Spice impersonators hit OZ | News.com.au
Last updated: July 09, 2013

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Spice impersonators hit OZ

 Spice impersonators at the Opera House yesterday

Famous five ... Spice impersonators at the Opera House yesterday Source: The Daily Telegraph

IT was a definite case of Wannabe when Spice Girls mania hit the steps of the Opera House yesterday.

While the spicy impersonators had passers-by doing a double take, the presence of meat on both Posh and Ginger spice's bones gave the game - a Foxtel promotional stunt - away.

Back in the headlines and bigger than ever, the real versions of the famous five will explode onto Fox8 on December 16 in a world exclusive showbiz event.

To be narrated by the chicks themselves, The Spice Girls: Giving You Everything documentary will reveal why they became four, the impact it had on each of their lives and why they decided to go their separate ways.


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