BBC News - DR Congo M23 rebels 'enter Goma city'

DR Congo M23 rebels 'enter Goma city'

M23 rebels outside Goma in eastern DR Congo (19 November 2012) Rwanda denies charges it backs the M23 rebels

A BBC correspondent has seen what seems to be a column of rebel fighters entering central Goma, the main city in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

He saw them exchange small arms fire with the Congolese army.

UN peacekeepers have denied M23 rebel claims that they are in control of the airport.

Tens of thousands of people have fled recent fighting, which has led to fears of a resumption of the DR Congo war, in which some five million people died.

This is the first time since the official end of the war in 2003 that rebels have entered Goma, which has a population of about 500,000.

Neighbouring Rwanda has denied persistent accusations that it backs the rebels.

On Monday, it accused the Congolese army of deliberately firing across the border onto its territory.

Talks rejected

The commander of United Nations peacekeepers in DR Congo, Lt-Gen Chandar Prakash, said the rebels had tried to attack his forces at the airport, but had been repelled.

Some rebels had used the cover of civilian houses to bypass the UN base there and enter the town, he said.


Our correspondent says he understands that government forces are no longer at Goma's airport, but UN forces are still there.

UN armoured personnel carriers are also driving around parts of Goma, he says.

On Monday, the government rejected a 24-hour ultimatum by M23 to withdraw its forces from Goma and enter into peace talks.

It said it would defend the city and it would only hold talks with Rwanda, saying it controls the rebels. The UN also says Rwanda is backing the M23.

On Monday, Rwandan General Joseph Nzabamwita told the AFP news agency that DR Congo had used T55 tanks and mortar bombs to fire into its territory.

Rwanda's army did not respond to the fire, he said.

Various rebels groups have been active in mineral-rich eastern DR Congo since the end of the war in 2003.

The latest conflict broke out after a mutiny in the army in April, when a group of former rebels formed the M23, also known as the Congolese Revolutionary Army.

About 500,000 people have fled the fighting since then.

The M23 is largely made up of ethnic Tutsis, the same group which dominates the government in Rwanda.

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