Getting to know Czech Republic

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Facts about the Czech Republic


Getting to know Czech Republic

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Discover the Czech Republic: its culture, economic situation and standards of living. Find out unexpected aspects of the Czech Republic, a country in the very heart of Europe. Don't miss out on any of the country's natural wonders and set it into its geopolitical context. You will be amazed at how even a small European state can significantly contribute to the world's cultural heritage. To discover the Czech Republic otherwise, watch a short video.


The Czech Republic is an advanced Central European country with increasing standards of living. Its rich history has left a significant historical legacy, spectacular architecture and beautiful cultural works. Personalities of past and present times remain a source of pride for the Czech Republic. Many Czechs have received worldwide recognition in different branches of the sciences, arts and sports.

The Czech Republic has been a member state of the European Union since 2004, and is an active member of many international organizations.

The Czech Republic welcomes several millions of tourists annually. Visitors usually come seeking culture, sports or relaxation.

We would like to present you with the most interesting and important facts about the Czech Republic. You can explore general information about this country in the heart of Europe, discover its history and remarkable geography, find out what it's like to live in the Czech Republic, and get information about studying and related sciences .

Do you want to know more? Then try to discover how Czechs make the best of their natural beauties for relaxation, how they improve their health and the security of all citizens, tourists and businesspeople.

Last but not least, you should not miss the brief but intriguing glimpse into Czech culture. To be able to visit cultural sights all over the territory, you might be interested in our transport information.
Added: 03.12.2009

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