El Salvador | Ethnologue

El Salvador

El Salvador
A country in Americas
The number of individual languages listed for El Salvador is 5. Of these, 4 are living and 1 is extinct. Of the living languages, 2 are institutional, 1 is developing, and 1 is dying.
Official Name
Republic of El Salvador, República de El Salvador

6,289,000 (2013 UNDESA)

Principal Languages
Literacy Rate
82% (2010 UNESCO)
Immigrant Languages
Chinese (1,300), Poqomam, Turkish (500)
Deaf Population
General References
Campbell 1997
Language Counts
The number of individual languages listed for El Salvador is 5. Of these, 4 are living and 1 is extinct. Of the living languages, 2 are institutional, 1 is developing, and 1 is dying.