Kazakhstan’s population increases by 1.7 per cent over a year

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Kazakhstan’s population increases by 1.7 per cent over a year

15 August 2013 18:21 Astana

Kazakhstan's population has increased by 1.7 per cent, amounting to 17.280 million as of July 1, chairman of the Statistics Agency Alikhan Smailov said.

"As of July 1, 2013, the population of the country amounted to 17.280 million including an urban population of 9.350 million people (54.9 per cent) and rural population - 7.677 million (45.1 per cent). In January-June 2013, the population of the whole country increased by 118,800 (0.7 per cent), while compared with July 1, 2012 the population grew by 234,700 (1.4 per cent), Smailov said.
In January-June 2013, the civil registration bodies registered 188,600 births or 0.6 per cent more than in the corresponding period of 2012. The crude birth rate was 22.3 per 1000 people.
In January-June 2013, the number of deaths in the country amounted to 70,400, which is 2.8 per cent less than in January-June 2012. The crude death rate per 1000 people was 8.3. In January-June this year, the number of infant deaths under one year old was 2228. Compared to the same period last year, the number of child deaths decreased by 17.5 per cent.
The main cause of infant mortality according to statistics, are conditions originating in the perinatal period resulting in the deaths of 1275 babies, or 57.2 per cent of the total deaths. Those with congenital anomalies numbered 402 or (18 per cent), 159 (7.1 per cent) - from respiratory diseases and 109 (4.9 per cent) from accidents, poisoning and injuries, Trend reports.
A surplus of migration was observed. The number of arrivals to the country exceeded the number of emigrants by 655 or 6.5 per cent. In January-June this year, the number of arrivals in Kazakhstan decreased by 33.5 per cent to 10,663 persons, while the number of emigrants from Kazakhstan decreased by 19.4 per cent to 10,008 people compared with the same period in 2012.
As for inter-regional movements, a positive migration balance was observed in the six regions of the country: Astana (4957), Almaty (2111), Almaty region (3004), Mangistau (943), Atyrau (261) and Pavlodar region (237), Alikhan Smailov said. 

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