Kurdish Academy of Language | enables the Kurdish language in new horizon
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KAL is an ELECTRONIC NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION (e-NGO) and has been initiated on independent volunteering bases as a global open network since 1993. Members with skills in linguistic, and information technology are sharing their thoughts around Kurdish linguistic issues. They seek information, solutions and focus on a future for better understanding of the Kurdish language. KAL is a community of people who has responded to this crucial question of our society.

"Herwekí me cend jaran gotiye yekitiya mileté kurd bi yekítiya zimané kurdí téte pé. Di yekítiya zimané de gava péshín jhí yekítiya herfan e. Yaní jhi bona nivísandina zimané miletekí divét zana ú xwendewarén wí miletí bi tevayí jhi bona zimané xwe elfabeyeké bibijhérin ú heke di wí zimaní de cand zar hene, zar hemí bi wé elfabé béne nivísandin."

"As I have noted before, the Kurdish nation will converge via a unified Kurdish language. The prerequisite of a unified Kurdish language is a unified Kurdish alphabet. This means that the Kurdish scholars and the literati need to develop a writing system that allows all speakers hailing from every Kurdish dialect to use that writing system."

Jeladet Alí Bedir Xan, Hawar, hejh 9, 1932

Mír Jeladet Alí Bedir Xan  Northern Kurdish text book  Central  Kurdish text book Southern Kurdish text book Tewfíq Wehbí Beg
A Unified Alphabet the ultimate solution to Kurdish language issue
Alfabéyekí Yekgirtú careserí yekjarí bo késhey zimaní Kurdí
ئه‌لفوبێیه‌كی یه‌كگرتو چاره‌سه‌ری یه‌كجاری بۆ كێشه‌ی زمانی كوردی

How can I get involve with projects such as KAL and KURDISTANICA so that I might be able to contribute to this good cause?

One thing that Individuals/organisations can do to support projects like KAL and KURDISTANICA is to ask their friends, colleagues or fellow organizational members to get involve in turning hard copy material into electronic (scanning, typing etc.). If you are conversant in other relevant languages, you can help translate texts from English into Persian, Turkish, Arabic (and vice versa), as well as proof-reading English translations. These types of contribution make the information available to all others whose linguistic knowledge is limited.

تۆفیق وه‌هبی له‌ بیره‌وه‌ریه‌كانی د. نووری تاڵه‌بانی

ئه‌كادیمیای كوردی ئێواره‌ كۆڕێكی له‌ 13 /2 /2013 بۆ دكتۆر نووری تاڵه‌بانی، سه‌رۆكی ئه‌كادیمیای كوردی ڕێكخست بۆ گێڕانه‌وه‌ی بیره‌وه‌ریه‌كانی له‌گه‌ڵ زانای گه‌وره‌ی كورد تۆفیق وه‌هبی به‌گ.
سه‌ره‌تا د. نه‌جاتی عه‌بدوڵڵا، سكرتێری ئه‌كادیمیا به‌ كورتی باسی ژیاننامه‌ و به‌رهه‌مه‌كانی تۆفیق وه‌هبی كرد، دواتر د. نووری تاڵه‌بانی به‌ وردی كه‌وته‌ گێڕانه‌وه‌ی بیره‌وه‌ریه‌كانی له‌گه‌ڵ ئه‌و زانا گه‌وره‌یه‌ی كورد و گوتی، به‌خته‌وه‌ربووم كه‌ له‌و ماوه‌ی له‌ (له‌نده‌ن) بووم، له‌ نزیكه‌وه‌ تۆفیق وه‌هبی به‌گم ناسیوه‌، یه‌كه‌م جار له‌ هاوینی ساڵی 1973دا چووته‌ سه‌ردانی، له‌ ئاهه‌نگی نه‌ورۆزی ساڵی 1974 چاوی پێكه‌وتۆته‌وه‌، به‌ڵام له‌ سه‌ره‌تای ساڵی 1975ه‌وه‌ هه‌فته‌ی جارێك سه‌ردانی كردووه‌، چونكه‌ هاوكاریی كردووه‌ له‌ دانانی فه‌رهه‌نگێكی قانوونی كوردی. له‌ درێژه‌ی قسه‌كانیدا د. نووری گوتی ئه‌وه‌ی لێره‌دا ده‌یگێڕیمه‌وه‌ قسه‌كانی خۆیه‌تی، له‌گه‌ڵ چه‌ند ڕووداوێك، كه‌ به‌ ئه‌مانه‌ته‌وه‌ منیش ده‌یانگێڕمه‌وه‌.

کۆنفرانسێک لە رۆژى جیهانى زمانى دایک لە زانکۆى کۆیە

 زانكۆى كۆيە لە يادى رۆژى جيهانى زمانى دايك، كۆنفرانسێكى زانستى يەك رۆژە لە بارەى زمان سازدەكات. ئەم کۆنفرانسە بە مەبەستى بەشداريكردنە لە زياتر ناساندنى زمانى كوردى و دەرخستنى ڕەسەنایەتییەكەی تا لە ئاستى کۆمەڵگای کوردی و جیهاندا جێگەى شايستەى خۆى بگرێ. هەروەها هاوكاريكردنى بیروڕای ئاکاديمی لە پێناو کارا کردنی زمانی کوردی کە بە شێوەیەکی گونجاو ببێتە ئامرازی پەیوەندی لە کۆمەڵگای فرەزاری، فرە ئایینی و فرەچەشندا، کە وەک بۆشایی و پێویستییەکی سەردەمیانە لە هەرێمی کوردستاندا هەستی پێدەکرێت.

Understanding the Truth

Têgeyştinî Rastî (Understanding the truth) was a semiweekly newspaper published by the command of the British army in Iraq in 1918–19. At the time, Britain was at war with the Ottoman Empire, which had ruled Iraq since the 16th century. When British forces began advancing north toward the Iraqi Kurdistan region in the spring of 1918, the paper became the mouthpiece of the British Empire, propagandizing in support of British positions when dealing with political, social, and cultural issues. The paper sold for one ana, or four fils, a very small amount at the time.

Ibn Khallikan’s Biographical Dictionary

Abu-l ‘Abbas Ahmad Ibn Khallikan (1211–82 AD, 608–81 AH) was a Kurdish Muslim jurist who lived in present-day Iraq, Syria, and Egypt. Wafayat al-a’yan wa-anba abna az-zaman (Obituaries of eminent men and history of the contemporaries), better known as Ibn Khallikan’s biographical dictionary, is the book on which its author’s fame rests. Considered a work of the highest importance for the civil and literary history of the Muslim people, it occupied Ibn Khallikan from 1256 until 1274.

The front page of KURDISTAN

The front page of KURDISTAN

This is the front page of KURDISTAN,
The first Kurdish Newspaper published on Thursday 21st of April 1898

Thursday 30th of Dhū al-Qa'da (ذو القعدة) year 1315, Islamic Calendar

Thursday 9th of Nisan year 1314, Ottoman Turkish Calendar (Rumi Calendar)

The History of Kurdish Language

The unprejudiced academics that study Kurdish history are united in the view that the Kurds are an ancient race (1). The Kurds have lived for many thousands of year’s -even longer than written documentation can reflect-in a land that has been described as the 'cradle of human civilisation'. We need only think of Jewish and Islamic mythology, which designates Mount Judi (Cudi) in Kurdistan as the resting place of Noah's ark (2); we know from history that in the land of the Kurds and its surrounding territories numerous advanced civilisations existed, such as that of Mesopotamia, of the Hittites, the Hurrites; the Karduchi, the Mittanis, the Parthians, and the Sassanids.

Kurdish Orthography, a historical view

Like other non-Arabic speaking peoples who adopted the Arabic alphabet after the Islamic conquest of the seventeenth century, Kurds have started using a modified version of the Arabic script to suit the phonemic system of their language from the beginning of the last century. The changes introduced before the present century were modest compared to the extensive reform carried out especially since the 1920's. The Arabic version of the Kurdish alphabet with all its practical difficulties is now to a great extent standardized, although spelling remains a serious problem. This section view a historical as well practical usage of existing Kurdish orthographies.

Education of Kurdish Language

Modern formal schooling, which is usually structured in the form of primary, secondary and higher education, relies on the extensive use of written and oral language. To achieve any degree of success, the teaching/learning process must be carried out through a standard medium of instruction. In fact, school functions, and is generally accepted, as the most visible authority on the accepted "norm" of the language.

Alignment in Kurdish: a diachronic perspective

Geoffrey L. J. Haig, June 2004

In 1995, when I first began to learn Kurdish, my interest was captivated by the feature commonly referred to as ergativity in the past tense of transitive verbs. Although it was familiar to me in an abstract fashion from the linguistic literature, actually using a language with that particular feature is a very different matter. However, at a fairly early stage I came to the conclusion that ergativity in Kurdish was a largely superficial phenomenon, something manifested in the morphology, but without apparent ramifications for the syntax.

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