Bash Street added to line-up of “The 21st Bath Film Festival” | Melanie C Online

Bash Street added to line-up of “The 21st Bath Film Festival”

  • Tuesday, 18 October 2011
  • Ben
  • zero

Remember the “Viva Life” song Melanie recorded for “Bash Street” ?

Great news! Bash Street the movie, has been added to the line-up of the “Bath Film Festival“, which is one of most prestigious film festivals!!

BASH STREET – a low budget feature film shot in Chippenham about anytown has been accepted into the prestigous Bath Film Festival 2011! For ONE SCREENING ONLY, you can get to see it on Tuesday 15th November, 8pm at KOMEDIA, Westgate, Bath.

Tickets are limited to venue capacity so booking in advance is recommended either on line at (available from 21st October) or through the ticket office on 01225 463 362 or 0871 9025735 ticket prices £8 / £6. The screening with close with a Q&A with the films Director and guests. The film is a 18 certificate with strong languate.  For more information about the film and its methodology please log onto

Is Viva Life still missing in your Melanie C collection?

Not to worry, to get your hands on a BASHSTREET DVD, you can pledge a donation to Kandus community organisation (min £10 plus P&P) for your own copy. P&P inside the UK is £1.35 within Europe £2.00 and outside Europe £2.75. The DVD features the full sound track including the very special signature track titled ‘VIVA LIFE’ with vocals by Melanie Chisholm. More info can be found here!

How can I book for the festival ?

Public booking (including online booking) will be open from Friday 21st October, follow this link!

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