Help us raise funds for Spinal Cord Injury - Wings for Life World Run - Wings for Life World Run
Take partSign upMay 8
Wings For Life


Spinal cord injury must become curable

Wings for Life is an international not-for-profit spinal cord research foundation. Our mission is to find a cure for spinal cord injury. We fund world-class scientific research and clinical trials around the globe aimed at healing the injured spinal cord.


Three things you should know

Spinal cord injury is one of the most devastating injuries that can occur to a person. The injury does not only impact the ability to move your limbs, it also causes a large number of health-related complications and limitations in daily life. The following problems are just the tip of the iceberg.   


A high number of people affected suffer severe pain, which is constant over months and years. Even with pharmacological therapies or other treatments this pain is difficult or even impossible to control.


A spinal cord injury can severely limit the ability to control the bladder. Patients may not be able to store urine or empty their bladder fully. They need to wear protective underwear or use a catheter to urinate.


Healthy people are able to maintain a constant body temperature through dilation and constriction of their blood vessels. If this function is impaired, patients can overheat in hot environments and freeze at low temperatures.


Providing hope for people affected

Highly qualified scientists around the globe are working on solutions. Their discoveries provide hope that it will be possible to improve the quality of life of people with spinal cord injuries, and bring about their recovery.

Advancement in spinal cord research is largely based on private initiatives and public donations. The injury is not considered a widespread condition, therefore government support or funding from pharmaceutical companies is limited.


Your support makes a difference

Millions of people with spinal cord injuries share a single dream. Through taking part in the Wings for Life World Run you can help us to make this dream a reality. 

  • 100% of your entry fee* goes to life-changing research projects aimed at healing the injured spinal cord 
  • All administrative costs of the event and foundation are kindly covered by the Red Bull company 

* Wings for Life Spinal Cord Research Foundation, invests an amount equal to the value of entry fees, net of VAT, to spinal cord research projects

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GarminBF GoodrichPUMA
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