INSIDE LONGWOOD - Key habitations in St. Helena

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The island of St. Helena

Longwood House

Other sites in the island

Main habitations

Below is a list of key habitations in St. Helena during Napoleon's captivity, by alphabetical order, with their successive occupants (except for Longwood House which is covered by another link - see on the left of the screen):

Alarm House Wynyard couple, and Sir Thomas Reade
Alarm House
Alarm House (courtesy "d'Hautpoul")
Beale Cottage See "Terrace Knoll" below
Bertrand Cottage
The Grand-Marshal lived there from 1816 with his family, after they moved out from Hut's Gate
The cottage is located inside Longwood custodial "freedom" perimeter, next to�New Longwood, at about a hundred paces down from Longwood (Old) House
The buildding has been restored by the St. Helena National Trust and now renamed "Longwood Farmhouse"
Bertrand Cottage - Longwood
Briars (The Briars) The Balcombe family, then Admiral Plampin, then Admiral Lambert
The "pavillion" where Napoleon lived is the small house that can be seen at the center of the engraving, closest from the waterfall in the background
St Helena - The Briars
The Briars property
Castle (Jamestown) Admiral Cockburn, then Sir Thomas Reade
St Helena - The Castle
Entrance of "The Castle" in Jamestown
(source: The Friends of St. Helena)
Chubb's Springs Captain James Bennett & his family

Deadwood Farm Breame, the East India Company's farmer
Half Moon House The family of deceased lieutenant Richard Knipe; his very beautiful daughter was nicknamed "Bouton de Rose" (i.e. "Rosebud") by Napoleon and his suite�
Half Moon House
Ruins of "Half Moon House"
(from a photo taken by Michel Dancoisne-Martineau)
Horse Pasture Farm, or Woodlands West The family of Samuel Knipe, farmer, brother of the�deceased lieutenant Richard Knipe
Hutts' Gate Major Harrison, with a guard post and stores
Hutts Gate Store
Huts (or Hutts) Gate stores
Kent Cottage Rev. Richard Boys
Kent Cottage
Kent Cottage (photo c.1900, at the times of the Boers captivity)
Knollcombe George Bingham, then Pine-Coffin
The house for the chief of the armed forces

St Helena - Knollcombe
Knollcombe (at the centre of the engraving)
Knoll House Dr Alexander Baxter, then Dr Thomas Shortt
Maldivia Colonel Hodson (nicknamed "Hercules" by Napoleon)

St. Helena - Maldivia
Mason's Stock House
Lieut. Reardon, and a guards post
This house was a stock house belonging to Miss Mason.
It was later acquired by Janish, an emigrant from Germany who was secretary for Sir Hudson Lowe, and renamed "Teutonic Hall"
The house is in ruins today
Teutonic Hall
Teutonic Hall
Mount Pleasant William Doveton St. Helena - Mount Pleasant, Sandy Bay
Mount Pleasant,with Doveton's house and the rock so-called "Lot" in the background; the valley that can be seen on the left of the engraving goes down to Sandy's Bay
New Longwood House
The house was built as the future "palace" for Napoleon and his suite, as a replacement of the old Longwood House which was in a very bad state
Napoleon died before moving in it.
The house contained 56 rooms, of various sizes, over an area of about 2200 sq.ft.
The original building was destroyed in 1947.

New Longwood
New Longwood
Orange Grove Miss Mason
Plantation House Governor sir Hudson Lowe, his family, and his staff
The house belonged to the East India Company for the official residence of their governor of the island
St. Helena - Plantation House
Plantation House
Porteous House (Jamestown) A house where Napoleon spent his first night at St. Helena;�Bertrand and�Montholon families lived there until their removal to Hut's Gate and Longwood respectively in December 1815; it was nicknamed the "Portions" house by Countess de Montholon, due to its numerous small rooms
After them, the marquis de Montchenu and his ADC, de Gors, resided there
Wellesley, future Duke of Wellington, also stayed there when he returned from India to assume the command of the troops during the Peninsula War
The house was destroyed by a fire in 1862, and has been rebuilt since
Jamestown - Porteus House
Porteous House
Post Office Admiral Malcolm and his wife Jamestown, Post Office
Post Office in Jamestown c.1900 (source: The Friends of St. Helena)
Prospect House
Thomas H. Brooke (the Secretary of the Council of St. Helena)

St. Helena - Prospect House
Prospect House
Red Hill
Lieut. David K. Pritchard

Robinson Farm Robinson, a farmer, and his family; the house was located in a valley down next to Longwood; the farmer's daughter, a local beauty, was nicknamed "La Nymphe" by Napoleon House of The Nymph family
The house of "La Nymphe" is the one in ruins on the right
Rock Cottage
House located near Plantation House and Rosemary Hall; it belonged to�Balcombe

Rock Rose Cottage, or Rock Rose Hill
Pritchard widow; the house is located in the southern part of the island, and is now in ruins; Napoleon visited it with Gourgaud on the 6th January 1816, after running off from Capt. Poppleton
St Helena - Rock Rose Cottage
Rock Rose Cottage (courtesy "d'Hautpoul")
Rose Cottage
Greentree family; the house was located at Mount Pleasant, near Doveton's house
It belonged to Greentree, a member of the Council, who married Doveton's daughter; Napoleon met with her when he visited her father, at Mount Pleasant, in October 1820
St. Helena - Rose Cottage
Rose Cottage c.1902 (source: Museum of Longwood)
Rosemary Hall The Russian and Austrian commissioners, Balmain and St�rmer, lived there; the French commissioner, Montchenu, lived in Jamestown St. Helena - Rosemary Hall
Rosemary Hall
Ross Cottage The house was not far from Plantation House, and could be Rock Cottage (it may have been renamed "Ross Cottage" after his first occupant was Captain Ross, commander of the Northumberland);�Las Cases and his son Emmanuel were lodged there, before their departure from the island; then Sergeant Snell and his wife were lodged there
Sane Valley Cottage The house is located near Hutt's Gate, and belonged to Dr Kay, the Company's medical officer in the island; his daughter, Martha, married Denzil Ibbetson

St Matthew's Vicarage A small house which belonged to�St Matthew Church at Hutts' Gate; the Bertrand family was lodged there before they were moved inside Longwood perimeter; then Denzil Ibbetson lived there with his new wife
Terrace Knoll
A house near Rosemary Hall, belonging to Mr. Beale, where Gourgaud�was lodged after his departure from Longwood, until he left the island

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