Czech absolute record temperature registered near Prague - České

Czech absolute record temperature registered near Prague

Písník u Mělic na Pardubicku na snímku z 28. června. Léto, horko, vedro, osvěžení, děti - ilustrační foto.

published: 20.08.2012, 18:22 | updated: 20.08.2012 18:24:21

Prague - An absolute record temperature ever experienced in the Czech Republic, 40.4 degree Celsius, was registered in Dobrichovice, southwest of Prague, today, an expert from the Czech Hydrometeorologic Institute (CHMU) told CTK.

The so far historical maximum was 40.2 degrees registered in Prague-Uhrineves on July 27, 1983, he said.

"Local record high temperatures have been beaten at more than a half of meteorological stations [across the country]," another CHMU expert said.

In Dobrichovice, the temperature exceeded the 12-year-old local record by 4.8 degrees.

In Rez u Prahy, north of Prague, the temperature reached record 40 degrees.

In Kopisty and in Doksany, both north Bohemia, the thermometer climbed up to 39.3 and 39.1 degrees, far above the 12-year-old local records of 35.9 and 36.2, respectively.

At the Klementinum station in the centre of Prague, where temperature has been daily measured since 1775, 34 degrees Celsius were registered at 14:00 today, compared to the local record of 34.6 degrees from 1943. The record, nevertheless, still may be beaten as the temperature culminates around 17:00.

The oldest record was probably beaten in Pribram, central Bohemia, when today´s temperature, 37.6 degrees, exceeded by 5.8 degrees the local maximum from 1892.

The current extraordinary heats have been caused by an inflow of tropic air from Morocco and the Pyrenean peninsula. Later this week, the thermometer is to exceed 30 degrees also on Tuesday and Friday, while on the other days the temperature is to reach about 28 degrees Celsius, according to the CHMU´s forecast.

Author: ČTK

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