Weather statistics for Reykjavik, Capital Region (Iceland) –
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Weather statistics for Reykjavik, Capital Region (Iceland)

Reykjavík weather station: 52 m.a.s.l., 1.0 km away from Reykjavik

Average temperature per month

Graph explanation.

Explaination to the graph:
Max temperature: Average max daily (24h) temperature per month
Minimum temperature: Average minimum daily (24h) temperature per month
Average temperature: Average daily (24h) temperature per month.
The temperature normals are measured in the period 1961–1990.
Les mer om normaler her

Source: WMO

Average days with precipitation per month

Graph explanation.

The graph shows average amount of days (24h) with precipitation during a month. When precipitation has surpassed 1mm per day (24h) it is defined as a day with precipitation. The mean period is 1961–1990.

Source: WMO
Tabular view for temperature and precipitation per month
Temperature Precipitation
Months Normal Warmest Coldest Normal
January -0.6°C 1.9°C -3.1°C 14
February 0.1°C 2.6°C -2.4°C 14
March 0.3°C 3.1°C -2.1°C 15
April 2.8°C 5.5°C 0.3°C 11
May 6.3°C 9.3°C 3.6°C 11
June 8.9°C 11.7°C 6.4°C 10
July 10.7°C 13.6°C 8.5°C 10
August 10.3°C 13.1°C 8.0°C 12
September 7.5°C 10.3°C 5.2°C 12
October 4.3°C 6.8°C 2.1°C 13
November 1.3°C 3.6°C -1.0°C 12
December -0.1°C 2.4°C -2.6°C 13