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Press conference for the Head Coaches of teams Finland and Kazakhstan

04.04.2015 00:28
Views: 96
After-match press conference for the Head Coaches of teams Finland and Kazakhstan.
Antti Parviainen, the Head Coach of team Finland:
- It was equal struggle in the first half. We felt confident at first, could lead the score and went for a break with one more goal than our opponents.  At the beginning of the second half Kazakhstan started to play more persisiting, and it's got harder for us. More than that we didn't manage to use our own moments.
- What exactly you couldn't do in the game today?
- It's been our 5th match against Kazakhstan this season. We had won three game before, the meeting at the group stage was with a drawn score. Although we lost a series of 12 meter long shootouts. The main thing today is that we couldn't win. However in general we see that we can withstand team Kazakhstan and have a row of victories in future
- What thoughts are you finishing the tournament with?
- The tournament showed that there are four strong teams in the world bandy: Russia, Sweden, Kazakhstan and Finland. The difference in the level between them and other teams is still great. Our withstanding against team Kazakhstan happened to be very tense. We surely believe that within a few years we will be able to rise to a higher level, leave Kazakhstan behind and compete with Russia and Sweden with more confidence.
- Do you think the teams had better have a day off before the match for the third position?
- Yes, it's a good question. In general the tournament was hard for us. First the long way we did to come here, a big difference in time, then we had to play every day. Some of our players hadn't practised the game for 6 weeks before the Championship. However, in a whole it's good that the World Championship is held right after national championships in Russia, Sweden and Finland. As for a day off, it would be nice. You could see in both teams that they were tired.
- You've told that four teams excel others obviously. Do you think it's a problem? Maybe it'll be reasonable to change the formula of world championships in order other teams to get more chances?
-  I'm happy to see new countries in bandy. When I was a coach at the world championship for the first time, there were just four teams. Today we've got much more. Russian bandy players are professional, Swedish are half-professional, and Finnish are amateur. The rest underreach our amateur level. In general it's a very big question. Visiting various Russian cities I'm happy to see that bandy there is on the high level. I want to thank the Russians for that. This tournament is the best I've ever been to. I appreciate again and again everybody - organisers, volunteers, supportes and journalists.
- Is this crew-neck sweater a lucky one for you
- Considering today's result it is maybe more unlucky. You know I'm superstitious, and always try to wear the same clothes I put on the days of our team's  victories.
- Will you invite us for coffee next year?
- I hope so. If we speak about Ulianovsk, I'm not sure I'll work there. However I want to invite all of you for coffee. I've known some journalists for several years. And coffee? It's one of a few things Finland excels Russia.
Aleksei Nikishov, the Head Coach of team Kazakhstan:
- First of all I'd like to thank all the spectators who have supported our team. I appreciate the organisers for a wonderful tournament. Thanks to journalists who cover all the events, thanks to our opponent in the match for bronze. In today's match we nearly repeated what we had watched in our every game, - we lost a lot, we brought goals to our own gate ourselves. But we were lucky a little bit more today
- It's not the first year team Kazakhstan has won the medals at the world championship. Does this fact influence positively on promoting bandy in your country
- To my mind there are some positive movements. Now we are creating the system. In ten regions out of seventeen in Kazakhstan bandy has been developing. We do it so that the teams from 17 regions participate regularly in the national championships. They are assembling the second plant in the country for artificial ice in Uralsk. This issue is covered for 99%.  Our capital Astana has been developing very fast. And I won't be surprised that in the nearest future we'll have a team there too
- Aleksandr Nasonov hadn't scored any goals in the previous matches of the tournament. Today he did it five times. What happened to him?
- Aleksandr Nasonov is one of the bandy players who can decide individually the result of a match. He prepared for this match really very seriously. I can't say he was useless in previous matches. He took part in creative actions of the team, gave some passes. One more example is Sergei Pochkunov. He scored few goals after New Year, but today he did a hat-trick. Forwards are vulnerable people. If they don't score, they may lose their confidence. At the same time, being a coach I see and appreciate all rough work they do, I'm satisfied with it.

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