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julianabjornsdottir_dlIt is a crime to waste a sunny day in Iceland!� more

Click on the picture to watch an audio slideshow about the West Fjords.� more
Fjallabyggd (“Mountain Settlement”) is a skier’s dream. Its slopes are perfect for slaloming and there are also tracks for telemark skiing. Winter sporting enthusiasts can also go ice skating or rent snowmobiles. In summer, Fjallabyggd turns into a paradise for hikers. Read this special promotion about one of Iceland’s best hidden gems.� more

15.07.2012 | 08:25

Unemployment Drops Below 5 Percent

According to new statistics from the Directorate of Labor, the number of unemployed in June measured 4.8 percent, or about 8,704 individuals.


Photo by P�ll Stef�nsson.

The numbers indicate a drop of 0,8 percent, or 1,122 individuals (838 men and 284 women), from May, reports.

The unemployment rate in the countryside decreased from 4.5 percent to 3.5 percent. The highest rate of unemployment was recorded in Su�urnes, 7.5 percent down from 9.4 percent, while the lowest rate is in the northwest of the country, 1.2 percent.



farmersmarket-mosfellsdalur02_esaThe Icelandic government has been strongly criticized for not respecting international trade agreements regarding the importing of agricultural goods.� more

laptop_psA large percentage of teenage boys who are receiving mental health treatment at Landsp�tali, the national hospital, show severe symptoms of internet addiction.

reindeerherd_psThe reindeer hunting season officially commenced yesterday.� more
glymur_srThe Coast Guard helicopter was called out at 2:30 pm yesterday afternoon to transport a tourist who had broken her ankle while hiking to Glymur waterfall in Hvalfj�r�ur.

ir022012_coverThe June/July issue of Iceland Review & Atlantica features interviewes�with visual artist/perfume entrepreneur Andrea Maack, world-renowned actor/director G�sli �rn Gar�arsson, the new Minister of Finance and director of the Iceland Design Centre Halla Helgad�ttir. We discuss the Icelandic kr�na, visit the green and clean Stykkish�lmur and the burgeoning Siglufj�r�ur and find out why Iceland has become such a popular movie set. And that’s just a few examples. Subscribe now and receive a free photo book by IR’s editor P�ll Stef�nsson of the Eyjafjallaj�kull eruptions. Click here to subscribe to the magazine and here to buy a gift subscription.� more

sudden_weather_change_albumStrange hats and whimsical dramatics have their place, like all things, but every now and then it’s� nice to remember rock as it once was; dirty and rough in parts.� more
skafta_river_psIn Iceland, the night is the best part of the day to take photographs. At least according to IR editor P�ll Stef�nsson.� more
inspired_by_iceland_exhibitionThe exhibition draws on an ongoing publicity campaign promoting Iceland as a natural paradise.� more
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