuvalu. And part of the Tuvaluan delegation to the UNFCCC negotiations in Durban (28 November 28 – December 9).

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Comments (165)

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  • Dino no to be confused with :

    30 Nov 2011 12:30:27pm

    Dear Reverend,
    Thank You for your article. Things have changed in Australia since I was a boy too. I think industrial toxins/poisons have and still flow into the waterways and oceans.
    You can still purchase poisons here that make me scratch my head.
    I am no expert on climate. Any reduction of pollution and poison is a good thing as far as I am concerned. My best wishes to You.

  • el-viejo :

    30 Nov 2011 11:43:01am

    Pardon me, Reverend, but what was the population of Tuvalu in those sunny old days when your father took you fishing?

    I am sorry, but the facts of life are:

    - you cannot overpopulate an island and expect the lifestyle to remain unaffected;

    - you cannot sell your fishing rights to foreigners and expect them not to take the fish they paid for;

    - you cannot concentrate half of the population of Tuvalu in Funafuti and complain of overcrowding and water shortage;

    - you cannot do the coastal mining of sand, gravel and coral for building materals and then complain of erosion, or act surprised that there is now a hole where the sand used to be.

    - you cannot dramatically increase population density where there is little water and less sanitation and expect not to have cholera outbreaks.

    - in a constrained ecosystem of small islands you cannot sustain indefinitely the current Tuvaluan birth rate of over three children per woman of child bearing age.

    Demography is your enemy, not the climate change.

  • ardy :

    30 Nov 2011 9:04:03am

    Have to say this Reverend Tafue Lusama but you have been cruelly deceived by some people and that is not good. I am sure your speech at the Durban CO2 talks will get a rousing reception and maybe a standing ovation. That is because you are saying exactly what they want to hear and saying it in an emotional appeal for help which is generally good for the media. There will be many in Australia who will want to help as we are good at that.

    The other leaders in Durban will commiserate with you and verbally tell you they will do what they can but after the talks it will all be back to normal.

    Good luck but I think there will have to be other solutions that the Tuvaluans will have to work on.

  • psyclaw ®:

    30 Nov 2011 9:03:15am

    Well Rev Lusama, your article touched a raw nerve on the scaredy cat conservo mob who like to comment here.

    A perusal of comments thusfar shows that the anti AGW mob, the anti foreign aid mob, the anti immigration mob (aka the "we own Australia and everyone else should shove off mob"), and of course the conspiracy theorists (AGW is a plot by underdeveloped nations to get "our" lifestyle for free).

    Since JG the PM has had the courage and perseverance to get the ETS legislated, and since Abbott won't actually rescind it, perhaps these commenters can now spend a bit of time finding some new issue to oppose.

    I expect that some of the regular conservos who haven't had their say here yet will take the opportunity to contradict what I have written, even though my comment is merely about the types of comments appearing here.

  • Icedvolvo :

    30 Nov 2011 7:16:56am

    Oh dear here we go again:

    "...now, 80 per cent of our corals have been bleached, due to the increase of the ocean temperatures and acidification from additional carbon dioxide...."

    First ocean temperatures in Tuvalu are actually COOLER than they have historically been. Further the levels of CO2 currently have not yet affected the pH of any ocean! If the corals are bleaching then it is probably just what is know as "white out" which occurs cyclically in all reefs.

    As to sea levels the Australian Government set up monitoring stations in the Pacific but abandoned them after they could detect NO CHANGE in sea levels. In fact they have actually fallen ever so slightly! See http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/sea-level-rises-are-slowing-tidal-gauge-records-show/story-fn59niix-1226099350056 or here http://nzclimatescience.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14&Itemid=1 for laymans reports.

    Tuvalu was in far more danger during the 70s when cyclones caused local sea rises to overrun the land

    As to droughts etc this is just the natual La Nina/El Nino cycle.

    With all due respect you are simply wrong, I can only hope innocently so!

      • psyclaw ®:

        30 Nov 2011 8:45:14am

        With all due respect you are simply wrong, I can only hope innocently so!

      • Paul W :

        30 Nov 2011 10:07:20am

        "Further the levels of CO2 currently have not yet affected the pH of any ocean!"

        It appears icedvolvo that you are out of the loop when it comes to ocean chemistry.

        The following video is easy to follow and explains how ocean acidification is causing reproductive failure in oysters up and down the pacific north west US coast.


        There is also a simple graphic that shows the growth of ocean acidification from 1785 to the present.

        A simple but detailed explanation of ocean acidification by marine chemists can be found at http://www.skepticalscience.com/Mackie_OA_not_OK_post_0.html

        It goes through the chemistry and consequences of ocean acidification.

        Our good reverend may not be so off the mark as you claim.

      • JoeBloggs :

        30 Nov 2011 11:20:25am

        Please learn something about the acidification of the ocean.

        I can recommend you read anything put out by any of the international scientists working on Heron Island studying just that.

        Or if reading is too hard for you you can always just watch a david attenborough doco on the subject......

        You do realise that if the ocean becomes too acidic then the organisms that produce the vast majority of the oxygen for the planet will go extinct don't you.....

      • I think I think :

        30 Nov 2011 11:25:58am

        Why reference the Australian, instead of credible scientific studies, I wonder IV?

        But you are definitely incorrect about sea level rises - trends have been up to +4 mm per annum since 1993.

  • Damnthematrix :

    30 Nov 2011 2:12:58am

    Last decade equals warmest on record: UN


    Thirteen of the warmest years recorded have occurred within the last decade and a half, the United Nations' World Meteorological Organisation said.

    The year 2011 caps a decade that ties the record as the hottest ever measured, the WMO says in its annual report on climate trends and extreme weather events, unveiled at UN climate talks in Durban, South Africa.

    "Our science is solid and it proves unequivocally that the world is warming and that this warming is due to human activities," WMO secretary-general Michel Jarraud said in a statement, adding policy makers should take note of the findings.

    "Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have reached new highs and are very rapidly approaching levels consistent with a two to 2.4 Celsius rise in average global temperatures."

      • Zibethicus :

        30 Nov 2011 7:30:33am

        Those conniving Tuvaluans - how dare they turn the thermostat up on the Iron Sun?

        And all that just to 'steal' 'our Money' through the slimy tentacles of the Great Invisible International Communist Climate Change Conspiracy...

        Some people have /no/ scruples at all.

          • ardy :

            30 Nov 2011 10:15:00am

            Very true Zb// I am glad you have finally seen the light, no longer will you praise the IPCC regardless of how stupid they assume the rest of the world is.

            BTW it is a green touchy, feely, money for poor countries, conspiracy during which the planet needs to be nurtured and loved. Unfortunately the facts are not backing this green hysteria up. If they had just stuck with whale protection, fish stocks and deforestation they would have had far more credibility.

      • Icedvolvo :

        30 Nov 2011 8:26:52am

        The data that these assertions are based on is SECRET! The raw data (no not the averaged, normalise, UHI corrected and IPCC "massaged" data; the actual RAW data!) has NEVER been made available to anyone other than the IPCC so NO ONE can check these claims.

        When the IPCC CRU centre in East Anglia was finally forced by a British court to hand over the RAW data the RAW data was declared to be "lost forever"!

        Combine this veil of secrecy with Climate Gate "hide the decline..." revelations etc etc and the odour of corruption is too strong to ignore!

          • wave function :

            30 Nov 2011 9:34:18am

            Conspiracy theory crazies... I heard that the Roswell aliens created the fake moon landing too!

          • Paul W :

            30 Nov 2011 10:17:43am

            There is 6 major data sets which all show the same warming trend.

            The NASA data set has always been publicly available.


            The claims of the "global warming skeptics" have been the subject of research and the various claims have been found to be so minimal as to have no effect on the findings.

            "When the IPCC CRU centre in East Anglia"
            The IPCC is a review body. It is not the body that does the research.

          • I think I think :

            30 Nov 2011 11:30:05am

            You can get access to that raw data if you want. You just need to get a degree in a relevant field, do your masters and then your PhD.

            Otherwise it would simply be meaningless to you and you would be wasting credible scientists time making them do pointless admin work.

            By the way, it is intellectual property - so, sorry - you don't have a right to it any more than I have a right to take your car.

          • GraemeF :

            30 Nov 2011 12:36:00pm

            Icedvolvo is again wrong with his accusations. I'd suggest he reads up on the full context of the 'hide the decline' and 'Mike's nature trick' which were published in a peer revued journal that asked for further contribution.
            The hiding of the decline refers to proxy data of trees. Up until the sixties, tree rings and temperature followed a similar pattern. After the sixties the tree rings started to show a pattern that suggested that temperatures were dropping. This was obviously false because they had accurate measurements from weather stations so as to not create a confusing graph the tree ring data was replaced by actual temperatures.
            To try to suggest that scientists were hiding actual drops in recorded temperature is ignorant at the best and an outright lie at the worst.

  • R. Ambrose Raven :

    30 Nov 2011 1:38:16am

    Tuvalu’s climate-related problems, like those of the Murray-Darling system’s problems (which are partly climate-related) are examples not only of the immediate issues of managing the pressures as demand increases or holds while resources diminish and/or degenerate but also of the longer-term need to adjust the whole of our society to become less unsustainable.

    We face the alarming impact not just of climate change and environmental degradation and of the second wave of the Great Recession but also of increasing social and resource pressures such as peak oil, peak water, peak minerals, and peak food. They will seriously crimp our lifestyle and upset our comfort long before our climate degenerates beyond hope of denial.

    Business as usual is no longer possible, despite many being desperate to believe that the answer is win-win low-carbon technologies, guaranteed to leave the good times rolling. Mainstream economists are anxious to oblige; only desperation forced the IMF to recognise the reality that most OECD nations were at or near the threshold of unsustainable debt.

    To our cost, three problems seriously hinder effective reaction to these challenges. Firstly, public sector denigration, which creates division and a lack of confidence and commitment by important decisionmakers. Secondly, the bipartisan destruction of government business enterprises (which produced vastly disproportionate numbers of tradesman, engineers, and scientists) means that it is impossible to recreate those skills quickly and effectively. Thirdly, the privatisation of physical and intellectual capital creates huge barriers of both cost and time in bringing bits together (where we know them to exist).

    Society also contributes to those problems, by denying the reality that business as usual is no longer possible. Too many clutch at win-win low-carbon technologies supposedly guaranteed to leave the good times rolling. Nonsense, regrettably. Petrol, for instance, is forecast to be up to $8 a litre by 2018; the International Energy Authority has now acknowledged that we’ve hit Peak Oil .

    Government business enterprises, statutory authorities, and a much more socialist society are essential, for both efficiency and fairness.

    We will need to allow entry to climate change refugees from the littoral states. Under Howard, we were happy enough to let in Indian hairdressing students as long as there was a quick quid to be made.

  • Population conundrum :

    29 Nov 2011 11:40:57pm

    Tuvalu has population of about 10,000 people with a land area of 26sqkm and is having enormous problems.

    Nauru has population of about 10,000 people with a land area of 21sqkm but doesn't have any issues with water at the moment.

    Could this be because we are hearing mostly about the problems on Funafuti which has about 5,000 people on one island of 2.4sqkm???

    Are this a call to increase immigration to New Zealand and Australia from Tuvalu?

    I understand that there is already an agreement to move about 60 people from Tuvalu to New Zealand every year. Is this not enough to work with?

  • Gemma :

    29 Nov 2011 10:09:06pm

    We do not have time to just sit in our suits at the negotiations and do nothing. We do not have time to just pledge 5% targets in Australia. If we are to save those from going under water and save their livelihoods we must do a lot lot more. As a young person I am 100% behind the fight for Tuvalu.

  • Hawkeye :

    29 Nov 2011 9:51:13pm

    Unfortunately for the Reverend Tafue Lusama, he and the people of Tuvalu have been cruelly mislead by the IPCC and their cohort of man-made climate change promoters. The fact is that global satellite atmospheric temperature has been measured since December 1978 and CO2 measurements have been made throughout that period for stations located across the globe. Monthly average values from these measurements are freely available on the Internet.

    Simple least square linear regression analysis of some of this data has provided the following results for the correlation coefficient between changes in the monthly average values for both CO2 concentration and Lower Tropospheric temperature ( that is, first differences ) for the appropriate zone, Northern Hemisphere, Tropics or Southern Hemisphere, as follows :

    at Alert, Canada, correlation coefficient of 0.016, probability 79%,

    at Barrow, Alaska, correlation coefficient of -0.014, probability 78%,

    at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, correlation coefficient 0.029, probability 56%,

    at Cape Kumukahi, Hawaii, correlation coefficient 0.0077, probability 88%,

    at Ascension Island, Sth Atlantic Ocean, correlation coefficient -0.0059, probability 91%,

    as Ile Amsterdam, Indian Ocean, correlation coefficient -0.053, probability 34%,

    at Cape Grim, Tasmania, correlation coefficient 0.011, probability 83%.

    In summary, the correlation coefficients are near zero and the probabilities are high indicating that there is little reason to reject the null hypothesis that there is no causal relationship between changes in CO2 concentration and changes in Lower Tropospheric temperature. The two variables are independent of each other. If the IPCC conjecture that increased CO2 concentration caused increased temperature was valid then the
    correlation should be approaching +1. This real world, up-to-date data refutes that proposition.

    The data also indicates a high probability that the rate of emission of CO2 into the atmosphere is related to the ambient temperature level. This may arise from higher temperatures causing enhanced biological activity with associated generation of CO2. The 1st difference CO2 record shows a strong seasonal variation which does not appear in the 1st difference temperature record, confirming that CO2 levels do not affect
    temperature. The seasonal effect for the Northern Hemisphere is of the order of six months out of phase with that of the Southern Hemisphere pointing to seasonal biological activity as being the source.

    The overall message is that mankind is having little influence on CO2 concentration or atmospheric temperature level. If so then the earth may simply be going through its usual warming cycle into an interglacial era after passing through a glacial period about 20,000 years ago something that it has done repeatedly about every 100,000 years.

    The IPCC appears to

      • ardy :

        30 Nov 2011 8:52:32am

        Strange that the heater scientists are not out in force denying this. Still it was posted at 9:51pm and they were a long way away from their government jobs. Wonder who they will Ad Hom the Satellite?

        I guess they will have to email MM or better JH and wait for an answer. PJ won't reply as he agrees with this. They know within the CSIRO they will not have an answer as they only read the IPCC reports and nod gravely.

        Or they might take the obtuse way and claim that the poster doesn't understand the feedback systems and the impact on their models .

  • Keith :

    29 Nov 2011 7:15:08pm

    Ah yes , the old cry "give me money" premised on colonial guilt.

    The ocean isn't more acidic, the sea isn't warmer and the tides are not rising.

    Manage your own affairs effectively , it's called good governance, and your problems will go away.

      • Damnthematrix :

        30 Nov 2011 1:02:42am

        Another greedy westerners= continuing to deny climate change is happening......

        Shame on you.

      • Daniel R :

        30 Nov 2011 4:36:30am

        So this idealogical piece of waffle proposes to un-bleach the coral how?

        I'm sure those polyps are just cashing in on colonial guilt as well, cunning devils.

      • someone :

        30 Nov 2011 9:57:09am

        let them eat cake

          • JoeBloggs :

            30 Nov 2011 11:25:28am

            or bleached coral ......

      • The Citizen :

        30 Nov 2011 10:51:17am

        I think you got the message wrong, they dont need your money...you need to use your money to address your problems and thus will address theirs too. The problem is not small and we will have to deal a bigger problem is Climate Change is real (Bloody Migration)....are we ready for this if CC is real?? or should we just let them DEAL with their own survival!!!!!

  • James In Footscray :

    29 Nov 2011 6:11:53pm

    The IPCC suggests we should be careful when we say 'climate change is causing X'. Are we still confident Tuvalu is 'sinking because of climate change'? The only place in the world where this is happening?

      • Budovski :

        29 Nov 2011 7:53:29pm

        The IPCC and every other peer reviewed bit of scientific research conducted in the last 30 years says climate change is real, is caused by human activity and will have a profound global environmental impact.

        Perhaps when you cherry pick a section of a statement and attempt to create a false impression you should acknowledge this irrefutable fact?

          • marcus :

            29 Nov 2011 8:47:49pm

            No, that is totally wrong and you are being deceitful. The author clearly states that Tuvalu is suffering and clearly implies that this suffering is being caused by AGW. This is either true or it isn't true. There is no cherry picking about this.

            We know that ocean temperatures aren't really going up. We know that the oceans aren't really turning into "acid" (They might be becoming slight less basic but this is a very different thing).

            The author is trotting out the same old same old AGW nostrums and pushing out the begging bowl.

              • R. Ambrose Raven :

                30 Nov 2011 8:40:36am

                Ah, the denialists. "Denialism" refers to those who use spurious reasoning plus more or less aggressive forms of discussion to strengthen opposition to a theory despite not having any reasonable scientific basis for doing so.

                Denialists practice a number of methods to bully, intimidate and silence their targets:
                1. Doubt the science.
                2. Question the motives and integrity of scientists.
                3. Magnify disagreements among scientists.
                4. Exaggerate potential harm.
                5. Appeal to personal freedom.
                6. Divert the discussion to irrelevant and/or sterile sub-issues.
                7. Acceptance will threaten a dogmatically-held personal philosophy, be it religious, pro-capitalist, or simply sociopathic.
                8. Dorothy Dixers, where a brazen denialist pretends to debate with a fellow denialist who pretends to be only partly convinced.
                9. Accuse environmentalists of being bigoted and doctrinaire.
                10. Accuse environmentalists of exactly the underhanded tactics that the accusing denialist is using.
                11. Blame the victim. When a water crisis was reported (that it occurred is irrelevant; it doesn't exist until it is reported in the mainstream media) in Tuvalu this year, the denialists said it was 'their own entire fault' for 'breeding too much'. Population growth on Tuvalu is 0.7% as at this year, amongst the lowest in 236 countries and regions .

                Certainly some denialists are a rent-a-crowd that is part of a well-coordinated, well-funded campaign by contrarian scientists, Hard Right free-market lobby groups (such as the Institute of Public Affairs), and business.

                In “Requiem for a Species: Why We Resist the Truth about Climate Change”, Clive Hamilton describes a campaign to attack the science relating to climate change, originating with the astroturfing campaigns initiated by the tobacco industry in the 1990s. The public relations strategy was to cast doubt on the science, characterizing it as junk science, and therefore to turn public opinion against any calls for government intervention based on the science.

                However, other denialists are not just a rent-a-crowd – they are sociopaths, whose mentality is that of the muscle in a gang, a thuggery of bullies. What they admire, and want to identify with, is a hard, preferably vicious leader whose leadership authority and moral legitimacy gives some cover for their propensity for aggression.

                Still others reject anthropogenic climate change, because to accept it means accepting radical and certainly centralist remedies, measures that will threaten their dogmatic individualist personal philosophy.

                Sigmund Freud postulated that human societies are as driven by a ‘repetition compulsion’ in the unconscious mind towards death and destruction as much as we are by the search for erotic fulfillment. Thus human societies are as intoxicated and blinded by their own headlong rush toward death a

              • psyclaw ®:

                30 Nov 2011 8:48:56am

                "We know that ocean temperatures aren't really going up."

                Obviously you missed the news on Monday of the increase in temperature of the Great Southern Ocean.

              • JoeBloggs :

                30 Nov 2011 11:27:36am

                The acidification of the oceans are already occuring.

          • James In Footscray :

            29 Nov 2011 11:32:08pm

            Hi Budovski, I'm not saying anything about climate change in general. Purely - are we *sure* Tuvalu's problems are because of climate change? It seems kind of odd that one place in the world is affected in this way. Any thoughts?

          • Doug of Armidale :

            30 Nov 2011 5:55:29am

            Noted that you use the past tense,"and will have a....effect". It aint happening at the alarmist rate of knots. Just the normal planet swings and roundabouts.

          • Rusty :

            30 Nov 2011 7:11:32am


            Tuvalu sold its fishing rights to Korea, Japan and the US.

            Tuvalu's population has increased substantially.

            Tuvalu is mining its sands and cutting down its forests - leading to coastal erosion.

            Tuvalu's population is giving up its agrarian backbone and most are moving into urban areas.

            Tuvalu's population is suffering from high levels of heart disease and diabetes.

            NONE of these issues has anything to do with AGW but poor government and personal mismanagement by Tuvalu'ns...

              • Population conundrum :

                30 Nov 2011 11:22:02am

                For a start half of the Tuvaluans, that is about 5,000 people, are on the small island of Funafuti. The water situation could be eased if they were spread over more of the islands.

  • worrierqueen :

    29 Nov 2011 6:04:16pm

    And yet selfish greedy westerners continue to deny climate change is happening.

    Call me old fashioned but I prefer my xbox not soaked in blood.

      • wave function :

        29 Nov 2011 6:56:35pm

        Not many deny it is happening. The problem is, they won't do anything about it unless others do first.

      • Michael :

        29 Nov 2011 7:05:56pm

        Do you really need an xbox? Wasting electricity to play games and the waste of materials to make the Xbox and games in the first place. Yes some westerners are greedy and selfish and just don't see it do they.

          • Ford :

            30 Nov 2011 7:43:46am

            Do you need to be using a computer to post comments on an internet forum?
            Indeed, do you need to be using the energy and materials to be reading this article at all?

          • I think I think :

            30 Nov 2011 12:22:54pm

            That is a bit arbitrary. You can break that down to: do you really need anything other than basic food and shelter?

            The key here is that a modern lifestyle should be achievable without using fossil fuels, not that a modern lifestyle is inherently bad.

            Take the xbox, for example - blind capitalism says that a new xbox model should be bought every four years or so. Social capitalism says that xboxes should be designed with upgradeable components that can be bought at a discount if you return the superceded component for recycling.

            There is working harder and working smarter. I opt for the latter.

      • JohnM :

        29 Nov 2011 7:59:08pm

        Well worrierqueen, do you have any evidence that humans have a significant and dangerous influence on climate?

        If you do it would be remarkable because no-one else seems to have anything credible. If you are quick you might get a Nobel prize.

        But if you don't have that evidence, then your statement is completely worthless.

          • Fiona :

            29 Nov 2011 10:25:16pm

            And do you have evidence that humans DO NOT have a significant and dengerous influence on climate ?. That's the whole problem, there's no smoking gun, there's no big hole in the ozone layer to look at, no-one knows for sure, it's too complicated. I am in the 'better be safe than sorry' camp. But the planet will survive, what happens to us humans remains to be seen, and I mean in hundreds of years not just the next decade. that's another human failing, not thinking long term !.

  • Zong :

    29 Nov 2011 5:50:44pm

    Favorite argument of powerful - Climate Refugee = Open Border

    But Open Border not good for Australia

      • I think I think :

        30 Nov 2011 12:26:23pm

        Then you better fight as hard as you can to reverse the effects of climate change.

        Tuvalu is the leak in the dam wall. Wait until vast swathes of asia and the sub continent become climate refugees.

  • Doug of Armidale :

    29 Nov 2011 5:32:56pm

    Coral bleaching wouldnt by any chance be contributed to by acidification caused by pollution from poorly treated sewage and sullage from a stretched population. Or over use of fertiliser. Our greens blame such things as adversly affecting our reef.
    Your problems in part stem from advances in medicine etc allowing your population to pass sustainable figures. As well as begging us to pour in aid ......what steps are you taking on your own behalf.

      • Damnthematrix :

        30 Nov 2011 1:15:01am

        Don't be ridiculous...... coral bleaching is occurring all over the world, even in places hundreds of km from any human effluents. It's a very well documented effect of seas heating up.

  • Barrie :

    29 Nov 2011 4:43:15pm

    Thank you for a blunt and honest assessment, I wish you and your people luck Tafue. It may be only a matter of time before your people have to evacuate your islands, what a tragedy that will be.

    It is very clear from what you say that this is what many of us will see as climate change proceeds, reduced land area due to sea level rise, more violent and frequent storms, longer and hotter droughts and bigger floods, food shortages and much more.

    In Australia we are seeing fish species moving south along our eastern coast, changing habitat due to rising ocean temperatures. This is mirrored elsewhere in the world.

    The only thing that doesn't seem to change is the moronic leadership in many of the world's countries.

      • wave function :

        29 Nov 2011 5:22:21pm

        Agreed Barrie. There is a two-fold problem with leadership. Firstly, as you pointed out, most of it is moronic and places capitalistic objectives above all others. Making money is the global religion now, and it is a cult without ethics. Secondly, even education is now primarily a training ground for supporting exploitative capitalism. We believe that taking more than we give is success. When I completed my undergrad in Applied Science, I was continually shocked by how much emphasis was placed on making money, including at the expense of the environment. And my major was Ecology. Even when having conversations with professors about my disappointment, they agreed with my points but also said that everything was about money now and even if they didn't agree with what they taught, their hands were tied. This was particularly true regarding mining practices and our perception about them.

        We are a species which, if looked at objectively, are brainwashed to worship something with no actual value other than what we have created in our minds - money. In short, we are immature as a species and, like a child, will push the boundaries until we get into trouble. It's a rocky road ahead...

          • OUB :

            29 Nov 2011 6:02:56pm

            So have you forsworn money altogether now Wave? Or just the excess stuff? Been to the boss recently and told him you have more than enough for the coming month, please accept this refund? Just curious.

              • wave function :

                29 Nov 2011 6:50:25pm

                Fair question OUB. I am, like everyone, saturated in the world which is causing the problems. I recognise that our perception of money is the single greatest problem we have and the primary reason why we are doing so much damage to the planet. I know society needs to change significantly, and for now, all I can do is lead by example, even if it is a small example. I would like to be as self-sufficient as possible and I am working toward that. It's not easy though.

              • David :

                29 Nov 2011 7:37:22pm

                In the world there is a balance of quality of life and number of people that will need to be reached.

                Our population could be over 10 Bilion if everyone lived like the poorest Africans.

                Others may wish for a slightly better life.

                In this microcosm of the world, a small nation with largely sperate water supplies, materials and food the population has expanded. Unfortunately for this small nation there is no other nation nearby which they can loot so instead of changing their practices there is a beg for funds to continue and expand what has already lead them to this situation.

                And it wants colonial rule because no colonies could be bothered going so far out and invading such a small place.

              • OUB :

                29 Nov 2011 7:51:32pm

                You mustn't beat yourself up too much (unless you get something out of it). Greed means something different to everyone. To me the inability to define the word renders it meaningless, just a word to use to insult others. Is it unreasonable to see the seething human mass as just one entity, everyone playing our part in its survival (oh all right, some of us are just a touch cancerous). To imagine you must become a subsistence farmer to be worthy is too much. Strike your own balance, try to avoid being too judgemental when others look for their own balance point. But continue pointing out the issues.

                You didn't mention what you did with money by the way.

              • wave function :

                29 Nov 2011 8:18:15pm

                I understand what you are saying OUB. Self sufficiency, within reason, is something I actually like. It's not a quest of worthiness, it's simply a response to my love and respect of the natural world. But I am practical, I know I need hospitals and transport and the like. But where-ever possible, I will choose the most environmentally friendly method. I am vegetarian, I grow my own vegetables, I drive a low emissions vehicle, I use green energy, etc etc. I just try to be responsible to what is the only known planet in the universe to have life, and I understand how incredible and unique that makes it. As such, I try to go out of my way to protect it and for future generations to share and enjoy the same wonder I have with this experience of life. It costs me more in regards to money, but so be it. Life is more than accumulating material possessions and increasing the abstract notion of money being the highest ideal to achieve in life. But hey, I know I sound crazy to most people.

              • Damnthematrix :

                30 Nov 2011 1:17:52am

                Not crazy at all....... great to see more like us in fact.

              • Zibethicus :

                30 Nov 2011 7:34:28am

                "I am, like everyone, saturated in the world which is causing the problems."

                'We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.' - Oscar Wilde

                ...but, sadly, lots of us are climate change deniers...for the time being...soon they'll be as hard to find as the millions of former members of a certain political party after it ruined the country it claimed to be saving...

              • OUB :

                30 Nov 2011 10:14:18am

                Not crazy at all Wave. Perhaps on the road to a mild eccentricity but who hasn't been there? A low emissions vehicle instead of a bike will probably save you from going all the way. You have found a way of living that gives you satisfaction and so are doing better than most.

                I am at the stage where money means some security. Still long short of the mark. Accumulating assets should help me get there, eventually. It becomes a habit for some and maybe a business. Some of those businesses employ people. We can decry our most reviled plutocrats as greedy or whatever but they do generally serve a purpose as well. That's where I'm coming from. Good luck.

      • Zong :

        29 Nov 2011 5:46:46pm

        Yes leadership required for population control, not money. This leadership not present in many countries in world. Yes you are right.

          • wave function :

            29 Nov 2011 7:02:27pm

            I agree with population control. Another part of the huge problem of our species.

              • Population conundrum :

                29 Nov 2011 11:54:31pm

                So wave function, what happens if we invite these people to Australia and they don't adapt to our way of life and have sub replacement fertility rates.

                What happens if they continue with extremely high fertility rates for many generations?

                In the UK they have a number of ethnic groups that have been present for 3 to 4 generations, that have not integrated and their ethnic groups fertility rate is still well above 3 and they still often go back to their ethnic homeland to choose a partner.

                Many cultures have over populated their countries well beyond its capacity to create wealth, if they come to Australia, what is stopping them from over populating our country beyond its carrying capacity.

              • wave function :

                30 Nov 2011 7:44:53am

                I don't have all the answers Population conundrum. I wish I did. But population control is something which should be a global effort. China has managed it to some extent, and thank goodness for that. Imagine what it would be like there without the single child policy.

                I think a lot of the problem we face is that there is an enormous lack of cooperation acros the planet. I know it seems idealistic, but our petty differences need to be put aside and global society needs to embrace a unified approach to help solve issues such as population and AGW. Idealistic, I know, but also quite pragmatic.

  • Woody :

    29 Nov 2011 4:17:30pm

    Tuvalu is the canary in the coal mine and we ignore their pain, which has not been caused by their way of life, at our peril.

    Helping Tuvula today helps us tomorrow.

      • David :

        29 Nov 2011 4:47:24pm

        Only if something can be learnt from Tuvula because there is no way we will be able to treat Australias' entire coast line in the same way the Tuvulas may be with foreign aid.

      • wave function :

        29 Nov 2011 5:12:00pm

        I agree Woody. So does science. So do ethical actions. But profits do not agree. And for that reason, Tuvalu is as good as gone.

          • Paul W :

            29 Nov 2011 5:47:56pm

            I would not agree that they are as good as gone.

            There is practical solutions to the worlds energy issues put forward by these folks. http://thesciencecouncil.com/

            While many of their solutions may not be fashionable currently, they are workable.

            The problem like so many comes done to education, organisation and politics.

            Solutions to the issues in general terms were found quite some time ago. Getting the populations to insist that the issues get resolved is yet to be organised.

              • wave function :

                29 Nov 2011 7:08:28pm

                Hi Paul. Practical solutions are definitely important. It is practical to curb emissions and revolutionise energy to avert AGW as much as possible. The problem is, practical now equates to profitable. If it isn't profitable, it isn't considered practical. The mindset we have inherited and unconsciously perpetuate is losing practicality without us realising it. People can't see the forest for the trees (although we are superb at cutting them down...).

              • Paul W :

                30 Nov 2011 10:23:47am

                Hi wave function,

                I do agree with you. "The problem is, practical now equates to profitable. If it isn't profitable, it isn't considered practical. "

                It is however only a very short sighted profit of a year or two that decisions seem to be blocked by.

                When longer views are taken, what is be proposed by those we will agree with do become clearly profitable.

                We are up against a lack of vision and courage to do the right thing by the future. Profit stops being a hurdle for us as we plan for the future. This is especially true for the next 100 years or so!

              • wave function :

                30 Nov 2011 11:56:10am

                Indeed Paul. Decisions are all too often based on instant monetary gratification with virtually no long term vision.

                The unfortunate consequence is that those of us thinking several years in the future are considered left wing fanatics. Reality is, we are pragmatists with a wider scope and greater vision than simply looking in our pocket at the end of the day.

  • Ditch :

    29 Nov 2011 4:14:54pm

    Just pack up and move Rev, it's over. The rest of world doesn't have an obligation to help you any more than it does to fund free air con for people living in places that are too hot. Move on and settle your people somewhere nice and dry. like Alice Springs perhaps!

      • Marcus :

        29 Nov 2011 9:11:02pm

        Not much fishing in the Alice.

  • harriet :

    29 Nov 2011 4:14:06pm

    Aid money certainly will help, and I agree it should be an additional sum of money to the aid Tuvalu already receives.

    I also think that real preventative action needs to be taken with regard to climate change. While it's good to see that some measures are being implemented to tackle this complex issue (i.e. carbon tax) it still isn't enough and the real answer lies at a more fundamental level. We need to change the root of the way we do things. For example, the way we produce energy really needs to change. Fossil fueled energy should have been a thing of the past by now. We can't continue to ignore the effects of climate change just because of a very powerful minority with a vested interest.
    Also people generally just need to give a shit a little more and change their behaviour in line with their values. And think about things

  • Mallick :

    29 Nov 2011 3:44:56pm

    Thank you very much for a very moving article. The situation for the people in your country reflects in very real terms the outcome of climate change and the difficulties in dealing with increases in population. I hope that solutions can be found for your people in the short and long term. Perhaps it is not possible for some island communities to stay on those islands. Perhaps they could be left to try to allow nature to restock the oceans and restore the coral for the future.

  • JoeBloggs :

    29 Nov 2011 3:35:11pm

    Much in the same way that people generally have to die in car accidents at an intersection (repeatedly) before the authorities 'realise' they have to do something about it and install traffic lights, the people of Tuvalu will the the Climate Change victims that suffer and make the global 'authorities' realise they actually do have to do something about climate change.

    I sincerely hope I am proved wrong.....

    Keep up the good work Reverend! Hopefully the big nations will listen before it is too late.

      • Marcus :

        29 Nov 2011 9:17:27pm

        With all due respect, I do not believe you. I think you, like most of the climate change millenialists, would like nothing better than for Tuvala or some other benighted third world disaster to sink into the sea. Then you could run around squealing "I told you so I told you so".

  • Prof Perth :

    29 Nov 2011 3:27:13pm

    At the risk of injecting unwelcome scientific commentary into the emotive 'climate' debate, I make 2 points. Firstly, any estimate of mean sea level trend needs to have the associated standard deviation ('error bars') to have any hope of interpretation - perhaps there has been a real change in Tuvalu, perhaps not.
    Of more relevance however, the mean sea level of many Pacific island nations has actually gone down, not up. How can this be so? Because the 'sea level' of volcanic islands is affected by small movements in the underlying tectonic plates, many of which are ever so slowly pushing up.
    From my personal biased observations, as someone who has enjoyed diving throughout the Pacific over the last 25 years, the decline in fish numbers is highly variable and clearly linked to commercial exploitation. The damage was done many years before coral bleaching was first noticed.

      • Tawa Bobo :

        29 Nov 2011 6:50:36pm

        Thank god or the sentiuent being of your choice... at last someone has interjected a reasoned scientific thought into what is essentially a divisive political debate.

      • Marcus :

        29 Nov 2011 9:29:22pm

        I am not too sure that "observations" are going to be welcome here. It sounds a bit too scientific.

        The truth is Tuvala is not being damaged by climate change. The locals have drained the aquifers, eaten the beaked fish, mined the coral for building and cut down lots of the local timber.

        It may be an ecological disaster. he disaster may have been man made but it has nothing to do with carbon usage in the first world.

  • madog55 :

    29 Nov 2011 3:21:55pm


    Whilst you have the likes of our current Liberal party in Australia nothing will be done to change our culture on climate.( This is fact)

    The greedy people of the world don't understand what their excesses are causing to our climate.

    We will see a growing discontent with the 99% of people who are starting to take notice around the world, that things have to change ,that population growth has to be controlled.

    If our leaders don't understand this concept,then they should look what happens in the animal kingdom.
    When conditions are not right then breeding is reduced until conditions are right to sustain life,breeding is reduced through drought conditions.

    Humans don't have the same instincts as animals as shown in Africa,where humans breed like flys but can't feed the children that already exist.

    China is one of the few countries in the world that have taken any action albeit too late.

      • David :

        29 Nov 2011 3:55:19pm

        China is one of the only country that has succesfully implemented a population program.

        In the mean time Australia will keep on increasing its population due to migration and growing cities like Perth where the dam levels are currently at 12% and Canberra where the dam level dropped below 20% before a huge flood occured.

        What would Canberra be lie now if not for the rainfall that caused the Queensland floods?
        What will happen if Perth dams decrease to dry. This season they had above average rainfall.

        What is the cost of relocating a fraction of a city Say 1 million Australians to another city due to water scarcity.

        Without population control a country is just building up speed as it climbs a cliff. The drop will bring things down again in a agressive manner.

          • Population conundrum :

            29 Nov 2011 4:48:20pm

            Maybe we should ask Tuvalu if they can take 10,000 Australians. I agree that on Funafuti things are a bit tight so they can't go their but they clearly have room on their eight other less densely populated islands.

          • James In Footscray :

            29 Nov 2011 6:17:36pm

            China with the 'successful population program' - is that the place where there are 105 boys per 100 girls?

              • David :

                29 Nov 2011 7:43:26pm

                Minor detail.

                Whatever happens at least their population is stable through government actions which is something next to no other country has been able to do.

      • JR :

        29 Nov 2011 5:36:57pm

        'Humans don't have the same instincts as animals as shown in Africa,where humans breed like flys but can't feed the children that already exist.'

        Do you really believe that the people you are talking of, have the choice you express, and do you really understand their context?

        In places where people are so often living in an environment dependent agrarian existence having children is seen as a means to lineage survival. They aren't living in the globalized pursuit of individualism that you are experiencing.

  • Population conundrum :

    29 Nov 2011 3:06:40pm

    Reverend Tafue Lusama,

    I sincerely hope you find the answers to the problems troubling your people and find that which can improve the lives of your people.

    Australia was once a sparsely populated land but it it too is quickly filling up as we increase immigration of people from around the world. And Australia too is now in need of desalination plants for its people.

      • Not so squeezey :

        29 Nov 2011 4:27:30pm

        You gotta be kidding!

        Total population of Tuvalu is 10,500 people.

        You can look Rev. Lasama in the eye and tell him our country is too overcrowded for his folks?

          • David :

            29 Nov 2011 7:45:26pm

            With Perth dam water at 12$, the Murray being overallocated to produce food for countries such as his, Sydney water contamination issues, Canberra dams falling below 20% before the QLD floods, water carting, regional bores failing water taste and quality standards as well as predicted decreases in rainfall;
            YES I CAN

              • Not so squeezey :

                29 Nov 2011 10:23:05pm

                Well in that case David, we might as well go to the UN and announce that Australia is closed for any international visitors.

                Those 5.9 million parasitic foreign tourists (2010 figures from Tourism Australia which equates to 56,000% of the entire population of Tuvalu) must have dried up all our natural resources.

              • Population conundrum :

                30 Nov 2011 11:57:11am

                Not so squeezy,

                There are many countries around the world who find themselves in dire situations due to over population and drought. Why should we help the Tuvuluans anymore than anyone else.

                I would be much more inclined to support the helping of a country, through immigration to Australia, where that country has a proven track record in controlling and even reducing their population than one which was struggling with this issue.

      • Denny Crane :

        29 Nov 2011 6:35:21pm

        With dams at almost 70% in every city, tell us where Australia needs a desalination plant? Which city needs one?

        I will be suprised if the ABC publish this comment. They dont like it when somebody dares question the climate change religion

          • David :

            29 Nov 2011 7:50:58pm

            In Canberra the dam level fell below 20% before the QLD floods where it topped up to 100%. If that flood didnt occur what would occur?

            And this is a city that can not build a desal plant.

            In Toowoomba water carting occured for domestic use.

            With a predicted drying climate and more food consumption required for a growing world there can be a serious issue with dam levels. 70% now may not last too long for the cities.

          • Mr Q :

            30 Nov 2011 1:22:02am

            Perth's dams are, right now, at 35.8%. Personally, I don't call that anywhere near 70%.

              • Population conundrum :

                30 Nov 2011 12:03:43pm

                And Perth is currently in the process of building its third, yes its THIRD, desalination plant. If this isn't an indication of a water problem then I don't know what is.

          • Population conundrum :

            30 Nov 2011 11:49:39am

            Denny Crane,

            You prove what short memories many Australians have.

            Every state capital city on mainland Australia has built at least one desalination plant because they were running short of water due to the drought from the prolonged El Nino cycle in the late 90s and through out the first decade of this century. We should not forget that continued population growth from high levels of immigration contributed significantly to the increased pressure on our water supplies. People now criticise the governments that made these decisions to build these desalination plants but they forget if you look back at the time when the decisions were made, the water situation was dire and as a result these decisions were justified. The fact that only one of these cities has really needed its desalination plant, that is Perth which has built two plants and is building a third to supply its growing population, because of rains brought by a strong turn to a La Nina cycle is neither here nor there. Our weather experts could not guarantee this rain when a decision was required nor even predict it with any level of certainty, so a safe position in regards to one of our most essential service, an adequate clean water supply, necessitated a prudent decision to supply more water via the desalination option.

            It is also worth noting that a return to El Nino some time in the next few years will mean that our dams will dry up and all the desalination plants will need to be turned on and more energy consuming desalination plants built to supply an even greater population, largely driven by immigration. This El Nino cycle will return rainfall to the central Pacific Islands and alleviate the water issues until the next La Nina event.

  • Doug Quixote :

    29 Nov 2011 2:33:23pm

    Suggest that you prepare to evacuate. If mankind (elsewhere on the planet) vanished tomorrow in a puff of smoke, the planet will continue to warm for some centuries.

    If that is not clear enough for you, save your breath and get off the islands, as and when the climate becomes intolerable.

  • Zoltar :

    29 Nov 2011 2:30:09pm

    Me thinks this is much more a case of Tuvalu's population exceeding its carrying capacity than it is of climate change. This has resulted in a dwindling of the Tuvaluans' ability to sustain themselves, or to set aside sufficient reserves for bad times, like droughts.

      • GraemeF :

        29 Nov 2011 3:22:47pm

        Over population does not cause coral bleaching.

          • Population conundrum :

            29 Nov 2011 4:28:28pm

            no but fishing with explosives does damage coral.


          • Marcus :

            29 Nov 2011 9:44:35pm

            Not to mention using poison to flush the reef fish out of their lairs.

      • Ross :

        29 Nov 2011 3:44:09pm

        I bet you wouldnt be saying that if you were on Tuvalu Zoltar! Some people will just not accept what is happening, until its way too late to do anything about it.

  • oportoj :

    29 Nov 2011 2:26:27pm

    "It is now impossible for us to live a life free from anxiety and worry. In fact, on Tuvalu, there is now an atmosphere of panic and uncertainty."

    Nailed it Tafue: That is what modern life is like. Ask anyone from Beijing to Baghdad to Belgrade to just about anywhere.
    I am truly sorry that you have lost so much; but you now have penicillin;peace; refigeration and certainties that were unknown in your tribal past. The world is changing, that is true, you can look to your rose coloured past or look forward and adapt.

  • David :

    29 Nov 2011 2:20:26pm

    Since 1980 this small island has doubled from around 5000 to roughly 10,500 in 2010. Trying to judge the age of the author the population may have quadrippled during his life.

    I see Tuvalu as an example of overpopulation which is effecting not just their nation but the entire world. With 26 square kilometers it is incredibly small and has limited space to support people.

    Would there be enough fish in the ocean if the fishing demand was halved? Would there be enough water for people and crops if the water demand was halved?

    Yes, Climate is effecting the whole world. Carbon emmissions are increased for each person that is born demanding food, water and electricity and Australia can not control that in individual naitons.

    This small nation has exceeded its population limit with the current infrastructure.

    Short of a desalination plant fueled by renewable energy which would take up alot of space on the island there is nothing that can be done.

    If such things are built I am sure there would be an impact upon marine life and agricultural land would be removed. It may not be a worthwhile trade off at all.

      • Mr Accent Slanglish :

        29 Nov 2011 2:52:18pm

        So what are you trying to get out rather than copy wikipedia info?
        What to do?
        Half the population?
        Let it go as is?
        Expand the island with a stretcher...
        Evacuate the population or part of to Christmas Island or to Arnhem Land...

          • David :

            29 Nov 2011 3:26:30pm

            Female education tends to be one of the best ways to slow down population growth.

            I fail to see why Australia should be funding a society that is currently unsustainable due to its size when its size only looks set to increase in the future.

      • Paul W :

        29 Nov 2011 3:00:52pm

        I operate a desalt plant in my factory that makes 5 tonnes of fresh water per day and fits on a standard 1.2 meter square pallet. It takes 20 amps of three phase power to run which could be powered by a small sized building with it's roof covered by solar panels.

        It's obvious to me that the size such a plant takes up is not the issue. The issue is getting the funds to buy it and put it well clear of the storm surges and wind damage.

        The population size has not bleached the coral. That is clearly the effect of AGW with it's source in the use of coal by others.

        The world out side the islands has caused the problem and quite rightly should pay to fix it! It's simple logic. If you break a peoples life to comfort ones own land one does the right thing and pays to fix it.

        Whats more the amount of money being asked for is small.

          • David :

            29 Nov 2011 3:38:22pm

            If that is the true size of a desal plant it may be the best way to go.

            I just do not want to be funding any foreign nation on a continued basis as a tax payer. It was the people of Tuvalu that have increased their demands and now that they have their is a call of assistance from others almost as if it was a right.

            So little has been done on this island in human history. It has simply reached its capacity unless desal is to be constructed which should be the choice of the local people.

            The claim "its only a small amount" when requesting funding will be used again and again. Unless there is a path to reduce or remove funding from any reciever it is not worth Australian efforts as the cycle will only go on and on until collapse.

            Also assuming carbon emmisions have caused coral to be bleached is a huge jump. What has been the average bleaching of coral around the world? How have other nations coped?

            There are probably several reasons for coral breaching. Climate may be one, Other pollution and fishing pressures may further weaken the ecosystem. There are many things that make an organism weaker and more subject to failure or disease.

              • Paul W :

                29 Nov 2011 5:59:45pm

                For a little island just a little plant like mine might be enough. The point is that native people can't afford to buy the plants that are needed.

                They can be made so they can be pulled down and moved at a low cost to larger higher islands as the rise in sea level will force in time. Still cultures can remain in tact with such moves if done well.

                The cultures of the pacific are a treasure to humanity as any one who lives in a large city will testify to if they holiday there.

                They are a treasure in there own terms as well as being a wonderful change for tourists.

                The last thing I want is a brave new world where everyone shelters in large cities hardened against cyclones, sea level rises and our food is made in factories sheltering from a very hostile environment. It is a plausible out come if all the worlds coal does get burned and ends up in the air.

                It will take time but it could be in my son's life time if we don't change the way we are currently using fossil fuels.

  • JohnM :

    29 Nov 2011 2:13:35pm

    Mate, the problem isn't manmade warming at all, so forget that argument.

    It's the El Nino-Southern Oscillation that's most likely the cause, although I see that you don't give anyone any dates of events so that they can check the meteorological conditions.

    When you get condition towards or over the threshold for El Nino the seas around Tuvalu will be warm and there will be little wind from the east. You will however get plenty of cloud and plenty of rain at these times.

    When conditions are towards or over the threshold for La Nina, you get decent easterly winds, cooler seas and unfortunately the clouds and rain are well west of you.

    In 1977 conditions in the Pacific shifted and for about the next 30 years, consistent with PDO cycles, conditions on the El Nibno side of neutral dominated.

    (Who says all this? None other than NASA.)

    So quit your beat-up about man-made warming. Go back to your island and adapt.

    By the way, your island is still there isn't it? Despite the bleatings of various people for the last 15 years it was still there last time I looked.

      • Shane Guevara. :

        29 Nov 2011 2:46:06pm

        Mate, the problem, as agreed by 95% of the world's climate scientists, IS man made warming.

        You cherry picked some convenient facts to the exclusion of the research of the past 20 years to make one, very facile point which on it's own is enough to satisfy the climate deniers but would be demolished in half a second by scientific examination.

        Tuvalu is still there, but the marine life is deteriorating and thus the supply chain for the ecology upon which they depend.

        It's more than just a real estate problem.

          • David :

            29 Nov 2011 3:41:09pm

            Not really. Its almost solely a real estate problem with an increasing population only making maters worse.

          • Zong :

            29 Nov 2011 5:39:32pm

            Ha Ha

            Climate refugee is tool for Open Border supporter.

            Many powerful people want world with Open Border. That is why you win argument with Climate.

          • JohnM :

            29 Nov 2011 8:06:32pm

            Have you any evidence for your claim of a consensus?

            Anyway, only a non-scientist would claim that science is settled by consensus.

            I didn't cherry pick any data. The IPCC and climatologists everywhere recognise the Great Pacific Climate Shift. Google it if you doubt me.

            Marine life can deteriorate for all kinds of reasons; fish researchers are well aware of that. In fact the term El Nino derives from Peru and it was so named because the EN warms the waters there, and that warming reduces the fishing catch.

              • wave function :

                30 Nov 2011 6:32:40am

                JohnM, there hasn't been a debate about AGW for quite some time now. The only debate among scientists now is how much the world will warm. I know you will deny this, but this is an opinion forum, hence you are welcome to express your anti-science mantra.

              • GraemeF :

                30 Nov 2011 12:45:22pm

                Another John M claimed that due to La Nina 2011 would be cooler than 1956 yet it comes in the top ten of highest temperatures.

          • Marcus :

            29 Nov 2011 9:54:06pm

            There is no such thing a a "cherry picked fact" it's a fact or it isn't a fact.

            The details JohnM provided are more than enough to explain the changed conditions on Tuvalu - particularly in regards to the rainfall.

            Your problem is that you don't understand what is happening and blindy accept, not what the scientists are saying but what the green activist say the scientists are saying.

      • Paul W :

        29 Nov 2011 2:49:07pm

        The last time (about 3 million years ago) our planet had a CO2 concentration of about 400 ppm there was between 10 to 25 meter higher seas.

        The CO2 concentration in the last 800,000 years (the time of the glacial/interglacial cycles) has never exceeded 300 ppm until the modern time.

        The scientists who study the climate now say that just the current 0.6 C warming has increased the extremes of weather from just 1% of the planet to about 10% for the last 10 years. Also under business as usual burning of fossil fuels this increase in extremes is just the beginnings!

        The NASA satellites and land stations clearly show an increase in the down ward flux of IR radiation at the surface in the band that CO2 emits and absorbs and a reduction in that band being emitted into outer space.

        "Mate, the problem isn't manmade warming at all, so forget that argument."

        If you had cancer and a bloke in a pub said "no worries you don't need chemo drink up". Who would you give credence to, the bloke in the pub or your Oncologist?

      • Michael Rogers :

        29 Nov 2011 3:10:48pm

        What is this anonymous non credentialed 'information' without any proper citation or attribution supposed to achieve?

        Is it a practice run for an aspiring shill for the fossil fuel industry and those who finance it or just good old willful ignorance?

        The comment "Go back to your island and adapt" indicates the willful ignorance option.

        NASA data on long term sea level rise is here:

        An explanation of El Nino/La Nina and sea level is here:

        and more detail here:

        Fluctuations up and down in sea level occur due to rainfall variations but the long term gradual rise is clear from the NASA data.

      • Population conundrum :

        29 Nov 2011 3:22:37pm

        You will probably find that during the last significant La Nina cycle the population of the islands was much lower so they could better manage.

        Another problem on Tuvalu will be to do with population distribution. About half of the population reside on one small island, Funafuti which is about 2.4sqkm, about one tenth of the area of the island nation. That is about 2000 people per sqkm on Funafuti.

        If the population was spread out more evenly across the islands then you would find there wouldn't be such problems, but I image this would probably lead to conflict as these other islands won't want any additional people. Then Australia and New Zealand will find they will need to accept them anyway under the 1951 refugee convention.

      • mac :

        29 Nov 2011 3:27:18pm

        Thank you John McLean, your pet theory about ENSO being the cause of global warming has long been debunked.


          • Population conundrum :

            29 Nov 2011 4:53:53pm

            The dry period in the central Pacific is associated with the ENSO.

            When La Nina returns to El Nino then rainfall will return to these Islands. And Australia will return to a parched continent having to rely on desalination to supply its citizens with water.

      • Budovski :

        29 Nov 2011 7:57:17pm

        Mate the problem is 2 bit armchair scientists like yourself who get all their 'scientific' 'facts' from tobacco funded sources like junkscience.com.

        Seriously I wish people had to put their real names to their statements so we can remind them in 20 years how stupid they were.

  • Microseris :

    29 Nov 2011 1:49:02pm

    Tafue, I wish you the best regarding the outcome of these talks. As you know you are up against another religion to which most first world countries subscribe, money and greed. Powerful forces will ensure there is no productive outcome other than to maintain the status quo.

      • David :

        29 Nov 2011 2:22:24pm

        I would say relgion and greed are linked.

        Spread forth and multiply seems as much as a capitilist mantra as biblical ideaology

  • bunny :

    29 Nov 2011 1:47:38pm

    Yes Reverend, hop on the climate change gravy train while you still can, however I think you'll soon find that it will be off the rails and headed for oblivion.
    Perhaps you missed the latest report from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology which shows the sea level trend at Funafuti, Tuvalu since 1992. It's dead FLAT. No rise in sea levels at all since you were a boy. Oh, dear.


      • kkvAUS :

        29 Nov 2011 2:23:54pm

        In addition, has anyone looked at overfishing perhaps as a reason for decreased fish stocks? An increase in population alongside more commercialised fishing methods?

          • Population conundrum :

            29 Nov 2011 3:11:37pm

            I have read that many of the problems with the destruction of the reefs on coral islands were associated with using explosives to catch fish. This damages the coral and causes it to break up more easily during storms.

              • Budovski :

                29 Nov 2011 8:00:28pm

                Much more complex than that, but it is a factor.

      • Roy :

        29 Nov 2011 2:34:02pm

        BOM also published (in the bits grown-ups read) - Tuvalu December 2010:

        The sea level trend to date is +4.0 mm/year but the magnitude of the trend continues to vary widely from month to month as the data set grows. Accounting for the precise levelling results and inverted barometric pressure effect, the trend is +3.7 mm/year. A nearby gauge, with a longer record but less precision and datum control, shows a trend of +0.9 mm/year.

        The Merriam-Webster definition of + (plus) is:
        "having, receiving, or being in addition to what is anticipated".

          • Budovski :

            29 Nov 2011 8:01:04pm

            Thanks for the glimmer of intelligence on this topic.

      • Gary :

        29 Nov 2011 2:52:14pm

        The chart appears in BOM publication "Pacific Country Report, Sea Level & Climate: Their Present State, Tuvalu, December 2010". The executive summary states "The sea level trend to date is +4.0 mm/year but the magnitude of the trend continues to vary widely from month to month as the data set grows. Accounting for the precise levelling results and inverted barometric pressure effect, the trend is +3.7 mm/year. A nearby gauge, with a longer record but less precision and datum control, shows a trend of +0.9 mm/year.". Is it dead flat?

      • Jan1st :

        29 Nov 2011 2:57:52pm


        You are being unnecessarily obtuse in your insult to the writer.

        The BOM records relate to the water levels. If you look only at mean Tafue is referring to water temperature and lack of rain as being the cause of their current problems.

        There is not a great change in the BOM mean record but the maximum levels show a couple of severe differences. This could cause damage enough to change their fragile self sufficiency. This is not 'no rise in sea levels' but inconsistent ones rather than 'dead flat'.

        NZ Climate Scientist James Renwick points to the La Nina effect which has led to the lack of rain. This in turn has allowed heat to affect their water temperatures as Tafue pointed out.

        The problems in Tuvalu and Tokalue are complex and deserve more than casual smart remarks. I hope intelligent scientists continue to investigate their problems.

      • Michael Rogers :

        29 Nov 2011 3:26:55pm

        Oh dear. Get fed some cherry-picked data and all sorts of uniformed assumptions arise.

        For those interested here is a paper with the conclusion "the observations from Tuvalu are not
        inconsistent with the IPCC estimate of global average sea level rise."


  • wave function :

    29 Nov 2011 1:45:21pm

    Enter the denialists with their cult of commercialism.

    "Do nothing, burn all fossil fuels, ignore any warning. We can make money today, to hell with tomorrow."

      • Tawa Bobo :

        29 Nov 2011 2:36:57pm

        "Enter the denialists with their cult of commercialism."

        and in the other corner.... Some call him the Durban Dynamo, the Creature from Copenhagen, the King of Kyoto! Ladies & gentlemen, let's give it up for that hero of science & obfuscation, the Ayatollah of Alarm!!

        Extremism doesn't become you oh brother Function. Nor does it further your [noble] cause. One does not need to be a "denialist" to have concerns about the theories of GW, their application to policy or the tenuous condition of our environment.

        Cul;t of commercialism indeed! Even the most sincere global warming alarmist desires an iPad.

          • wave function :

            29 Nov 2011 5:36:14pm

            That was in interesting reply Tawa Bobo. Thanks for that. Although I should point out that I do not have an iPad, nor do I want one :)

              • Marcus :

                29 Nov 2011 9:57:42pm

                Not yet anyway. The PC still works.

          • Dazza :

            29 Nov 2011 5:42:55pm

            "cult of commercialism"??

            Now there's a new made up expression that has no basis whatsoever.

            Maybe wave function can try to explain away the cult of Gaian worship that his guru, Tim Flannery, worships at the altar of??

            Now that's definetly not made up and has a big basis straight from Flannery's mouth!!

              • wave function :

                29 Nov 2011 6:54:45pm

                Hi Dazza. Tim Flannery has some great ideas, but also some silly ones. I don't worship him at all.

                But do you really think that our capitalist society isn't a cult of commercialism? Ever seen The Truman Show? You are somewhat like him, before he worked out what was going on.

      • Greig :

        29 Nov 2011 2:50:01pm

        It is not the "denialists" saying this. It is the 5 billion people in emerging economies who want your lifestyle.

        Rant about the evils of "commercialism" all you wish. It is obvious that any actions by Australia, or agreements in S. Africa, have no chance of changing the global drive to end poverty.

          • wave function :

            29 Nov 2011 5:35:15pm

            I tend to agree with your main point Greig. Of course, that 5 billion will not achieve our lifestyle. And while ours may improve over the short term, the long term is not looking good when you consider what we are doing to the world. Rampant deforestation, 90% of large fish stocks gone, the 6th great extinction event caused entirely by us, the pacific garbage patch, extreme pollution, and AGW will only make things worse. Poverty is a problem, but it's just one piece in a massive puzzle of global problems of which we will all soon enough have to face.

  • P Q :

    29 Nov 2011 1:15:42pm

    Sorry that the corals are bleached and your nation is destroyed but to stop Global Warming would cost us jobs. Profits need to be considered and, if some people have to pay a price, it is part of the cost benefit analysis. That is the argument of those still fighting actions against Climate Change.

      • David :

        29 Nov 2011 2:07:43pm

        Australia is acting far more than other nations in regards to climate change. And our carbon emmissions will be increased as food and water is dlivered to this nation.

        Since the population of Tavalu has more than doubled since 1980 could the decline in fish possible be due to overfishing?

        Could the water be overconsumed with twice as many people wanting a drink?

          • scott :

            29 Nov 2011 2:28:40pm

            All those extra people made the coral bleach and the fish recede out to sea? Also they obviously prevented it from raining.

              • David :

                29 Nov 2011 3:46:19pm

                Clearing trees can reduce rainfall as many trees release particles which allow water to accumulate upon them. Essentially it is the natural form of cloud seeding.

                So yes people by land clearing on that island may have caused declining rainfalls.

                Extra physical stress on any organism makes is more susceptible to failure including such things as coral belaching so the increase in bleaching could well be partially linked to that.

                And fish do not go further out to sea. Their habitat changes as predators and the plants change. Predators such as humans increasing in number and increasing their consumption will remove fish from areas.

          • siila :

            29 Nov 2011 3:23:26pm

            You mentioned that the population of Tuvalu had been doubled since 80's. Have you ever ask to yourself or your country how much emission being released by them since 80's???? I guessed it more than double

              • David :

                29 Nov 2011 4:56:14pm

                Along with our population, more than likely.

                Australia emmitts alot of Carbon as a first world country. We also deliver alot of food and materials to other countries that are counted by our emmissions. For example flying water to Tuvalu would count under our carbon emmissions as well as constructing and shipping the plastic the water may be contained in and digging the mine to get materials for a ship or plane.

                In Australia our corals have not somehow bleached by 80% which may be to non dynamite fishing practices. We are however approaching if not already exceedd our population limit by looking at dam levels and the remaining water entitlements.

                We either need to produce less food in places such as the Murray river system which is ofter given as food aid by the government or release more Carbon with more energy intensive water treatment.
                Our kindness and selfish desire to grown are donig something mutually for once. Unfortuntately its our own slow destruction.

  • VoR :

    29 Nov 2011 12:58:13pm

    It's certainly in your interest to sheet home all the negative changes to climate change, because that boosts your claim on foreign money.

    But what was the population of Tuvalu when you were a boy, and what were the fishing methods? How much commercial fishing was there? Any possibility that changes in one or all of those could be affecting fish supplies?

    You say "These diseases, under control in past years, have resurfaced due to hotter temperatures, and now are becoming resistant to treatment". Any possibility they've really resurfaced due to having become resistant to treatment?

    What's the bit about "releasing funds"? Are we holding monies in some kind of Tuvalu fund?

    Your job is to get the maximum amount of foreign aid as you can for Tuvaluans, so I don't blame you for making your case the way you are, but I don't buy it either.

    Also, after the bit about Australia and New Zealand providing water to your country in the recent drought crisis, couldn't you at least have acknowledged that providing water was a wonderful thing to do? Unless of course you'd rather it hadn't been.

      • Ford :

        29 Nov 2011 1:36:58pm

        No amount of 'overfishing' causes coral bleaching or droughts.
        It's convenient to ignore the signs of AGW, far more convenient than sacrificing any of our own luxuries.

          • David :

            29 Nov 2011 2:10:10pm

            Drought is a term related to water consumption. With a doubling of population there needs to be more rainfall in order to supply the same amount of water.

            Australia has largely faced a drought. In Perth the dams are at 12%. I think we need to prioritise our water first.

          • VoR :

            29 Nov 2011 2:18:12pm

            No indeed Ford. My suggestion was that overfishing causes a shortage of fish.

            Meteorologists attribute the recent drought in Tuvalu to La Niña; this weather effect that increased the rainfall on our East coast decreases rainfall in some other geographic areas.

            Coral bleaching has potential causes too many to list here.

              • David :

                29 Nov 2011 2:43:58pm

                Not entirely true.

                Drought is not just linked to rainfall. There is also a consumption or demand component. A landscape can be in drought when it recieves less than its average rainfall. less then the average rainfall may be flood like conditions for a desert.

                With an increasing population and water demand there needs to be more rainfall to avoid a drought. This is unlikely to occur.

          • David :

            29 Nov 2011 2:23:45pm

            We will need to sacrifice our own luxuries as the population of this island and the world keeps on increasing and increasing

      • Shane Guevara. Melbourne, Aus. :

        29 Nov 2011 1:58:06pm

        It's called the Big Picture.

        AGW is a result in large part of the industrialisation of the last 250 -300 years to which Tuvalu contributed not an iota but is one of the first nations on earth to experience the vanguard of climate change.

        As to: "couldn't you at least have acknowledged that providing water was a wonderful thing to do?" reflects an attitude of "how dare you colonials not show gratitude to your masters".

        I want to thank the Reverend Tafue Lasama for his contribution to The Drum and wish him all the best.

          • David :

            29 Nov 2011 2:31:29pm

            Giving water is a wonderful thing to do for an island that will face a changing climate as the world seeks to grow and grow.

            Not too much unlike Tavalu which has grown with increasing help from people with good intentions.

            Unfortunately too much of a good thing like population growth can be dangerous.

            Is there any reason that these corals have belached by 80% when the worlds corals have not bleached that much?

          • VoR :

            29 Nov 2011 2:42:18pm

            Congratulations to you Shane for being the first sensitive colonial master to take up the cudgel on behalf of your islanders.

            Only, Tuvalu is not an Australian colony. The islanders are not our inferiors or servants, even if they are to a certain extent our dependents. (I looked it up and there is indeed a Tuvalu Trust Fund, of which we were one of the founders and are an ongoing contributor.)

            Gratitude is appropriate when you have been assisted in a time of dire need.

              • Shane Guevara. :

                29 Nov 2011 3:59:38pm

                VoR, I recognise that:

                Tuvalu was British colony and while European Australians are colonialists at the expense of the indigenous people; to keep it simple, "white Australia" is a beneficiary of industrial wealth; the indegenous in both Australia and Tuvalu, hardly so.

                It's big picture stuff; let's keep that in perspective.

          • Population conundrum :

            29 Nov 2011 3:27:57pm


            Looking at the evidence it would appear that the problems on Tuvalu have very little to do with climate change.

            Sorry if this offends.

              • Shane Guevara. :

                29 Nov 2011 4:05:29pm

                No offence taken.

                Evidence would suggest that what the good reverend is suggesting is part of a global pattern, especially what is happening regarding the bleaching of coral reefs due to acidification of the ocean waters (also happening in the Great Barrier Reef).

                Population and overfishing may account for some reduction in fish numbers, but Tuvalu does not possess the industrial fishing fleets of other nations and as we know, sovereign fishing grounds are the most trespassed areas on the planet.

      • DaveB :

        29 Nov 2011 2:30:59pm

        This is one of the more...mean spirited responses I've seen in a while.

        Fishing practices affecting fish supplies? He's already told you - the fish are leaving because the coral is dying due to higher water temperatures and increased CO2 saturation. Their fishing practices have been the same for thousands of years.

        Diseases resistant to the treatment? Huh? It's well known that hotter temperatures will result in more tropical diseases. Heck we've had doctors warning the same thing will happen here.

        I'm fairly certain that he did acknowledge Australia sending water.

        Seriously, how can you be so petty to someone who has just explained how his society and indeed very livelihood is facing destruction.

          • VoR :

            29 Nov 2011 3:45:12pm

            I didn't expect it to be universally popular, DaveB, and calling it mean-spirited is the kind of insult someone was bound to throw.

            Yes, he's already told me the problems are all due to climate change. But since that's his best line to take to maximise an increase in aid money, I am sceptical that the problems aren't due to the other potential causes which are indeed present there.

      • Andy C :

        29 Nov 2011 2:41:30pm

        "Your job is to get the maximum amount of foreign aid as you can for Tuvaluans, so I don't blame you for making your case the way you are, but I don't buy it either."

        Communities that live off the land, by the seasons, do not have the same "maximise profit" at all costs mindset that you or I might be used to. They rely on traditional farming and social capital to survive, entirely different from the independent race the top lifestyles that have come to characterise the West.

        The dire situation of the Pacific Islands is backed up by scientific research, the IPCC and recent reports from the Asian Development Bank. All predict mass disruption to the islands and subsequent migration to surrounding nations (including Australia). We can't bury our head in the sand about this, it helps no one.

          • VoR :

            29 Nov 2011 3:53:14pm

            Tuvalu is not relying on traditional farming or social capital to survive.

            It gets large amounts of aid money from a number of different countries of which Australia is but one, and also receives quite a lot of money as remittances from Tuvaluans working in Australia among other places.

            Nobody is saying they aren't in trouble.
            Australia hasn't buried its head in the sand. It contributes significantly.

  • Alpo :

    29 Nov 2011 12:57:39pm

    Dear Reverend Lusama,
    Many thanks for your testimonial. You, people of the Pacific islands, are without doubt some of the most vulnerable to the climate changes we face. It does not require much to upset your islands seriously and therefore put your lives and future in jeopardy. I hope that, in spite of the current global financial uncertainties, our and other governments may be able to come to your aid and help you adapt to the expected changes. From our part, it should be a duty to do all what we can to diminish our effects on climate, for the sake of your future and ours.

  • john byatt :

    29 Nov 2011 12:50:19pm

    Wish you lots of understanding at the talks Tafue,

    give my regards to Brenden