Italy donates 60 million euros to PA | Maan News Agency
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Italy donates 60 million euros to PA
Published Wednesday 04/09/2013 (updated) 05/09/2013 16:28
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RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- The Italian government announced Wednesday that it will donate 60 million euros to the Palestinian Authority over a three year period.

Head of the Foreign Affairs and International Relations Department of the Democratic party, Lapo Pistelli, made the announcement during a meeting with PA minister of finance Shukri Bishara.

Pistelli said the Italian government would continue to support the Palestinian people, with special emphasis on the Gaza Strip and Area C.

The donation will support projects in the health sector and the empowerment of women.

1 ) Mel / USA
04/09/2013 17:53
Oh shucks! Did they get those crumbs from Berlesconi's Bunga-Bunga parties?
Italy! Don't be such a passive collusionist coward! DEMAND Israel/USG ends its 67ys persecution,occupation,land/resource theft & its Islamophobic holocaust on non-Jews,finally &completely;!Then Palestine/Gaza will be free to trade,educate,work,earn,live with dignity,economy ,mobility,autonomy & won't need your corrupt guilt-blood-LIRA's!

2 ) Libra - scales of justice / United Kingdom
05/09/2013 09:48
Nations are beginning to see the light - another Nation is giving money to Palestine for health sector and empowerment of women. Thank you Italy.

3 ) Sentinella / Italy
06/09/2013 11:14
It is not alot, but it is already too much, italy is in crisis, they don't need to give money to anybody, specially AP that is corrupted and palestinans that really dont try to build p an autonomus economy and a state

4 ) Angelo / Italy
06/09/2013 14:29
Oh shucks! Mel..... you really think we have still lira? You really think We be all the same of mister B,? Oh shucks! Mel..... Then you can be the same of the past "blow" president, or the "pace nobel" who wants to bomb Syria... Oh shucks! Mel... You are the same of the long list of presidents "free elected" case fatality from the club skull and bones! Oh shucks! Mel..... wipe your mouth before speaking of the Italian people... and watch yourself first. After do it, think different.

5 ) Franxx / Italy
06/09/2013 18:04
Personally, I don't think it's the right moment for this, since we have already lots of internal problems and a huge economical crisis. We could send technical help as in technicians, doctors and so on, but money? Sorry, we are in deep s t so we don't need to splurge money away... Shame on the Italian government!
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