Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy


After the promulgation of the Declaration on Independence in the Parliament of the Republic of Montenegro on 3rd June 2006 and after the outcome of the Referendum held on 21st May, the Government of the Republic of Montenegro took over functions of defining and conducting foreign policy in its capacity of a sovereign state Montenegro - a subject of international law. The obligation of implementing this constitutional obligation of the Government is vested with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is given the task to define foreign policy priorities and activities for their implementation in the country and abroad. These activities will evolve in close cooperation and coordination with other authorities in state administration, the President of the Republic, Speaker of the Parliament and other relevant entities.

By changing its constitutional status, Montenegro did not change avenues of its foreign policy. On the contrary, continuity of its foreign policy strives has remained the prime quality of our foreign-policy position today. Montenegro has recognized on time the merits of neighborly relations and integration as the pledge for its successful development. In this context as independent state Montenegro got opportunity to reinforce its position in international forums and to energize and further enhance relations with its most important factors.

In terms of geographic position and population, Montenegro belongs to the ranks of smallest European states. Montenegro has developed as a stable, democratic and multi-ethnic country and it shares common values not only with the countries from its close environment but also with the whole European continent and democratic world. Montenegro, being at the crossroads of the East and the West, tied to its Balkan and Mediterranean neighbors, recognized as a stability factor and as a part of European and Euro-Atlantic integrations, is a part of one of the most dynamic settings at the moment, but also to the region with brightest perspective.

This special position and benefits derived from it have been integrated into Montenegrin foreign policy's fundamental values. Montenegro as an independent state aligns its foreign-affairs exercises with strategic state interests, or the interest of its citizens, with due respect given to the processes in the region, broader context of Europe and to global perspectives.

In compliance with that, the Government defines the following foreign-policy priorities of Montenegro:

1. Integration into the European Union and North Atlantic Alliance - NATO
2. Improving and maintaining neighborly relations and regional cooperation
3. Developing bilateral and multilateral cooperation.


Foreign policy priorities of Montenegro are mutually connected and complementary.

By means of establishing and meeting its priorities in relations with foreign countries, Montenegro will pursue integration into European and Euro-Atlantic structures and all regional initiatives, monitor global trends and seek to join them relative to its interests and capabilities; develop good relations with neighbors; establish and maintain good relations with a whole range of most developed and biggest countries in the world; at that, it will fully meet international obligations and principles it has assumed.

1. Integration into the European Union and North Atlantic Alliance - NATO

a. European Union

Strategic goal of Montenegro is integration into the European Union. This process will remain in the focus of Montenegrin foreign policy in the forthcoming period as it is the most important task in external and internal terms.

Montenegro sees the EU as the optimal framework that can accomodate further development of overall reforms, harmonization with European standards and their adoption as well as enhancement of bilateral relations with EU member states.

There is a general consensus in Montenegro about the need to integrate into the EU that gives an additional impetus for enhanced progress towards this goal. The speed of our progress in integrations will depend on dynamics of economic, political, judiciary, security and general reforms i.e. on the speed and degree to which the whole society will be engaged in it and reformed.

In the context of foreign policy, particularly important role will be given to regular political dialogue of Montenegro and EU (with member states, the EU Presidency, the EU Troika) and to a long-term harmonization of our foreign policy with common foreign and security policy of the EU.


The strategic goal of Montenegro is to join the NATO. This process will also take a certain period of time, although it is realistic to expect that it will be shorter than the process of integration into the EU.

The issue of joining the NATO and developing relations with this organization in the forthcoming period through the program Partnership for Peace and, subsequently, its mechanisms is not only one of the most important foreign policy priorities for our country. It guarantees stability and security that is necessary for achieving other strategic goals such as EU integrations. By integrating into the NATO Montenegro will get the best security framework for prevention of potential threats, challenges and risks for stability of the country, regions and broader contexts; it will promote its image of stable democracy, speed up economic development by means of attracting foreign investments in such stable security framework, and equally participate in the process of relevant decision-making. Together with other competent bodies the Government will actively contribute to broader consensus in society for the sake of better understanding and acceptance of that strategic commitment.

Integration of Montenegro in the NATO is closely tied to our integration into the EU as these are two parallel and compatible processes. Democratic institutions, rule of law, market economy, stable security situation, are necessary preconditions of each country that aspires to become member of the EU and NATO.

2. Promoting and maintaining neighborly relations and regional cooperation

Strategic integrative goals of Montenegro - integration into the EU and NATO - will not be achievable without an active role of Montenegro in regional cooperation, developing neighborly relations and conceiving each policy in regional context.

Although it borders Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Serbia and Croatia, Montenegro also counts former Yugoslav republics Macedonia and Slovenia as its neighboring countries, due to historical and regional reasons and in regional context, as well as neighbors of former Yugoslavia Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. The goal is to develop good relations and communications with mutual respect and continuous development of political, economic, security, cultural, scientific contacts and cooperation as well as of extremely important infrastructure networking. In this context special importance is attached to relations with Serbia, with whom Montenegro seeks to continue developing strong ties due to a whole range of historical, cultural and economic factors but also for their common European and Euro-Atlantic perspective. It entails the relationship of equal partnership and respect by Serbia.

It is not only that Montenegro shares the same geographical space with these countries, but also the same foreign policy goals. Our foreign policy priorities are conditioned with common work and cooperation with other countries in the region. In this context, progress of any country in the region means an incentive for the progress of Montenegro.

Montenegro supports development of regional cooperation and further advancement of cooperation mechanisms among countries of South-Eastern Europe. In this way, we strengthen individual relations with countries of the region and we help our own and region's progress in European and Euro-Atlantic integrations. Montenegro is a credible partner in all regional organizations and initiatives (SEECP, CEI, JJI, SECI, SEDM, A3+3) and it will strive for full membership into the associations in which it now has observer status. It is particularly dedicated to transformation of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe in RSS through which the countries of the region will demonstrate their readiness for regional ownership and mutual cooperation.

3. Developing bilateral and multilateral cooperation

a. Developing bilateral cooperation

In its new constitutional capacity, as a democratic and an open state, Montenegro will keep on developing political, economic and other relations with some leading countries in the world and intensity of such relations will correspond to the interests of the state, national and overall interests of Montenegro.

Montenegro has been recognized by 105 countries so far and diplomatic relations have been established with 85 countries after which considerable number of embassies were opened in Podgorica, and Montenegro started making its diplomatic-consular network throughout the world. Our goal is to foster good relations and enhance political, security, scientific and cultural cooperation. It is particularly important to develop economic relations and cooperation through the economic dimension of diplomacy, and in cooperation with other competent state authorities. Strengthening bilateral relations in all aspects will be conducive to favorable conditions for more substantive, richer and more dynamic communication with our diaspora. In the context of reinforcing bilateral relations the priorities are:

Relations with European and EU countries - Enhancing relations and cooperation with influential countries of the EU, Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, with crucial partners in international organizations and in international political arena represents a critical factor for meeting Montenegro's foreign policy objectives and for its internal development. Overall cooperation with these countries through ongoing bilateral contacts and also through European and Euro-Atlantic integrations will contribute to economic and democratic progress of Montenegro and spur the dynamic of our integrations.

Apart from mentioned countries, Montenegro fosters special and ever better and more prominent relations with other countries in Europe as well. Particular importance is assigned to better relations with Central European countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia) and Baltic and Scandinavian countries. Development of relations in political, economic and cultural sphere will be an everyday task of bilateral relations with each of these countries respectively. With small European countries (Iceland, Cyprus, Malta, Andorra, Luxemburg, Liechtenstein, Monaco and San Marino) Montenegro will develop special relations based on exchange of experience on success of small and flexible administrations.

The USA - Relations with the USA are particularly important for Montenegro. Having in mind that the USA is the most important ally in the North Atlantic Alliance and an indispensable partner in the EU and in the region and the USA plays an important role in all relevant international organizations, it is only too logical for Montenegro to dedicate considerable part of foreign policy activities to developing and enhancing partnership relations with the USA.

Russian Federation - Relations with Russian Federation are, also, of extreme importance for Montenegro. Strengthening relations with Russia in all fields and within the OSCE and UN contributes to our integration goals and to our overall progress. For Montenegro, it is very important to continue fostering traditionally friendly relations with Russia due to historic and cultural reasons.

Peoples' Republic China - Relations with PR China, which has the largest population in the world, are becoming ever more important in political, economic and security arena. Building better trade and economic relations with Being scores high on the priority list of Montenegro, particularly having in mind extremely dynamic development of Chinese economy and trade.

Countries of Mediterranean circle - Despite the fact that it belongs to South Eastern Europe, Montenegro is also one of the countries of the Mediterranean geographic, historical and civilization framework. Through its Mediterranean denomination, Montenegro will enhance present relations with all Mediterranean countries in economic, political, military and cultural field and it will particularly focus on relations with Turkey and Egypt, two leading countries in the eastern Mediterranean

Relations with other leading countries in the world - Relations with big countries such as India, Japan, Brazil, Canada will also be in the focus of attention in the process of implementation of Montenegro's foreign policy. Montenegro will through its regular diplomatic contacts dedicate its full attention to improving primarily economic, but also political and other forms of cooperation with these countries. Particular attention will be dedicated to strengthening bilateral relations with Argentina and Australia as well as with other countries where Montenegrin diaspora is concentrated.

b. Participation in activities of international organizations

As a member of relevant international organizations and financial institutions, Montenegro has already made an important step forward in relation to integrations. Membership and activities in international organizations, particularly in those that are founded on consensus enable small countries to articulate interests and needs and particularly to confirm their specific state identity. Our active participation in activities of international organizations has to a large degree been tied to preparation and progress into EU and NATO membership. Through activities in international organizations Montenegro protects and promotes its interests, participates in defining global political trends and together with countries in the region and beyond it seeks to affirm cooperation and common presentation in broader international forums.

United Nations - As the broadest global forum and the symbol of multilateralism, UN is the framework for implementation of Montenegrin foreign policy priorities. Also, through the activities of this organization and its specialized agencies (UNDP, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNESCO, UNIDO, IAAE, FAO, UNEP...), and organizations within the UN system (WHO, ILO, IMO), Montenegro uses many opportunities for support of development and cooperation (sustainable development, fulfilling Millennium development goals, capacity building in all fields) on one side, and on the other side it seeks to give contribution to activities of this organization through active participation in its main bodies and in all three main centers of United Nations - New York, Geneva and Vienna.

Council of Europe - Council of Europe as the oldest pan-European organization is an institution that Montenegro has joined recently. Correlation between CoE and EU is particularly important so that our membership and activities in the Council of Europe have strong relevance in the process of integration in the EU. Montenegro will use membership in the CoE primarily for expert support with a view of further reforming judiciary, achieving required standards in field of harmonization of national legislation with the CoE requirements, further improvement of protection of human and minority rights as well as in concluding and implementing remaining international agreements with the CoE.

OSCE - OSCE is the first international organization Montenegro joined soon after becoming independent. As a broad political-security forum that goes beyond European border, OSCE is an organization in which Montenegro can very actively and efficiently promote and protect foreign policy and general interests. Besides, by continuing its cooperation with all three dimensions of this organization (politico-security, economic and environmental) Montenegro uses programs of assistance and support of the OSCE in police reform, reform of judiciary, reduction of armament, strengthening democratic institutions.

WTO - Membership of Montenegro in the WTO, an organization that represents institutional legal framework of multilateral system of trade is one of the crucial steps towards integration of the country in modern international economic relations and it is an important element of support to the process of internal economic reforms. Also, as a necessary step in the process of association and accession into the European Union, the WTO represents an important element of development strategy both of countries in transition and developing countries.


Foreign policy priorities and values are fully dedicated to faster development and overall prosperity of Montenegrin society. Speed and success of passing some stages in that way towards final goal are directly dependent on political resolve, continuous and patient building upon available capacities and institutions as well as mobilization of all resources for meeting objectives for which there is broad social consensus, but also for those where such a consensus is yet to be brokered.

In relation to this goal Montenegro has to dedicate its attention to its representation before international partners, be it in respective countries, international organizations or other international factors. Developing and promoting perception of Montenegro as a modern, European country that belongs to the Balkan and Mediterranean civilization circle, fully shares European values and goals and that is committed to respecting all assumed international obligations, respect of human rights and development of sustainable economy - is the basis and guarantee of success of its foreign policy activities and the backbone of its positioning in the international community.

The role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and diplomatic network is of great importance for presenting Montenegro and for implementing its foreign policy priorities. That is why it is particularly important to build and develop capacities of Montenegrin diplomacy in quality way and soon. Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the first Montenegrin political tangent with foreign countries - through this Ministry the information are channeled, foreign policy activities coordinated and foreign policy designed. Also, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the progress in all fields is profiled easier and with better success and it scores as more convincing to international community and within it.

The Government defines and determines foreign policy and priorities of foreign policy and their efficient and successful implementation requires communication, coordination and complementarities of activities of all competent authorities. That function is vested with the Government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Defined foreign policy priorities of Montenegro are long-term. That will be specified through the Strategy of foreign policy that is to be approved by the Government of Montenegro. Naturally, after Montenegro joins the EU and NATO, foreign policy principles will have to be adjusted to new circumstances and new strategy will be drafted as such that it will start from the premise of membership in these organizations.

The quoted priorities reflect the needs and interests of Montenegro, primarily in political, but also in developmental terms. Also, they reflect realistic possibilities and projections of Montenegro as an independent and internationally recognized state and its long-term positioning in international arena. However, the success of Montenegro in foreign policy will primarily and to the greatest degree depend on the quality of internal reforms and economic development. In this sense, the implementation of foreign policy priorities of Montenegro is not the task of the Government and other institutions but of the society as a whole.