.GR Registry
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General Information .GR Domain Names check .gr containing Greek characters Greek version

Registration of Domain Names [.gr] In Greek Characters

The registration of Domain Names in Greek Characters (IDN) is possible under [.gr] since the 4th of July, 2005, 07.00 UTC time.

A feature of the registration procedure of these IDN domains is the concept of «Bundle». Bundled domains are the domains that differ only in punctuation but are otherwise identical to a main form.

Any domain that is a Homograph (a visually matching in the lower or upper case domain regardless of the script language) of the original registration may also become part of the Bundle.

Domain names that could be registered in each bundle are not automatically registered for the registrant but are instead excluded from the list of available domain names until this particular registrant decides to "Activate" one or more of them. The registrant may activate a homograph domain name through the registrar of the original domain name registration. The activation cost is determined by on the registrar.

Domain names that are in the same bundle are automatically redirected by the .gr zone to the nameservers of the domain name's main form. An option is available for the registrant who wants to activate one or more of the bundled names as a normal domain name.

For more info on the Domain Names in Greek characters please contact your [.gr] Registrar, the [.gr] Registry through the e-mail addresses hmaster-info@ics.forth.gr or the Hellenic Telecommunications & Post CommissionExternal link, e-mail: info@eett.gr, tel. +30 210-6151000)

For a list of the Greek characters available for registration please follow this link.

Domain names:

New Legislation for the Regulation on Management and Assignment of .GR Domain Names' (pdf) New Legislation for the Regulation on Management and Assignment of .GR Domain Names (pdf) New Legislation for the Regulation on Management and Assignment of .GR Domain Names Decision No.: 693/9 of 04/06/2013 of the Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission (EETT) - in Greek. The new legislation shall be put in force on 21st July 2013 at 11:00am Athens time (08:00 UTC).


Updated lists of geographical terms and ISO 3166-1 in the .gr Registry's system Updated lists of geographical terms and ISO 3166-1 in the .gr Registry's system

Please be informed that from 8 August 2011: a) The list of geographical terms used by the Registry is updated according to Kallikratis plan. b) The ISO 3166-1 list of the ISO organization used by the Registry is updated (version ISO 3166:2008).
Please refer to this link for more details.

[.gr] zone is signed (DNSSEC) using cryptographic electronic signatures [.gr] zone is signed (DNSSEC) using cryptographic electronic signatures

Since 15th December 2010 the [.gr] zone file as well as the zone files for the secondary level domains are digitally signed by making use of the DNSSEC technology. As the authoritative RRsets of the [.gr] zone are signed, DNS resolvers can use the public key that singed those records and thus authenticate them, which greatly improves the security and authenticity of the information returned from DNS name servers, eliminating DNS spoofing. Please refer to this link for more details.

Start of the trial period of the DNSSEC technology by FORTH-ICS, the registry of [.gr] domain names Start of the trial period of the DNSSEC technology by FORTH-ICS, the registry of [.gr] domain names

8th of March, 2010: Start of the trial period of the DNSSEC technology by FORTH-ICS, the registry of [.gr] domain names

Announcement from EETT about e-mails, sending from the [.gr] Registry to Registrants Announcement from EETT about e-mails, sending from the [.gr] Registry to Registrants Announcement from EETT External link about e-mails, sending from the [.gr] Registry to Registrants (in Greek).

Domain Names in Greek characters Domain Names in Greek characters The Registration of Domain Names in Greek characters (e.g. ίδρυματεχνολογίαςέρευνας .gr) has started on the 4th of July 2005, 10.00 A.M. Local time (07.00 UTC). Please refer to this link for more details.