Scientific publication — Finnish science and technology Information Service
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Finnish science and technology Information Service

Scientific publication

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Number of Finnish publications  and share of EU 25* and OECD publications in 1985–2005

* EU 25 refers to the current 25 EU countries  during the period under review.

Source: Thomson Scientific, NSI 1981–2005.

Number of scientific publications in OECD countries in 1995 and 2005 relative to one million population (in 1995 and 2004). Countries listed in order of the number of publications in 2005.

Source: Main Science and Technology Indicators 2006/1; Thomson Scientific, NSI 1981–2005.

Table with numbers

Number of publications

Relative to population and GDP, Finland is one of the world’s biggest publishers, ahead of such traditionally strong countries in scientific research as the UK and Germany. In 2005, Finnish researchers produced 8,300 publications, the highest figure on record. The number of publications by Finnish researchers in international esteemed scientific journals has increased 2.5-fold during the past 20 years. The growth has been fastest in the early 1990s, when the number of publications increased at around 8 per cent per annum. In the 2000s, the annual growth rate has slowed to a few per cent.

Finnish publications account for just over 2 per cent of all EU 25 publications and for just over 1 per cent of all OECD publications. Relative to population, the number of publications produced in Finland in 2005 was 1,600 per one million population. In a comparison of 30 OECD countries Finland ranked fourth after Switzerland, Sweden and Denmark. In 1995, Finland ranked fifth.

These statistics are based on the Thomson Scientific National Science Indicators (NSI) database including world publication and citation data for 1981–2005.

15.11.2007 Academy of Finland