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Avoid Dole bananas, says Oxfam

New Zealanders are being urged to be wary of buying Dole bananas after the release of a new report claiming the company's treatment of plantation workers is unethical…

Spotlight on property

Home sales sizzle in Herne Bay

The country's most expensive suburb is out of reach for many with an average house price of nearly $2 million - but sales there are still thriving.


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Sick day notes under scrutiny

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Taurima to face TVNZ bosses on future

TVNZ broadcaster Shane Taurima will talk to his bosses this week about what role he will have after unsuccessfully contesting Labour's Ikaroa-Rawhiti candidacy.

Events near and fa'a

Auckland's second and the country's third most spoken language, Samoan, is being celebrated this week.


IRD eyes 500 over low-pay dodge

The IRD is investigating up to 500 people it believes may have given themselves artificially low salaries to avoid paying the top personal tax rate.


Tech Universe: Tuesday, 28 May

SPEED CHARGE: Charging a cellphone seems to have grown quicker over the years, but Eesha Khare of California thinks it should take only 20 seconds. She's invented a…


Fire breaks out aboard cruise ship

A fire that broke out aboard a Royal Caribbean ship did enough damage that the rest of the cruise was cancelled and company said the more than 2,200 passengers aboard…


Carter set at No 10 for now

Dan Carter's short-term future in the All Blacks appears to be in the playmaker's role, despite the increasing competition from Aaron Cruden.


Belmont intensification 'madness'

Tony Keenan says his Belmont community has been left frightened and angry after learning of its role in the intensified housing proposals of Auckland Council's draft…

Small Business

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