Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, Karen (left), sail by the Opera House with New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian during a cruise on the harbor in Sydney on April 23, 2017.

Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, Karen (left), sail by the Opera House with New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian during a cruise on the harbor in Sydney on April 23, 2017. | AP Photo

Pence cutting Pacific trip short

Vice President Mike Pence will be back in Washington from his Pacific trip Tuesday, one day earlier than scheduled, it was announced Sunday night.

According to a pool report late Sunday, one of Pence's aides "cited the amount of issues on deck in Washington this week — between health care, the continuing resolution and tax reform."

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The vice president had been scheduled to visit the USS Arizona memorial at the Pearl Harbor site in Hawaii on Tuesday, but he will be leaving Hawaii on Monday instead.

Traveling with his wife Karen and daughters Audrey and Charlotte, the vice president arrived in Pago Pago, American Samoa, on Sunday.

Pence has been traveling around the Pacific Rim, including stops in South Korea and Japan that put him in the teeth of the ongoing tension with North Korea over nuclear weapons. The vice president also visited Indonesia and Australia.