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Ecological Footprint Explorer

Every year, Global Footprint Network publishes the National Footprint Accounts, including the Ecological Footprint and biocapacity for over 200 countries and regions. Explore the 2017 Edition of the National Footprint Accounts.

Global Footprint Network

Supply and Demand

Our time-series graphs map out the gap between human demand on nature (Ecological Footprint) and nature’s capacity to meet that demand (biological capacity) for nearly 150 countries from 1961 to 2013. A country is running an ecological deficit if its Ecological Footprint exceeds its biocapacity. It has an ecological reserve if its biocapacity exceeds its Footprint.

Footprints by Land Type

On the demand side, the Ecological Footprint measures a country’s use of cropland, forests, grazing land, and fishing grounds for providing resources and absorbing carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels. On the supply side, biocapacity measures how much biologically productive area is available to regenerate these resources and services. Our data breaks down the Footprint and biocapacity by these surface areas for nearly 150 countries from 1961 to 2013.

Ecological Wealth of Countries

Ecological resources are at the core of every country’s long-term wealth. Yet population growth and consumption patterns are putting more pressure on these critical assets. Generate bar graphs to compare the ecological assets and consumption patterns of countries by year.

Sustainable Development

Sustainable human development will occur when all humans can have fulfilling lives without degrading the planet. Combining the Ecological Footprint with the UN Human Development Index gives clear minimum conditions for moving toward this goal.


Public Data Package

Global Footprint Network’s Public Data Package includes latest year data results and quality scores, convenient, sortable tables, and additional background information and definitions.