.TO ccTLD Becomes Worlds Shortest URL Shortener | Domain Name News (DNN)
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12|03|2009 02:43 pm EDT

.TO ccTLD Becomes Worlds Shortest URL Shortener

by Frank Michlick in Categories: ccTLDs

Until ICANN releases One Letter TLDs (no plans have been announced so far), .TO has now introduced the world’s shortest URL shortener in partnership with eCorporation.com. Unfortunately the new service comes with some problems:

When you try to access the service from your webbrowser, you can however not just enter “to” in your browser’s address bar, as that will trigger a search in most of today’s browsers. So you will have to enter “www.to” instead. So the site will also append the “www.” in front of the shortened URL and thus actually negate their advantage of having the shortest URL – however without doing so, the generated addresses would most likely not pass the validation for a valid link used on most sites. The only alternative option is to write the addresses like this “http://to./d6Goe“, which most webbrowsers will then again correctly identify as a domain.

[via YCombinator News]

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